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the other cars ahead

This year at 21:40 on January 4, Pukou police brigade received 110 orders, said Pu Wu in a mixing station across the road, there are two cars collided. Traffic police rushed to the scene and found a license plate for the Su Yang turned AU Mazda car in middle of the road, the car damage is serious; the other one with Nanjing plate Chevrolet sedan parked in front of the front two wheels tire, knocked flat on the right side, the driver Wu disappeared, the scene found no casualties. Thorough police investigation found that the driver Zhou Mazda car drunk driving, after being Chevrolet overtaking, for the former girlfriend and classmate to save face, and the Chevrolet sedan on the road speed of the whirlwind,finished down after a passenger car left the station, causing the two vehicles collided,hogan outlet, and finally actually also looking for people "fucking." Currently, Zhou and Wu were arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving, "fucking" Zhou was also arrested for a crime to take coercive measures.

Was not convinced overtake overtaking each other constantly flashing provocation

Traffic police rushed to the scene, after a preliminary investigation, the original two-car driver due to open "pique car" accident caused by a collision. According to reports,woolrich donna, the evening 9:00, Zhou driving Mazda sedan, with a girlfriend and classmate Zhang Yang traveling to sing along Austin Avenue PuKou hillside,plus poor health, through a hillside road intersection when he was a Chevy compact sedan affixed to the body beyond, let Zhou and fellow passengers suffered a "shock." At this point, Zhou think the other is to show their driving skills,moncler sito ufficiale, but also let him in front of his girlfriend and students lose face,workers A strong, and my heart grew more and more convinced,have a heart." Then, immediately in front of the throttle Kuangzhui Chevrolet sedan. When about to catch up with each other,moncler outlet, Zhou deliberately made the car lights flashing in front of provocative actions. Chevrolet car driver course,repair after gastric surgery, had come to understand the car, so it seems that this two pilots reached a "tacit understanding",hogan 2014, respectively,moncler sito ufficiale, at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour race each other around, refused to give.

Sit on the ground after the crash abandoned the vehicle and fled scared to call the other side

Soon,woolrich prezzi, the two drove together on a rather high speed, the other cars ahead, Wu open to the tile after Hall Interchange, also deliberately reduce the speed, shake off windows, put his left hand out of the window "thumbs down "The provocative action,peuterey prezzi, once again aroused anger Zhou, he accelerated forward. Pukou police called out monitoring display, the two sides actually speed of 160 km per hour after the pediment in time, not when hand in hand. But in the end, Zhou did not go beyond the Chevrolet sedan. Under the frantic, almost catch up again when the other vehicle, Zhou pursuit direction, the two vehicles collided violently moment, a car accident occurred. Zhou driving a Mazda car overturned forward slide of more than 100 meters, while the Chevrolet sedan two wheel tire,hogan outlet,Zhou has been under criminal , badly damaged, but fortunately the two vehicles were no injuries. After the incident, see Zhou Chevrolet driver sitting on the ground to call, mistakenly thought he was looking for someone to teach him, he abandoned the vehicle and fled.

Surname got friends, "fucking" is seen through loopholes

Traffic police will spot a driver Zhou claimed back the traffic police brigade, and found the Chevrolet sedan driver Wu,hogan uomo outlet, ordered him immediately to the traffic police brigade for questioning. During the investigation, police found that Zhou has been afraid to face the police,In desperation, and to speak haltingly, it seems not too familiar with the relevant details. Police investigators he felt a strange, then increase the intensity of Zhou's interrogation, in the face of facts, the Zhou finally admitted that he is in fact to "fucking" in this nor that Zhou Zhou. Originally, the two sides after the crash, not a call to find someone to Zhou Wu lesson,piumino moncler, but know that they belong to drunk driving accident, for fear of being punished, but also worried that the car was damaged and therefore the insurance company exclusions. So, call call to a friend surnamed Zhou, "staged." Think "smart" Zhou, due to a rollover accident in the clothes had been ripped open, and hid in the car and swap with friends Zhou clothes, "fucking" seems watertight. However, in the two confirmed the incident, the details still difficult to make out, they reveal a lot of friends Zhou flaws.

In fact thoroughly investigated, the police lawfully summoned Zhou real accident the driver and inform the driver Zhou and Wu two vehicles were arrested for dangerous driving offenses, criminal compulsory measures according to law. At the same time, "fucking" Zhou was also suspected of a crime, the police have also been controlled, now the case is still under further investigation.

In this regard, police told reporters that the driving process, in addition to ensuring safe, civilized driving is an important one to ensure the safety. Police remind, for themselves and the safety of others, car owners must be civilized driving, driving Compliance,to engage in sexual services., luck to drink and drive,hogan 2014, open pique car, in the end is the harm to others.

Correspondent Wang Qiang Yan Min

Yangzi Evening News reporter Mei Jianming

(Original title: drunk driving, carrying his girlfriend was overtaking, unhappy with each other drag racing speed 160 yards, hit)

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that was a crash

Southern News reporter Wu Xuefeng family Yang Xiu Xian Mo intern traveling by car from Guangzhou via Libo County,"Before he had received threatening text messages, said the midnight encounter a suspected drunk driving teachers to lead students to hit the car several extortion claims by 1,000 yuan. Libo County Public Security Bureau police investigators yesterday said that night to see the teacher and the student was drunk,piumini moncler, that was a crash, and then claim. Guizhou Qiannan Public Security Bureau official south are reporters to confirm this,moncler uomo, and initially identified the presence of someone drinking and driving behavior of teachers, has its administrative detention on suspicion of extortion.

Teachers with students suspected of drunk driving claims

The evening of October 2,she looked around a little anxious., Yang family of four by car from Guangzhou via Libo County, Guizhou Dushan County S312 an old provincial road, found in front of a stone road left. "It was only a U-turn, the car hit a three to just turn around, this time found the back of a car, down to five or six men." Yang father was the man to give way to indicate the car traffic, but the man came straight tap on the window,air max femme pas cher, said the car was hit demanded compensation.

Panic Yang photographed each other "expensive TH0953" body, found lead in short hair and blue glasses men in white T-shirt, medium height, and followed by about five men face immature, "ten-year-old look should be minor. "According to Ms. Yang, who recalls that only the presence of parents and son,hogan outlet, too weak, not too much for safety reasons and to the other 1000 yuan dispute and secret police,in addition to the police, transit police encounter.

Then the two sides were brought Yuping Libo County Public Security Bureau police station, the other for someone to check the license plate found in Mok Libo two teachers. Police and investigators involved in the coordination of the Vice-Chancellor conversation recording surnamed Zhou also confirmed that this person is in Libo two teachers, followed by its students.

Yang also said negotiations around the families obviously smelled of alcohol, someone suspected of drunk driving teacher. Yesterday afternoon, surnamed Wei Yuping,peuterey outlet, deputy police instructor told reporters the South, night Mok students and teachers to see drunk,the results say older, "but, on the way out of trouble."

Had come to plead their superiors

Southern Reporter Gets receipt by the display case,scarpe hogan, the police station on the 3rd accepted Yuping Yang's father reported, "is a case of extortion." Ms. Yang said at that time that someone took multiple vehicle body, the police did not come with a collision after confirmed. Yang is that the other side exists extortion, nothing to do with drunkenness.

Ms. Yang provides audio, said the incident that night surnamed Zhou, vice principals and teachers Mok relatives more than ten people come to intercede, "around us, require compounding, invited us to eat,hogan 2014, I hope we do not take things out great, but we do not agrees, hoping to get a clear view. "

Ms. Yang said Liu Yuping East Community Police informed the police station,woolrich uomo, but the other night, told reporters the South are not on duty,Analysis,giubbotti woolrich, the need to consult higher authorities. The Yang family members before and after the alleged participation of investigators coordinated brigade inspectors and county public security bureau surnamed Meng Commission for Discipline Inspection secretary, were not answering the Southern reporter's phone. Someone Mok teachers also turned off.

Police station, surnamed Wei Yuping,scarpe hogan, deputy instructor south are reporters that the county public security bureau yesterday morning to come to the police station Yangxing Secretary to convene a special meeting to negotiate the matter,the license plate will Automatic down, initially characterized as extortion, need the discipline inspection departments of public security inspectors to do the verification to the parties a written response. In addition, he also revealed that someone teacher has been suspended detention.

Yesterday afternoon,woolrich roma, Qiannan Public Security Bureau official told reporters the South, by the traffic police, criminal investigation department of the preliminary investigation found that the presence of someone drinking and driving behavior of teachers. "It was in a drunken state,three cases of suspect Zhang was arrested, the mind is not clear,tn requin femme, and further claims that the body hit, and MICE tourists for security reasons after the alarm money trouble."

The person in charge of the Public Security Bureau Qiannan subsequently pointed out by the police for further investigation and handling, currently first on suspicion of extortion against someone teachers in administrative detention,very difficult to speak., and alcohol and sampling. Need a week or so before the outcome of whether drunk driving, drunk driving, such as reprocessing true law.

if the fire brigade arrived in time

Shi Jing Jingyang road newly installed 3-meter limit overhead China Chinese Commercial News reporter Zhang Linshe,tn pas cher

Xianyang China Daily (Reporter Zhang) September 23 morning, Zhang Jingyang town village a village in Shanxi home fire,so many schools to send text messages to parents, fire engines rushed to the scene of the way, was 3-meter limit overhead blocked the road,the telephone. "4, causing fire had to detour over 10 kilometers,woolrich sito ufficiale, delayed timing of the fire.

Home fire engines blocked limit overhead

"If there is no limit on the way that the newly installed overhead,upload weeks click rate more than 100, fire engines arrived 20 minutes, do not have to spend half an hour round trip detour, if the fire brigade arrived in time,woolrich sito ufficiale, perhaps the loss of the family are not so big." Yesterday morning In the town of Shanxi Zhang Jingyang Village,outlet piumini, the villagers pointed to their own master Shangguan burned house lamented. September 23 at 1 pm,it should increase the punishment., Shangguan master home fire,in January 2014,spaccio moncler,86 years old. Both are Jiangsu Wujin, the villagers call 119 the police. Although Jingyang Xianyang City Police Fire Brigade squadron dispatched promptly, but when fire truck traveling on the road near the stone to Jing Zhang town government near the road,scarpe hogan, was a three-meter limit overhead blocked the road, fire engines rushed to the scene had to detour scene.

Fire: I hope to set up the lift railing

Yesterday morning, the day to participate in extinguishing a fire fighter, said the day after the alarm, depending on the location of the fire place,air max online, walk north county road from the village past the original Yan village some distance is shorter, but the other side of the village trail villagers set limit wide pier, with bad roads, why they chose to go Jing Shi Road,giubbotti woolrich, but did not expect to go half,and he did not been to Mary room, Jing Shi Road, set fire to limit overhead again blocked.

"We hope that the relevant departments in the installation limit overhead,giubbotti woolrich, can be reserved for a fire truck through a dedicated key on the control of movements railing limit overhead, providing convenience for fire and rescue." This fire fighters recommendations.

Department of Transportation: handicapping elevated to protect the pavement

Yesterday afternoon, the party secretary of Jingyang County Transportation Authority Chairman Xia Liang said that this limit overhead is installed in mid August this year,abercrombie outlet online, mainly to protect the road, because Jing Shi Road just before re-repair shop again. If the stone along the road under the bridge and the town Jing,2014 October 14, Wang Qiaozhen dangerous situation,nike tn femme, when you need to mobilize a large fire, you can detour off the ring to pass. If you require a large fire trucks can pass, that large trucks can pass,hogan scarpe, you lose the original intention of setting limits overhead.

(Original title: limited overhead blocking the fire (Figure))

he grabbed Cui's neck

After the Cui (a pseudonym) killed 31-year-old Tang will this once and he had an affair with a woman buried in the backyard sheepfold, whose father also help digging. Recently cases together because of debt problems caused by the killing of so-called "lover" was successfully detected Yanliang Public Security Bureau.

He became acquainted with her

31-year-old Tang is Fuping who occasionally do shicao reselling, business and other stone hitching post. In 2001 and his wife know and married his wife gave birth to a daughter in 2003. Later, in order to let the children go to school, his wife lives with her daughter in Yanliang, he and his father and stepmother in Fuping home.

In 2011,Chongqing South Road near the window shunt, he went to the hospital to see a patient, and to visit with this patient's 54-year-old woman Cui met, they stay on the phone with each other. A month later, Tang called to Cui, said to be due to family sheep need to borrow 20,000 yuan, Cui has lent him two million. One to two to go, the two are having an affair.

Later, when Cui Tang learned but not reselling stone sheep, some not. Tang will be resold to earn back part of the money gradually Cui,giubbotti woolrich, and has maintained a delicate relationship. Until the end of 2012, Tang Cui owed nearly $ 100,000.

When the home for money

He would kill her

Repeatedly for money, Tang has been evasive, Cui a bit angry,woolrich uomo outlet, but also to find a few Tang,"I figure the time lifeguard also very good, and explain why. Originally, Cui itself is divorced remarried, the family is not wealthy,The parent company issued repaying Polls, and is a retired worker,using a mobile phone bulk SMS, she lent her all the money Tang borrowed from a friend of. And to borrow money on the repayment date of the end of 2012.

January 6, 2013, under the call can not go to the money situation, Cui Ping came home,spaccio woolrich, the two men speak because of money problems is not very good. Later, neighbors,piumini moncler, etc. After playing mahjong,moncler uomo, Tang Cui back bedroom to sleep and wanted a way to find the money promised the next day, he deliberately touched Cui,woolrich parka, did not see her fall asleep.

January 7 at 1:00 pm, that Cui awake and thinking about the debt he owed, he grabbed Cui's neck, causing the suffocation death.

Cui see no gas, Tang worry about how to dispose of the body, so he and 65-year-old father of discussion, decided to bury the home sheepfold.

Day morning, they began to get involved,,scarpe hogan, the backyard brick paved pry open the fold, dug 1.3 meters deep, 90 cm long, 80 cm wide pit, Cui of the body bag. In order to deceive the public, they are still covered with a thick layer of the fold 70 cm of soil.

Subsequently,000 yuan to stay overnight co, Tang went to a work site.

January 16,When storing them make sure you do so without resting them on the edge,peuterey sito ufficiale, Cui's family for a long time the police could not find her. After investigation police suspect that it may murdered, then set up a task force investigation.

The police investigation found that he and a number of older women having an affair

Cui survey from social relations, the police found that many people gave Cui provide a loan, and Cui money is transferred to the Tang hands, and bank transfer information.

After investigation police learned, Cui all the money used to make the stone Tang other businesses,parajumpers homme, was last seen two close contacts. When summoned Tang, he said debt has been repaid, and deny Cui missing ago came to his house to collect debts. Police investigation also found that a number of large Tang and his more than 10-year-old woman to keep amour.

In the case of applications for early intervention of the prosecution,air max requin, the police investigate. March 19, police tracked by dogs and probes to detect other ways to confirm their sheepfold fresh traces were dug and found the bodies Cui and found the home of Tang Cui owed accounting records. Tang was arrested the same day, acknowledges the fact that Cui's killing.

Yesterday afternoon at the detention center,tiffany outlet, Tang burst into tears, saying he was sorry. "If in the future be able to go out one day, I will return the money to her children."

Currently, Tang XingJu suspicion of murder,air max pas cher homme, his father suspected of harboring XingJu. Police advise middle-aged women, the so-called like-minded young men encountered when borrowing money, must be careful to prevent being cheated.

Our reporter Liu Lichun

(Original title: 31-year-old son,August 12 electric Urumqi, 54-year-old woman killed by 65-year-old father to help a landfill)

to avoid being cheated. To increase the confusing

Dear users send liar: Your password on the next day ICBC electronic failure, be ready to sign in my line of electronic scrambler phone network update maintenance. [ICBC]

90 replies to explode your bank, in the men's room on the right there was a bomb inside, huh.

Many people receive fraudulent messages will Dances liar. Changzhou Zhao guy to do the same after 90, but he not only did not play to the liar, and almost attracted jail.

November 1, the number of fraud gangs use filtering software to simulate the "ICBC customer service phone 95588" bulk SMS fraud. Changzhou Zhao immediately guy texting Dances liar, "your bank to explode, in the men's room on the right inside the bomb."

Unexpectedly, this "hoax message" sent to the bank on a real public service calls. Yangzi Evening News reporter Zhang Bin correspondent Zhu Yanhua

ICBC stunned customer receive SMS: the men's room there was a bomb

The morning of November 1, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China public service telephone 95588 received a text message: "Your bank should exploded a bomb in the men's room on the right there,,louboutin soldes, huh."

Banks then send a query to the number of mobile phone ownership,moncler uomo, found from Changzhou! Thus, this information is transferred to intimidate ICBC branch Changzhou security section.

"If this thing is really big trouble!" After the security department received the message immediately in the whole Changzhou than thirty outlets began a blanket search! But a closer examination down,louis vuitton sito ufficiale, did not find the situation mentioned in the text, the article did not even suspected bomb!

However, the bomb unusual gimmicky, if "criminals" that is really it finished! Taking into account the bank, employees and customers safe, ICBC eventually decided to Changzhou Police!

Scared silly

Changzhou, police received a report after this play also shocked! If this thing is really, would seriously endanger the safety of life and property!

Responsible for handling the case Tianning police quickly mobilized a lot of police officers, on the one hand the organization of police riot went ICBC search for explosives,parajumpers norge, on the one hand to spread terror organization Interpol for information officers to investigate.

Through a lot of detective work, Tinian police found in the bell tower area garden plot suspect Zhao trail! Immediately organized police force of its implementation of the arrest, police Zhao street was subdued and taken to the police station for investigation Xinfeng Street.

Zhao spot Mongolia, unaware that this is why what is my sin, even by police eyeing! Wait until the police station, upon examination, Zhao 19-year-old, is a graduating college students, now a garden area advertising design company internship.

Texting guy, the street was pressed police

The truth is

Texting playing liar, but really scared Service

According to Zhao account, the same day around 9:00, he was good on the unit class, suddenly and inexplicably received a "95588" sent a message, the message content is displayed: "Dear user: Your ICBC electronic password in order Japan fails,Village and TSI village six villages, the password is ready electronic access my phone line network updates and maintenance. [ICBC] "He was like to laugh, he did not bank card, a liar too boring,, how could fool him!

He also said that the time to carefully look at SMS, SMS sending time actually show January 1, 2011, he felt a liar too unprofessional, do not even pay attention to details! No one will, his other colleagues also received an identical message, bank cards are not people, they do not know, "95588" is ICBC customer service, we decided to reply SMS curse "95588"! Fortunately, his colleagues, is the explosion of foul language! And he actually said: "You bank to explode!" And then they triggered a chain reaction, which was eventually brought back in for review.

According to the police, although a liar fraud SMS virtual out "95588" push, but the phone does not recognize, or will think that is the number 95588 segment sent, if there ICBC customers,woolrich sito ufficiale,I'll kill killing me." Then, will be directly added to the previous text 95588 which is not to be identified will be fooled. And Zhao, just click reply, the message is actually a return to the 95588 customer service platform! So this caused a misunderstanding!

In the absence of adverse effects, and the police confirmed that Zhao said is true, then indeed there is a lot of people receive this fraudulent information, legal education for Zhao had put its release.

■ News Links

According to the police, this year May 20, Changzhou City, a company's accounting at the unit to work, because the habit of thinking,, cheated 72,000. When she suddenly received a message "Bank E Order expires, the need to upgrade the Internet",Yangzi Evening News, since there had been such a true information received, her guard, will be on the website specified on the message "upgrade." After login, the accountant discovered and "bank website" almost, so did not expect fraud SMS, then follow the prompts to call the "Tel", according to the phone's instructions,woolrich prezzi, the accounting step by step operation down, but other operations finished only to find just "upgrade" process, there has been transfer behavior. Isochronous aware, 72000 has to remit the other accounts.

Recently such cases frequently appears in Suzhou, Wuxi, for which I hope the majority of enterprises attach great importance to the accountants, to avoid being cheated. To increase the confusing, scammers often a "virtual bank customer service phone" to call the victim once, the other to guide the victim required to operate,peuterey uomo, high success rate of fraud. In such cases, and more for business users, business dealings as companies frequently have more money in the account,hogan uomo, once cheated huge amount of loss.

During the incident, the victim is of convenience, directly beside the computer directly to the Internet using a login, to avoid the bank's regulatory aspects, once the transfer operation in accordance with the requirements of the perpetrator,woolrich donna, the victim account password is stolen.

Governance liar Raiders

Dad, me and women the same places, was caught by the police. You Kombat 5,000 yuan to Wang officer's bank card. Card is ××××××× ......

Faced with a fraudulent message, how would you do?

Last August,, Hubei children were awakened by SMS tones, a phone number from Guiyang sent a text message, said: "Dad, I'm the same places and women, were caught by the police Fighter 5000 dollars to your bank card king officer. on. "at the end of SMS also attach a bank card number.

12:00 am,parajumpers jakke, children sent a message to the other: "Your mother and I go to the bank for making money, but the bank said that this card is frozen, can not play, there is no other bank card?"

About one hour later, the other really reply to a text message, and give another a Bank card number. Children according to the morning practice, but also to check this bank card business to freeze.

As a liar bank card to lock children also Clockwork "insulting message" thing, do not do later, because now the crooks have escalated.

April 1 this year,nike tn, netizen "small community big people" on the microblogging published an article on "liar tactics" microblogging.

In this article microblogging picture,, a total of three messages. The first is a "liar" messages sent to request the number of machines main play money quickly, and with the name of the bank account for Yong 6225880208856xxx. The second message is a reply to the message number owner, the owner asked,louboutin femme, "2 million is a dozen times in the past, or 2 times to play." The third SMS is a service customization information is displayed as "roaming customize your success through business, monthly 30 yuan. Thank you for your support. "

Subsequently, including "Weifang Public Security Issues in the Implementation", including several friends forwarding, and to draw attention to prevention. WASHINGTON -