"the local tyrants

Western media world has used the English alphabet style "tuhao" The Tyrant of this sounds a bit revolutionary flavor of words spread open, what is the Tyrant? They first want the rich, the rich can be distinguished only in the property much better than the average figure of several zero monotonous sense to storm type is the most significant purchasing power shocked the world tyrant who qualities, and most representative of Chinese-style face Tyrant including Crazy Aunt Chinese buy gold, as well as most developed countries went to buy it --- the best Swedish car brand Li Shufu, there are those raids LV, Hermes Chinese consumers, Tyrant not only money, but also willing to buy them with the big spenders to prove one thing: affordable.

Tyrant as long as it comes to money, numbers are usually "Billion"

Every story about Tyrant sounds very like a talk show in the classic piece. For example, the United States sought after Swiss watch brand Tyrant Frank? Muller, prone to sell $ 600,000, when the "rich countries" author Robert? I had to ask spokesman Frank Muller watch, and the pricing of what? The other only frowned, "Our customers never ask that question." Tyrant circle in Shenzhen, there are many similar scripts. Shenzhen has been invited to participate in a media editor dinner attended a local tyrant, the other seated after the first sentence, is next to the assistant to the president confessed, "You go to find out later on that the next technology companies hundreds of millions of possible acquisitions, we just under the chain can be expanded. "side of the editor with great perspicacity to hold back did not laugh out loud, but the real world is like," Billion "," Never "is really quantifiers Shenzhen Tyrant everyday use.

? Early in the 19th century, Southworth Tann Veblen classic treatise on wealth "leisure class of" Lane said so: In a consumer society, the rating is based on expenditure as a symbol, not the quantity and quality of consumer mean "inferior" and "defective." So, in Shenzhen, selling luxury sales staff told reporters that there Tyrant spent tens of millions to buy a villa, buy time but then not quite like Italy, and finally reluctantly into the company's staff canteen; sale in Shenzhen high-end home sales staff told reporters that there Tyrant spend 600 million to buy a natural crystal bathtub, just because I believe the crystal can give yourself positive energy radiation; in Shenzhen selling luxury car sales staff told reporters that the family garage full of parked Tyrant various colors of cars, on the grounds that can be used with different clothes and shoes every day ...... Hearing this,doudoune moncler pas cher, tears ran hide their faces reporters at the same time, has shocked: "Tyrant Planet" really getting far away from us.

From hatred to "friends", we have a "Tyrant Dream"

Tyrant, in 2013, described the keywords of this group is almost entirely pejorative: upstart, no brain, willing to throw money, but in earlier, ordinary people Tyrant mood for only one: "the local tyrants, and divide the land." . But all have a subtle change in 2013: Following the "Tyrant,spaccio woolrich, we be friends",requin tn nike, the users have to find them and even China's richest man, Wang Jianlin "recognize local tyrant father," hatred of the rich people's camp seems to have begun to loosen.

This analysis is a lot of people loose from behind the helpless, who carries the China dream when ordinary people found up to society has been almost blocked the road, they may only be able to select ridicule banter. But in the Yangtze River, deputy director of Peking University, Department of Sociology, but does not want to look at this issue so pessimistically, he thought that if the average person on the Tyrant's really emotional frustration, but will exhibit more hostile, and now people are the reason why Tyrant "performance-friendly" is actually perhaps because everyone carries both a "Tyrant dream." To analyze real person called a Tyrant, will find that they are almost all rich generation, "Everyone is basically the last three decades of the development of a Tyrant, before they did not become a tyrant, they told civilians, the lower classes are inextricably social ties, but also related to him; and they have become the Tyrant, but also a considerable part of their own efforts ingredients "such as this year's chairman of the world's top 500 airborne Shenzhen International Group, Wang Zhengwei silver, his initial trajectory. it is no different from any of a university graduate, but in the past 15 years by virtue of his keen observation of the market to achieve a multi-hop wealth. Yangtze think this also explains why people on the "Tyrant" friendly, on the "rich" but hated the. "When social class really cured, solidified into two generations or more of the time, this will be no contact with the civilian population, and that is very dangerous time, ordinary people now seem more willing to believe that there is hope that changes."

Tyrant car


Lamborghini opened too Boring, playing all over the world looking for vintage car accessories

"Look at these clothes look good today, I do, in order to match the suit specifically bought this car." The important order of this sentence is not wrong,NwQs9V7XNY, oh,hogan sito ufficiale, is to buy the car with clothes, rather than with cars bought clothes, welcome to the automotive world as accessories. For the home,tn requin pas cher, the garage is like having a mini show of Alice (a pseudonym), according to election day clothes door car is not a problem, because once the side of the dashboard of a car look just ordinary glass, only the driving position Look is stretched far dashboards index, she bought an amused, "Well anyway,woolrich outlet, as long as the hundreds of thousands." Later, her friends heard about this design,peuterey sito ufficiale, also have fun watching a person bought a, car dealers to sell her car member of the month became the first results immediately.

Brand cars such as Maserati, Lamborghini, Ferrari, etc., in the Tyrant circles are not particularly cattle, after all these money can buy, things can be solved with money is also called the idea? Shenzhen One boss reportedly estimated Rolls-Royce can not completely spell English, because the road to see a phantom feel beautiful, the next day went to Hong Kong into a car.

Aston Martin Shenzhen store employees have seen several people to buy a car, I asked, "Well a few of my friends are like, come buy chant." In the high-end car customization is also normal play, all The color, texture, and decorative impression can slowly pick according to your preferences, like Hermes birkin crocodile leather diamond buckle as the lower price there,a car just turn opened, but no upper limit. Of course,giubbotti peuterey, when someone from abroad set to 40 million Bugatti, on the topic of luxury cars is almost over.

But throwing money after all this seems too nouveau style car, ten years ago there Lamborghini Louis said, "Now it is also open Linbao too boring." He has quit sports circle is now obsessed with the retro classic cars,louboutin femme pas cher, often around the world fly to Europe to find a variety of spare parts, accessories and some models have been discontinued, it is necessary to find their own depot mold redone. He has acquired a good few classic cars, what is the latest wave of car count, people open there is a historical background of the car. And it's not money that can be solved, need to invest time and effort, then basically study of classic cars, he also had half a garage.

In addition to the rich so expensive to buy a car, should also buy special, buy buy others. Shenzhen is also a popular buy from Tesla Motors, which has been increasingly popular in the US automotive brand in the country temporarily buy, the price of two to three million level luxury cars belong, but the key is that it is an electric car, also known as safety factor is the level of the tank, the entire central control is a computer, take the road of science and technology. Through Hong Kong to buy two cards to start on this car, the rich do not have to open a car sticker that can be seen is proud of what the car can also allow passers-by have asked roaring "That is What car ah "only high-end thing.

However, this time the rich emphasize force grid or pay attention to grasp the scale, this time Phaeton car must be played. There is a very low-key boss spent more than 100 million to buy the cars Phaeton, dinner show off to the crowd of understated luxury, but the meal back to the parking lot, he just could not find his car, and finally found it, people say oh original is a public ah. Boss angrily to buy a Mercedes or 600, no longer loaded to force.

Tyrant buyers


Spend ten million to buy luxury, do not say you do not, the houses are too lazy to pick up

Wang Yue bought large investment which is located near the East China Sea garden 600 m2 apartment is seeing massive publicity in the media said it was the most top luxury Shenzhen, expensive enough. "But in fact we have a house and not very strong demand bought do not know what to do, the result broke the staff canteen. "Of course, when outreach, Wang Yue said the staff canteen will place this in essence is the club" canteen sounds too earth. "

As one of the best embodies the wealth of real estate values have proved Tyrant --- mansion is "affordable" The Tyrant value standard. What is luxury? LUKE senior luxury sales represent the easiest way is to measure the price, "at least the total price of more than ten million." This simple measure allows Tyrant were very satisfied to know that someone among them to measure a thing worth buying only one reason: you enough?

But the guidelines do not just buy a local tyrant style so expensive that only a single "mansion also has its own standards, if the apartment, then you must as the top center, if the villa, it must be a single-family house large garden." After contact with thousands of customers a lot of money assets, LUKE probably worked out the basic requirements of the local tyrants to buy a house, "they would not buy second-hand building, and the number should be in five or more rooms, each room is equipped with a separate bathroom, the most important thing is to be sure to configure large and bright maid's room, maid's room number of the best there are also two, elevators must be home, and the servants have to take their own elevators, and the owner can not be mixed. "

Tyrant most favored mansion must be special enough, for example, on the top floor of the apartment, "In the heat after the villa, most people still prefer to live in urban convenience, and those downtown penthouse able to meet their needs, as these Most of the apartments are 400 square meters more than the area with private swimming pool and garden, 360 degree panorama,looking around, the general configuration of the house will lift. "

In Beijing and Shenzhen have luxury sales experience, he also felt the profound values of both their differences Tyrant "Beijing brings together people across the country a few years ago to buy a house in Shanxi coal bosses gas unstoppable, Inner Mongolia is now beginning businessman shot, In the limited time available, buy them a shot is a whole cell floor. "Shenzhen's Tyrant who are mostly concentrated in the Chaoshan area," pragmatic, low-key. "Wherever the local tyrant who just view room not only a people,tracking them all the way, "feng shui is that they must take, but also seen people with monk Mountain Feng Shui perspective, sales discerning Jin will immediately understand just to please Mr. Feng Shui,peuterey prezzi, the business has become."

Careful planning is different from ordinary people to buy a house, local tyrants are shopping for houses forthright kind of wonderful, "someone will deliver 20 million, even after 700,000 deposit suddenly do not want to buy, but these people do not bother to recover the deposit, direct go to another suite, that dozens of ten thousand equal to white to give the developers. "

Trouble, to face the most impressive for LUKE Tyrant Chinese style, "they will feel the developers spend so much time and recover the deposit, might as well use this time to earn that money." In the most LUKE practitioners surprise the customer is after his daughter bought a house, actually could not come repossession, "asking for a long time before we know it is the customer for his daughter to buy a house marriage room, because her daughter Huihun can allow customers to feel shame, decided to sever the relationship between mother and daughter . "To face the customer because the house is the daughter's name written at the same time trouble, simply do not set the value of the tens of millions of apartments.

But in the big bucks behind, LUKE see more local tyrant who was a shrewd and insecurity, "A lot of people bought the mansion after,we pray for you, if not self-occupied mortgages would choose to go to the bank, both the house and property, in the hands of another a lot of money to do their own thing. "

And in the Chinese real estate wantonly restriction, China Tyrant who buy the pace towards the world, the most popular locations are still concentrated in Europe, while the Bay Area and the center of London is the most enthusiastic Tyrant place to buy a house, there are Chinese American, said the agency kevin US sellers favorite Chinese customers, "they might be able to pay a one-time up to tens of millions of paying back the principal, but some people are too lazy to look at the room." doing business in Hubei Liao Feng (a pseudonym) is also looking for recent London real estate, "Britain has a freehold house, but do not pay taxes, the most important is the opposite Hyde Park, reportedly the world's top billionaires live that area."

Can I have considerable wealth, China is still a strong sense of insecurity Tyrant, "buy a house because of the waste of money in his hand, do not know that you can do, buy a house is the most solid investment, after all, the money may suddenly worthless . "Liao peak in London to see the house, while also actively inquire about the immigration issues,louboutin pas cher," US high taxes, Canada bored, British immigrants a long time. "Tyrant were big spenders in China, but also figuring out how to increase wealth abroad.

Tyrant Home


Spend 600 million to buy a crystal bath, because it has health function

"New Weekly" For China Tyrant "or like the money to drop in guests visible place," the statement somewhat outdated, who said they do not want the most intimate place at home, fierce "hit", such as buying a natural crystal production bathtub, white crystal's name comes from the Greek "Kristallos", meaning "ice", unaware of the material, of course, the price is more than 6 million. For buy crystal bathtub it, the mysterious buyer of mass shock "do not understand": bought this bathtub is just a fancy white crystal mineral force, which can only for a very practical purpose oh health.

This "practical" luxury concept is also quite popular in the purchase of another set of rich Italian national treasure crafts, a favorite of nearly 200,000 crystal glass, it's the whole body inlaid with copper gilt decoration, and the general Most of the market the same shape instead of using acrylic material crystal, crystal inlaid copper process because a lot of difficulty, when heard most customers are free to use it to decorate small decorative flowers or fruit when the customer proudly express themselves more willing to use it installed at home remote control gentlemen, "so it becomes very untidy house." Now you know why your home so messed up, right?

Of course, the "practical," saying there are many exceptions, such as Leonardo da Vinci in a red sideboard sold, its lines are irregular vertical stripe, using eel leather material, yes, that is your favorite eel rice protagonist. DaVinci Marketing Director road In introducing it, is to lead reporters to the next heavyweight products happens after,while warning the flow of tra, she then patted the cabinet said: inexpensive, but eel skin thing is to plan a new and interesting . Its price tag is about 200,000.

Of course, the furniture just "fun" far enough to attract consumers of luxury home, it's best to have a story behind, such as the mistress of the French emperor gave a belly cabinet,most people have no idea how., which was covered by a tortoise shell inlay carefully made, this furniture of the original product is currently housed in the Palace --- Royal Suites & Towers, one of France's largest palace, the current use as a museum. The luxury goods produced according to copies of it have been sold in the Leonardo da Vinci to 1.665 million yuan, "money for a lot of guests just numbers,Peuterey Milano, they care about their own whether to buy furniture history, so maybe one day in front of the guests are pieces inadvertently speak out interesting things. "Xie Hongying said that such a" story-type "There are a few treasures, especially those in power to give the gift of the most sought after mistress, evidently we all know men have always been willing to" love "under the original capital a.

In Leonardo's shop there are some familiar brand names such as Armani, Versace and so on, but this was not much enthusiasm for many rich, "After all these faster consumer goods,only Yong in the room.," Xie Hongying said, "a few million or feather pillow, are relatively certain volume products. "Obviously with the production, will increase the number of owners, this is the rich who do not like.

Therefore, the "limited" are more markets, but it means that in addition to the limited money it will take time, Leonardo da Vinci's furniture production cycle as "eight months since," meaning that a few years to get the furniture and so on are some . If you have money, a lot of money, and tomorrow I will one be able to do, how much money is OK! Then the staff will tell you: be patient, "you have the money, others have the money ah, the rich world are waiting for, and no one was queuing." said.

In rich and waiting time, there may be a master craftsman, a small workshop in Milan away in deliberately designed to create pieces of furniture that belongs to you, the Italian brand has a nearly 800,000 baldi table, the whole All desktop spell by malachite, most of this ancient jade jewelry to doing, but making this table craftsmen who need to find the most similar texture chunks of malachite, and then fight like a puzzle as to spell out the entire desktop while the task is to undertake four legs Romanesque Meifu gilded copper statue requires three different texture statue: skin polished to shiny hair such as hair-like delicate clothes matte texture. Shan is one of the "one leg" may take several months to a year to make.

Xie Hongying found that more and more people have the patience, willing to wait for crafts. Decade, she felt rich consumer attitudes are also changing, pushed open the door from a decade ago, a large golden mad selected furniture, and now will be very low-key manner in which the clip is only one golden furniture, although the living room or throwing money city, but the bedroom where the guests can not see favorably, many brands of product sales never bedroom living room --- which is less than the Tyrant home aesthetic growth trajectory.