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Dazhong Binzhou September 11 (Reporter Chen Sheng Kun hair Ji Xuemin) Recently, one called "Zhanhua Botou town mayor Liu XX battered women, there is a video with the truth! "The post has fueled concern in the public forum, the video, a woman with children by a man who repeatedly shoving and kicking. According to friends broke the news that the hit man for Binzhou Zhanhua Botou town party secretary Liu XX. Dazhong reporters rushed to the incident this morning interview,l6qLesUgbl, beaten women shop already Source: Sina podcast closed, according to the day of the incident,tn nike pas cher, said witnesses and the batters,nike tn, hit the town party secretary Liu Botou a, while the original cause of the incident is Zhang and two other girls have picked a big town government yard rose, dissatisfied by the town government fines and blackouts, which triggered a "reasoning" is playing the event.

Video playback: "white shirt man" pushing kicking women,woolrich outlet,the actual installed two tons, more than men, "crowd"

User "book1" posted in the forum "hit video" length of 2 minutes 28 seconds. At the beginning of the video, a woman with a child standing in their twenties and thirties of the entrance, the building looks like talking to people, video playback to about 7 seconds, a middle-aged man dressed in a white shirt man from the building out, and walked straight in front of the woman body and pushed her hard one. In the video, the man repeatedly pulled and kicked the woman in the video is about 1 minute 20 seconds, "white shirt man" once again kicked the woman and pushed to the ground.

Reporter posted in users' hit video "to see women gets shoved and kicked in the process, seven or eight men out from the building, trying to persuade women to leave the beaten here,parajumpers paris, in addition to the first occurrence "White shirt men", others did not do it.

Friends broke the news: Women's reasoning was beaten, fined defloration causes that discussion to say

Why conflict occurs in the video? Why people batterer? In the forum,hogan outlet, users "few words" about his or her knowledge of some cases in the thread. The friends said,peuterey prezzi, was beaten woman surnamed Zhang, from Binzhou Zhanhua Kyushu phone Botou town hypermarkets, was because the government hospital in the town of defloration was fined 1,000 yuan.

Netizen "little words" Post said: Zhang was fine after a few days, there are two other little girl picking flowers in the courtyard of the town government, also ended in failure is the fate of a fine, when two little girls from Zhang Department After confirming this, do not feel convinced, threatened to go to find a sensible place, Zhanhua Botou town government office staff think this thing is Zhang's instigation,bags swelled up, he gave this piece of hydropower all disabled. Zhang had to talk to the town government to explain,gucci borse, but not only did not listen together mayor Liu explained,nike tn italia, and shout out, even fight, so they video the scene took place,the establishment of corporate system, the users said that the batterer is the Zhanhua Park Town mayor Liu together.

Reporters Survey: Witnesses said the beatings and the hitters are Botou town party secretary

This morning, the reporter came Dazhong Zhanhua Botou town and to investigate the incident. Dazhong reporter at the scene saw the woman was hit Kyushu Zhang business phone supermarkets have closed their doors, the reporter learned from the mouth of a neighbor Zhang causes of things.

According to Zhang's neighbor introduced in about three or four months ago, Zhang yard to Botou town government picked a rose, after being found in the town government staff, public facilities necessary to destroy the "charges" against Zhang fined 1000 yuan,Photos are being shot from wh, Zhang believes very unreasonable,peuterey donna, refused to pay a fine, so, the town government stopped Zhang electrical shops and surrounding shops, in order not to affect the neighbors, Zhang will be handed a fine.

In September 9,acts with women forced to have sex, another two girl picking flowers in the town government hospital was found, also fined 1,000 yuan, but two penalties were fined very unhappy Botou town government staff thought it was fined before Zhang from the instigation of, so he stopped the electricity Zhang and neighbors shop. Zhang town government for this behavior in the offing, he took the children to the town government to "have a say", and then they video scene.

It is a dare to expose the identity of the witnesses, the batterer is Botou town party secretary Liu together. Dazhong reporters landed Zhanhua people's government network, the information from the site leader column, searched Liu combined information of their duties as deputy party secretary, the division is "hosted the town authorities daily work." Today,rice cookers,woolrich sito ufficiale,width 40 cm. Air Vent under a headboard stained with blood, around 12:00, the reporter found Dazhong Zhang was beaten, according to its proven,moncler outlet, the day she was beaten Botou town party secretary Liu together, the cause is because the town government picked rose fined to seek explanation.

Contact Dazhong reporters repeatedly telephone Botou town government, but as of press time reporter, the other has not yet responded to this incident. Dazhong reporters will continue to focus on this event, and send back tracking reports.