it will not give up the rescue

A first-aid, confuse God Shenzhen Children's Hospital medical staff Surgery six quiet life. April 25, four age children Tong Xiaofeng (a pseudonym) hospitalized due to cerebral trauma, suffered from brain hemorrhage, preparation for surgery laboratory Shique find out that it is AIDS. This unexpected discovery made six health care workers involved in the rescue and post-blood heart panic, the children were blunt head injuries,the customer is likely to cat, severe bleeding, and his mother deliberately concealed the disease, were involved in the rescue personnel dressed in ordinary guards,moncler outlet online, dressing, wound treatment When there is direct contact with the blood of children.

"Even if the body has a very small wound, as long as the blood spattered children, the possibility of being infected with HIV is very large," so that the doctor was scared Zhu Fengjun, if not in the preoperative routine examination found that children have AIDS, the consequences could be disastrous. Fortunately, for all the medical staff in the hospital last week, H IV display showing negative screening and found no HIV. Let indignation six health care is the son of the boy's mother had known the condition, but before the rescue to deny the child has any communicable diseases, deliberately concealed. Azhu boy's mother (a pseudonym) explained: "Do not say it is worried that the hospital refused to know after treatment."

Boys fall rail head bleeding

On Friday, the old man in the Shenzhen Railway Station family slapstick, accidentally fall onto the tracks, the head of the ground, bleeding, family emergencies will be sent to the Shenzhen Children's Hospital.

According to aid processing, the nurse in charge of children should be detailed history, whether it has a history of infectious diseases. But the day care director asked Ms. Shi Pan Azhu when the answer is no child diseases. At the signing of the admission form,moncler milano, if there is a history of infectious disease field, Azhu fill a decisive "no" word.

Due to be blunt sprain, there is a small peak of the head two to three cm laceration,is to find a professional tea, bleeding, medical staff must make decisive stitches. After bleeding, X-ray examination showed intracranial bleeding, the need for close observation. Be admitted to hospital doctors, preoperative blood tests. April 26,kY6vWkzyeK, the small peak hospitalized the next day, sent emergency hematology pathology report the results to the attending physician Zhu Fengjun surprise, the report shows the children found in the blood of HIV.

Zhu Fengjun memories, a small peak admission fever began to appear, could not find the reason, the original low-grade fever is the onset of a clear sign of AIDS. The day of the rescue, said the child Azhu clearly no infectious diseases, and time is running late to a blood test, medical personnel involved in the rescue were dressed in ordinary guards. In accordance with the provisions of the Shenzhen Center for Disease Control, if AIDS patients, to rise to senior guard rescue process. But concealed the disease,his boss and a mall because the borrower disputes, health care workers involved in the rescue were close contact with the child's blood or body fluids, "Although wearing masks, but once blood splashed in the eyes, but also a terrible thing," even if the child's sweat,nike tn air, tears, have infection , but then we are not aware of the risks.

Children with mothers admit children suffering from AIDS

Hospital laboratory pathology report on small peaks show the discovery of HIV blood tests,scarpe nike tn,Click here to learn more, to be safe, it is recommended for small peak for the second blood test. Hearing this news,chaussures tn, so little involved in the rescue doctor has a cool mind. Although the need to determine the second test, but the hospital H IV detection accuracy is high, there will be no fundamental error. In the day of the rescue, has been involved in a small cut line, direct contact with the blood, and gave her a small peak stitches doctor Zhu Fengjun, as are three exposure.

When the nurse on duty raised on a small peak for a second blood test to determine whether the risk of AIDS, Azhu flatly refused. At the same time, she was admitted to hospital with AIDS son, because she herself is also based on mother to child transmission channels, ie children born with AIDS. Fearing inform the hospital, the doctor will give up the rescue, life-threatening son,hogan outlet, so to conceal the truth. Azhu said she was from Hubei, came to Shenzhen is overwhelmed with his son,you would not refer to me, the parents go out to relax. Now, the small peak fever situation has occurred, the local doctor has told very small peak next year,moncler sito ufficiale, however. She knew she had little time with their children,louboutin soldes, hoping to take advantage of physical condition permits to go out for a walk, who knows tells accidents.

Subsequently, the hospital started emergency procedures, immediately sent to the isolation ward of small peaks observed all aspects of all medical equipment sterilization. Hospital survey found that day health care workers involved in the rescue and post-blood total of six people, including two doctors, four nurses, all health care workers to suspend work immediately, immediately conduct H IV virus checking. 21-year-old nurse involved in the rescue little quiet, so far has not breathed God, "with the family did not dare say, for fear the family worried" because the pressure is too great, the night did not sleep a wink all know the news that day.

The director is responsible for retaining pins President said that the medical staff at the time of the needle is a needle injuries are things occasionally happen, and a small peak of wounds or open wounds, once the patient's blood into the body of a doctor, a very terrible thing. Mother Aiko heart understandable, but the medical staff is very innocent, but fortunately in time, otherwise it would be unthinkable.

Health care workers temporarily exclude the risk of infection

Fortunately, in the hospital last week to start checking in H IV, six health care test results were negative,nike requin pas cher, temporarily eliminate the risk of infection H IV virus. Because HIV has a certain incubation period, six health care workers have to do once a month H IV testing, has been observed to last for six months, to ensure that all safe.

This news Zhu Fengjun somewhat depressed, he and his wife want children now,a knife to cut, because of this accident, made plans may no longer be postponed for six months. Although we hide the condition of the patient's family some criticism, but still possible for a small peak best treatment. Komine signs of intracranial hemorrhage is absorbed, he suggested that conservative treatment, child physical weakness, not suitable for craniotomy, proved correct suggestion. Later, Zhu Fengjun Azhu find apologize disclose conceal child illness really a last resort, because of concerns children living with HIV, the doctor refused to treat before choosing silence.

Zhu Fengjun excusable but feel helpless. He said that even if they know the child is living with AIDS, it will not give up the rescue, but the medical staff can better protect themselves, to avoid the risk of infection, which was originally to be ended pile treatment because Azhu concealment, somewhat regrettable . On Tuesday, five days after admission, as the son of the injury improves, Azhu remove a child from the hospital to return Hubei.

"Almost everyone carries infectious diseases of children, parents will not truthfully inform the disease, even chasing asked the medical staff,spaccio moncler," the hospital relevant responsible person said, the chance of daily treatment of hepatitis B or syphilis in children experiencing relatively high, these are are at high risk of infectious diseases, medical staff in the rescue protective equipment to be upgraded. But frustration is that, out of privacy considerations, or other factors, health care initiative to ask whether the child has a history of infectious disease, when most parents mollified, the risk to the health care push.

(Stringing people: Miss Cao rebellion Award: 200 yuan)

Written: Southern Reporter Wenting


AIDS patients have to rise to senior guard rescue

In accordance with the provisions of the Shenzhen Center for Disease Control, if AIDS patients, to rise to senior guard rescue process, in addition to health care workers must be heavily armed, wearing a full double gowns,even if you turn up in the circle of friends, wearing three layers of gloves, wear safety glasses,moncler donna, the surgical instruments are passed between health care To extreme caution. With a small instrument, the nurse first handed the instrument into the tray in front of the doctor,sito ufficiale moncler, who then carefully lift; with a large instrument, the instrument tip nurse will align themselves, the end of the alignment doctor, then handed the doctor. Rescue use medical devices including medical waste disposal have to be independent, to avoid the possibility of cross-infection.

Mothers of children with HIV dialogue Azhu

I feel very guilty

South are: in addition to not worry about their children treatment, what causes you do not want to start telling the truth?

Azhu: this sick child, after all, is not a particularly glorious thing, not a last resort, I do not want others to know.

South are: Later this thing was exposed, how did you face them?

Azhu: I feel very ashamed, because my selfishness, which led them to fear, I feel very sorry for them. I helped them all to pray, and hope to see God in them are good, I do not get this disease.

South are: Do you regret it, to conceal the truth of things?

Azhu: regret, if a start to know they will not give up the rescue, not to hide, then see them so, in fact, I was very upset.

South are: know the child's condition after the hospital's attitude has changed?

Azhu: No, they are very good, the child is also very good, no tantrums, the more so, the more I feel guilty. If there is something similar in the future, I will not do that anymore.

(Original title: Children with HIV disease because of injury hospitalization is implicitly triggered panic)