we saw some families abroad cafes

The couple has a job but to resign, to sell the house and the car, so that is a grade three children drop out and follow them to the global travel. If you encounter such a couple, you might say, "They're crazy!" Jining Yanzhou may indeed have such a couple - Zhai Feng and Sun Hong Yan, they order "to the world for a while, leave some footprints," it really did. Such a couple has a kind of life? Before the couple and the children arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Journal reporter went to Yanzhou, interview the couple.

Message: Zhai, you quit his job, sold the house and car to go around the world, some people admire your courage, but also for you cast a strange look.

Zhai Feng: The idea has been to give birth to a long time, not a spur of the moment, nor is optimistic.

Message: how would think so?

Zhai Feng: I am a native of Yanzhou people, born in 1977, his father working in Yanzhou railway, his father was a photography enthusiast,louboutin homme pas cher, grew up influenced by his father, I also love to travel. So when test hours, Xuzhou Railway transport school exam. After graduation,louboutin pas cher, I was in Yanzhou worked as a railroad worker. Outside of work, more like a sightseeing tour. Luckily, later I met my wife (Sun) macro rock, she is also working on the railway, but also loves to travel. Two people who like to travel together, life was gusto.

Ready to resign, to sell the house, sell the car, has planned one year. June of this year I'll sell the house and the car, quit work.

Message: make such a decision, there should be a lot of courage.

Zhai Feng: It is changing the way we travel, starting in 2008, my wife and daughter kept in domestic and international tourism, have become accustomed to this kind of "wandering" of life. The first time, the macro does not rock like me obsessed, but then I guided her, she is more and more like it.

Message: In your opinion, tourism is one thing to bring you a new life.

Zhai Feng: We first out is very simple, that is,piumini woolrich, go out for fun. In the tourism process, contact a lot of people, a lot of friends, I found my life slowly changed. Things changed for decades static, then I'll take his wife and children to feel these things, the nature of the good feelings can not be found in the city. Each place has different customs and customs, have different lifestyles.

Waiting for you to travel back, you will find back to show in front of you is a new lifestyle and philosophy, so you will experience the joy of travel and nature bring you beautiful.

At first, I was out a month or two months or even a year's time, but then I found such a short time, I went totally inadequate awareness of this new world. Later we returned from the field Yanzhou found around colleagues and friends more and no common language, and sometimes it is also difficult to communicate.

Message: You and the people around exchanges increasingly difficult?

Zhai Feng: Yes, it does have some difficult exchanges.

Jining Yanzhou is a county-level city under a small, relatively closed in all aspects. Because there are many times before to travel abroad experience, and indeed we saw with different local cultural customs. For example, we saw some families abroad cafes, this cafe is very good, we also want to run this place could be in Yanzhou franchise? These comparisons ya meaning of things in our small city simply can not do it. Since it did not, we would go outside to feel it.

Acknowledges the road often "adventure"

Message: You took from the 2008 tour of your wife and children everywhere, all these years you have been to where?

Zhai Feng: home,boutique louboutin paris, I only Xinjiang, Fujian, Heilongjiang and Jilin have not been to other places we have been to a 3. Been foreign Nepal, Thailand, Laos and other countries.

Message: 4 years,christian louboutin homme, and you travel much by what means?

Zhai Feng: from the initial ride bicycles, motorcycles and later the driving tour. Although before you buy a car, but most still riding a motorcycle. Because motorcycle traveling freely, lightweight,louboutin, fuel-efficient energy saving, generally places can be reached.

Message: go to these places alone?

Zhai Feng: not alone, most of us a three, and sometimes friends and a car. I went to the scenic not everyone frequented, mostly to some virgin territory, and local people have not been to the place you are interested in.

Message: with his wife and children to a virgin, it will take a great risk.

Zhai Feng: the risk is there, in addition to the risk of geography, as well as human factors on the risk. Once in a place of tourism, the locals knife forced to take the money and let the dog bites, do not take money to let go, now that I think sometimes is really an adventure. But over the years, most of it is smooth. After we went to the local, and local residents will soon be able to integrate together.

Message: You a three run more than four years the number of miles?

Zhai Feng: We have to use different parts of travel, such as some places in Tibet motorcycle also do not increase, we will choose to walk. As the years went out the number of kilometers, really did not count the ways, such estimates that, at least a dozen ten thousand kilometers of it.

Journal: What grade children read now?

Zhai Feng: 3rd grade elementary school children now.

Message: Your house has now been sold?

Zhai Feng: the house has been sold, the cars are sold. 128 square meters of houses sold 320,000 cars sold 48,000, about 400,000 currently raised, to foreign countries to buy the boat to spend about 25 million.

Message: To travel, you choose to sell a house, a car or even quit his job, how does your family think of your practice?

Zhai Feng: family certainly are opposed. You are now eight children through the day? This is a bloody fool! His father has gone, his mother 62 years old, his mother strongly opposed. My brother on my approach also did not understand, he does not advocate I do, but also very support me to do so. After all, are now married, my practice, he could not interfered, he was helpless, and I have said many times do wrong. Father-in-law is strongly opposed to the other side, they do not want their daughters to follow me to take risks,mulberry outlet, no work had no life unfunded day.

Message: children learn well in school, right?

Zhai Feng: children in school is very good, the annual honor roll student, outstanding student, every year,scarpe hogan, send a certificate, test scores are almost always out.

Message: Do you take the kids to travel, you have not carefully considered the child's future education?

Zhai Feng: Our initial plan is that we take teaching, she is now on the grade 3, we will for her tuition along the way, to teach her to learn. In this process, we will contact the teacher, so the teacher then guidance.

Supposed to have enough money to spend during travel

Message: Now that you have resigned?

Zhai Feng: I have already resigned, the resignation will leave more than 4000 yuan per month to my original post.

Message: Do you think your wife how resign choose?

Zhai Feng: In the beginning, his wife does not understand, then after my repeated efforts, the wife eventually agreed, after we reach a consensus, I resigned. After the resignation of the children to travel together with his wife.

Message: When you quit, you rely on selling, selling cars money can not prop up the costs along the way, in the future the travel process, travel and living expenses you how to solve?

Zhai Feng: I have a shop, these future expenses while I travel, some souvenirs in the shop while I'm in a foreign country will be found to sell to support the costs of the three of us travel. Also some small plan, for example, you want to go to the island have not been to, but can not go, we can write your wish on our sailboat, sailing we reach the island, we will message you wish shot down, sent to you via e-mail, and then charge a fee.

During the next trip, I will go to some who have not been to the island, some specimens collected on the island, these specimens will also be another way to support my future travel costs. During our trip is to travel together and we enjoy the process,Jiangsu Province, after all, most people can not go to those places where we go, so we can interact through the Internet and other media. If you are interested in where we go,now drilling., and you can also take our boat with us to go.

Journal: Over the years, the travel process, has accumulated a wealth of first-hand information, right?

Zhai Feng: real "war" really accumulated a lot of data, have some experience, it should be said that travel for me,chaussures louboutin hommes, I seem to be born is to travel.

Message: For future travel, how do you plan?

Zhai Feng: I have not conducted an overly long-term plans, some things constantly changing, we will side road in the process, while changing. Currently I am planning to go to a place, you should be able to use five to six years to finish. (Along with go on a trip, how her daughter's education do? Sell the house,small losses, how do life in the future? See version A28)

About the future, Zhai Feng and Sun Hong rock couple have their own set of theories. Children's education? Universal Travel perhaps more than in school more, she lost only the school, but it is to get a fresh world. The work? No, tourism is to jump out of the nine to five life. House, car? Did not think so much, because there are many uncertainties, so why let these worldly possessions tied his footsteps dream it?

This is not called to give up learning, which can only be said to be temporarily abandoned school. If you learn outside school than in school, why do you go back to school?

I came to this world to take this trip, not just for children, nurturing offspring and reproduce offspring. I do not know if I can be much longer, I do not know Zhai Feng can live long, but I hope I can live the way some wider, I came to this world to go back, to leave some footprints.

- Sun Hong Yan

◎ on education do not want to send their children when the animal in captivity

Message: This time five or six years, you and your wife on the way to educate their children.

Zhai Feng: not only is our education, during which we will contact with her teacher,A helping hand, through Internet and telephone, work together to educate their children.

Message: You travel around the world, language is a barrier.

Zhai Feng: The problem I thought about it, me and my wife's language is not very good, we did some preparation before the language course abroad, we walked, she asked, while learning.

Message: Do you travel with children to learn this way,louboutin homme pas cher, it will not delay the child?

Zhai Feng: I think I took my children out, more good than harm, this growth of the child is very meaningful. There are a lot of people overseas while traveling with children while learning, this is not my initiative and macros rock, which is a precedent in foreign countries, successful experience, we learn it. Where you kids to experience the nature, much better than in the classroom learning.

Message: If you have one day to complete your travel plans, and whether you will continue to the school children go?

Zhai Feng: This depends on the choice of her own, if she wanted to step by step class, we would send her into the classroom.

Message: If she does not choose to go back to school, you are not to give up the child's learning?

Zhai Feng: This is not called to give up learning, which can only be said to be temporarily abandoned school. If you learn outside school than in school, why do you go back to school? In this process, we teach children language, mathematics, I believe we can teach. In the process around and let her contact with foreigners, learning a foreign language in a foreign environment to go, I believe that children learn a foreign language will be better than the classroom. You know, some students will be sent home for parents to dirty clothes to wash, which is education,was rushed by ambulance to ho, which is to learn? Now the child's education is often ring up like animals in captivity.

Message: children out of school, the school is to say?

Zhai Feng: I schools before and the communication. Our family abroad this year in November, but also to return again next year in June. Children leaving school in November and we are together, the children drop out stage.

Message: Do you travel with children, happy children do?

Zhai Feng: children will be happy to travel with us.

Message: you within this year, what travel plans?

Zhai Feng: before March next year, we are in Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Singapore and other countries. These places have a lot of wonderful destinations. After July next year, we will go to the north, to the Hokkaido area. November next year, we will go to Australia area.

Message: traveling abroad, your main means of transport by ship?

Zhai Feng: mainly sailing, we have room and board are on board, I bought this master degrees in about 12 meters, a displacement of 10 tons or more, enough to our family in there daily diet.

Message: There is no consideration of the long-term safety issues around the ship at sea?

Zhai Feng: electronic equipment and anti-risk equipment on board is very complete, relatively safe. After Beijing's tomorrow morning (10th) 8:00 I will fly to Kuala Lumpur, buy a boat sailing in there learning to drive takes about six months.

◎ jump pit on the work of "nine to five"

Journal: What is the power to let you and your husband to resign and sell their assets to the global travel?

Sun Hong Yan: Actually talking about my husband's first journey,air jordan pas cher, there is a true story. His first journey alone is to Sanya, at December 12, 2008. Done before he went to Sanya, a dream of a white sandy beach, wanted to find him wake up after the white sandy beach. He later on Chinese electronic map to find, did find pieces of white sandy beach in Sanya, and he saw the white sandy beach in order, left for Sanya. Sanya after he did see the patch of white sandy beach dream, but also in the evening there camping. He had to give me a birthday on December 25, and also specialized in Yanzhou back before the 25th of home. From each of the Spring Festival in 2008, after we have had in the field.

Message: 2008 to the present, how you arrange your travel and work?

Sun Hong Yan: We three went away, usually through annual leave. If you leave enough time, sometimes you leave a few days.

Journal: What do you do in the railway?

Sun Hong Yan: I'm in the railway depot repair locomotives.

Message: locomotive repair?

Sun Hong Yan: Yes, I was repairing locomotives. A lot of people laughed locomotive repair a woman, in fact, nothing, just a different division of labor, the locomotive repair shop worker we have several.

Message: Do you resigned?

Sun Hong Yan: I have not resigned. I yesterday (the 10th) will be sent to Beijing airport Zhai Feng, come back to work at night. But I eventually resigned because we are serious about doing (tourism) this thing. Not that she was doing, I was watching, we are a team, we are "comrades." He went abroad, I take care of things for him back at home.

Message: experienced before selling, selling cars and your husband's resignation, if your parents in opposition?

Sun Hong Yan: great emotions parents, my parents 'only child, before my parents' home to almost all day. May now have several months without the parents' home, and they are not happy to go back, we try not to mess with them unhappy. From April this year to now, the relationship between us and the parents are very nervous.

Journal: Have you considered coming back after global no distress living house and car?

Sun Hong Yan: around people, including my family, for our approach really do not understand. In fact we do not aim house car comparisons and others not, and others engaged in the game, we just want to go where we want to go, but some of his friends think we're crazy. The future does not come back, come back have not yet decided to come back even if we do, do not choose where to live settle down, so do not let the first house, car these worldly possessions tied up yourself.

Message: Do not worry about the child's future?

Sun Hong Yan: Before anyone knows our family travel news, a lot of people say that we will destroy the child's life. Qingdao, a man who gave up their children in the exam, the parents take their children to find our 56 ethnic groups, I think I took my children to travel normal. A lot of people say that I was forced to travel with my husband,boutique louboutin paris, and I assisted Zhai Feng accomplish this dream. I think there is such a situation that existed before 2008, until 2010 when we went to Laos, Thailand, when I travel idea is particularly intense, that did not want to come back and then jumped into the "nine to five" of the pit .

In fact, in the process we are constantly traveling, your windows have been opened, then you have no way to shut the windows. The outside world is too exciting, a lot of people can not accept the unknown, but we went out daily contact are unknown, local people have not been the most beautiful.

In recent years the children followed us out, I found out that she is different from other children, cognitive abilities better.

◎ about the role of women is not only a living child multiply their descendants

Message: You can also give your child a world through other means,I knew he was looking for the.

Sun Hong Yan: I have not found, no more than a way to let me take her to travel to her world more direct and intuitive, I think I kind of education system will bring more children, I will continue in this process . If the child does not like it, we can come back.

Message: There is no consideration of the risks around the course?

Sun Hong Yan: We are also at risk at home, I ride on the road to send their children are also at risk, I eat in the house are also at risk,I did not expect such a big i, I think so. Risks are manageable, if it is to bring the outside world, in this process you will improve the ability to resist risks. Electronic equipment on board is very complete, there are two sets of computers. Most people think that the sea is very risky, in fact, related to maritime safety warning is currently very complete. In this process, as long as you avoid the typhoon period there will be no problem. Message: Do you think your parents will understand the future of your choice?

Sun Hong Yan: I think the future will certainly understand our parents choice, after all parents love their children are. My greatest asset is my parents and Zhai Feng's mother are healthy body, the body is like my parents in 1,001,000 million prize to be good. Even though I have a lot of money, parents in poor health, I will not leave. Some people say that I am under the old and small,do not know which people to take." Subsequently, so would be irresponsible to leave, I do not think it is irresponsible, I was not endless piety. If I find a better place in the future, I will pick out parents, I want to give parents something better.

Message: Do you think that life makes sense.

Sun Hong Yan: I came to this world to take this trip, not to have children, raise offspring and reproduce offspring. I do not know if I can be much longer, I do not know Zhai Feng can live long, but I hope I can live the way some wider, I came to this world to go back, to leave some footprints.

Independent Journal reporter Wang Jining end (A27, A28 version of Ventura Copyright Journal, For reprint, subject to authorization Journal.)

(Original title: speech job selling cars to stray Secret Room Jining "crazy one")