00 on the 28th

"In the city of Yueyang Tianlun district, one pair of naked men and women died in the garage of the car, the man net worth billions of dollars." 29 Such a posting caused concern. How the truth? This reporter went to the 29th survey Yueyang Tianlun city residential property management personnel and police confirmed that the district 12 garage, a 40-year-old man and a young woman naked dead in the back seat of the car. Informed residents said the man was doing building materials business, an estimated million net worth. Currently,christian louboutin homme, Yueyang Tower District Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade are investigating the matter.

Bin Lin Yueyang hair newspaper reporter intern reports

29 afternoon,t technically inclined or just didn’, the reporter went to the near Yueyang City, Hunan, Hubei Road and the construction of the road Tianlun City area.

Naked men and women died in the back seat of the car

Reporter mentioned events described net posts, a shopkeeper, said district that occurred on the 28th,wanton insult on the body wit,christian louboutin homme, the men are 18 residential areas, the accident is also the area inside the garage. "That morning, the district is noisy, but then I discovered that a man and a woman died in the car." Area residents Liu said the grandmother.

Zhou Jinnan cleaning staff told reporters that two people died in 12 of a garage, "the garage door is the man's wife opened the garage is the man purchased specifically for parking their cars." Zhou Jinnan said 40-year-old man When was found to be seven or eight o'clock in the morning," the main target groups. The reason is simple,christian louboutin homme, the woman looked about 20 years old, very young.

"At the time the two men dead in the back seat, naked dead." Zhou Jinnan said,24-year-old woman, is estimated to put the garage door down, which led to the death of hypoxia.

Reporters at the scene saw 18 high-rise elevator room, and 12 is 6-storey penthouse floor,corporal punishment, underneath the garage.

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Area residents very fact that the accident was 12 garage first five men and women to die in a black Buick,christian louboutin homme, "I know a man, he is doing the building materials business,boutique louboutin paris, folks,after forcing the abortion, my wife is doing business together. "

Residential property company Cao told reporters, through the retrieval of surveillance found at 0:52 on August 28, Yang and a strange woman came walking after a previous district. At 4:00 on the 28th, three young men came to the district, said that looking for a young woman, could not find one, the man reported to the police.

After receiving the alarm, wulipai police station rushed to the scene. By looking at surveillance confirmed Yang came together with a woman just three young men looking for. Property management linked to Yang's wife, she said her husband did not return overnight.

Subsequently, a pedestrian came to the garage location, forced open the security door garage, found them naked in the car died.

"120 doctors first aid, but died a declaration of death." Cao said the police car was later opened out.

Cao said the woman was very young,christian louboutin homme, and not residential property owners, Yang because doing business for many years, an estimated million net worth,louboutin homme pas cher, but not the Internet called "billionaire."

Police said it had ruled out homicide

On the matter, the reporter contacted the Yueyang Tower District Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade police officer told a reporter, this is not a murder. Yueyang Tower District Public Security Bureau Lands room Gongzhu Ren said that the matter is a criminal case has been ruled out, as the deceased was not a couple, because the family of the deceased is not very fit,air jordan pas cher, they are also under investigation,boutique louboutin paris, the woman is not the residential tenants, "This will further investigation. "

Air conditioning in the car windows give the rest to leave enough gaps

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He said some owners to rest in the car, the engine will open in summer or winter, open air, not knowing when the engine is started, gasoline combustion requires oxygen to participate, the consumption of air is very large,so Duxing cadre smile, 2.0L engine in the open air in the state Under a second consumes 0.7 cubic air. In a confined space,chaussures louboutin hommes, the engine is started, and soon there will be lack of oxygen, this state will emit large amounts of carbon monoxide emissions. Over time,21 years old,louboutin homme pas cher, the passenger car is prone to carbon monoxide poisoning, and even death.

Zhang Xiao win reminded in a confined space, do not start the car air conditioning to sleep. Even in the air does not circulate in the roadway, are also at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in a closed car library, usually occurs when the air conditioning idle half hour of carbon monoxide poisoning. If you want to idle the rest, we must choose in the parking lot or open space, to leave enough slit windows. Reporter Tang Jieqiong