
Chen Yun p ^ Zhengjinzibao ¯

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the other cars ahead

This year at 21:40 on January 4, Pukou police brigade received 110 orders, said Pu Wu in a mixing station across the road, there are two cars collided. Traffic police rushed to the scene and found a license plate for the Su Yang turned AU …

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that was a crash

Southern News reporter Wu Xuefeng family Yang Xiu Xian Mo intern traveling by car from Guangzhou via Libo County,"Before he had received threatening text messages, said the midnight encounter a suspected drunk driving teachers to lead stud…

if the fire brigade arrived in time

Shi Jing Jingyang road newly installed 3-meter limit overhead China Chinese Commercial News reporter Zhang Linshe,tn pas cherXianyang China Daily (Reporter Zhang) September 23 morning, Zhang Jingyang town village a village in Shanxi home f…

he grabbed Cui's neck

After the Cui (a pseudonym) killed 31-year-old Tang will this once and he had an affair with a woman buried in the backyard sheepfold, whose father also help digging. Recently cases together because of debt problems caused by the killing o…

to avoid being cheated. To increase the confusing

Dear users send liar: Your password on the next day ICBC electronic failure, be ready to sign in my line of electronic scrambler phone network www.icbnp.com update maintenance. [ICBC]90 replies to explode your bank, in the men's room on th…

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tax fraud

Daily News Hotline (Reporter Tian Feng Yuan) Recently, Tianjin KFC Co. Wulanchabu Spring Restaurant (hereinafter referred to as KFC Jining shop) in Wulanchabu official business. Wang Jining dining area is found in Kentucky Jining shop, ord…

"the local tyrants

Western media world has used the English alphabet style "tuhao" The Tyrant of this sounds a bit revolutionary flavor of words spread open, what is the Tyrant? They first want the rich, the rich can be distinguished only in the property muc…

and some simply Saya Zi escape.

Southern News reporter Wang Chengbo yesterday, Shenzhen 2467 people running red lights checked. Even the police on duty have encountered many strange language were checked at the time of investigation, and some said the walk never see traf…

Mou himself moved to the basement

Friends borrowed 180,000 women disappeared after accounting for private houses "eat rent"Friend $ 180,000 to build a house swept away her money disappears, to compensate for the loss, she occupied "good friend" of the house. Now the house …

The game "Need for motorcycle" -like

The game "Need for motorcycle" -like,they drift in Beijing, three locomotives players on Hangxinjing speed racing experience "drift cornering" full sprint stimulation. Within 60 seconds,, they had risen to nearly the speed of 200 km. Hey o…

according to the previous program

Since yesterday until December 17, Nanjing Environmental Quality Assurance program launched the second phase of the control measures to further upgrade. The number of lay-off site from the previous 500 increased to more than 2,000 enterpri…

Xu Meizhou told Yangcheng Evening News reporter

Text / Yangcheng Evening News reporter intern Meng Xiao Wen JianminXu Meizhou, a topic of characters:◎ He has appeared in the "China good list", was honored as "moving Hainan People"◎ donate money he owed rent addiction but wandering the s…

intern reporter Wang Xuan Hui Zhang Ying

Legal Evening News (intern reporter Wang Xuan Hui Zhang Ying) Harbin, "1, 2" fire has in the past five days, tomorrow is the sacrifice of the five fire fighters, "the first seven", this 5 '90' youngest hero Only 18 years old, the oldest wa…

do not feel convinced

,giubbotti woolrichDazhong Binzhou September 11 (Reporter Chen Sheng Kun hair Ji Xuemin) Recently, one called "Zhanhua Botou town mayor Liu XX battered women, there is a video with the truth! "The post has fueled concern in the public foru…

it will not give up the rescue

A first-aid, confuse God Shenzhen Children's Hospital medical staff Surgery six quiet life. April 25, four age children Tong Xiaofeng (a pseudonym) hospitalized due to cerebral trauma, suffered from brain hemorrhage, preparation for surger…

Hwang forthright fame in the circle of friends

Chutianjinbao News (reporter Zhou Yixiong correspondent Li Yusheng) storekeeper six years, "ant" moved the company millions of assets still on the cyberspace fierce sun shine off their wealth, police officers collaborated with the company …

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we saw some families abroad cafes

The couple has a job but to resign, to sell the house and the car, so that is a grade three children drop out and follow them to the global travel. If you encounter such a couple, you might say, "They're crazy!" Jining Yanzhou may indeed h…

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Car hit the guardrail,air max pas cher15:40 yesterday, into the south high speed in a white BMW SUV crashed into a guardrail medians,abercrombie pas cher, copilot young woman left leg ankle up less than ten centimeters car was involved in …

"said Buddhist Incense is a marina

Huge Summer Palace, when visitors as nobody talks, may not enjoy. But some people at the park entrance Showmanship, guide service provided is lamentable. They not only posing as ordinary votes to earn 30 yuan ticket price difference, the t…

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Use the tips and you should be able to get the best Boston product photography service you can get according to your standards. You know you made the right choice if you get the results you want while enjoying the whole day at the studio,.…

00 on the 28th

"In the city of Yueyang Tianlun district, one pair of naked men and women died in the garage of the car, the man net worth billions of dollars." 29 Such a posting caused concern. How the truth? This reporter went to the 29th survey Yueyang…

and ultimately prove no "Deng Zhicheng."

Metropolis Daily News newspaper reporter intern Zhang Dong Wen Wei Xin Tong tension generation Wangdan Hua Fang M14-year-old was Huazhong University (2000 renamed "Huazhong University of Science and Technology") junior class admitted, afte…

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1899 – Cyclone Mahina sweeps in north of Cooktown, Queensland,mulberry outlet, with a 12 metres (39 ft) wave that reaches up to 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) inland, killing over 300. 1904 – Chief Tahachee, American-born Old Settler Cherokee India…

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,lancel soldesThe place where race horses can be on parade before a race is called the paddock. This is an excellent place to get a good look at the horses up close. Jockeys generally are given instruction by the racehorse trainer in the p…

Hang up the phone less than ten minutes

Cooperation is not a "kidnapping" female boss worry about the other family alarm after the robbery money to buy a ticket that can be returned to "redeem" -Back to the "hostage" false righteousness robbers still jailedBusiness fall instead …

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