and out of her lack of respect for my mother

Husband in 7? 21 rain died, the car scrapped, in order to license plates, the mother Miss Ren Cai Granny court, to inherit the license plate.

This morning, the city's first license plate inheritance case in Fangshan county court court hearing, the parties are required to inherit the license plate. It is reported that,tn requin pas cher, due to the introduction of restriction policy, Beijing, Beijing non-membership of any lady can not inherit the husband's name, such as license plates, they have no right to buy a car in Beijing.

Courtroom the defendant: the car is not related to the plaintiff bought early

9:30 plaintiff Miss Ren and agents into the court, but did not appear in court accused Miss Choi,peuterey uomo, but appear in court as an agent by the youngest son.

Ms. Ren said, her husband Lee? 21 died in Beijing rainstorm 7 until July 23, Lee was only found, but it is also the name of a leased car flood flooded scrapped,Yuan Dynasty painter Huang Kung-wang masterpiece painted in 1350,scarpe nike tn, because Ms. Cai and her mother for scrapped vehicles succession of great differences, she sued to court, requesting an order inherited from her car involved.

Ms. Ren said the incident that day, her husband Lee errands, but did not go home until the evening,but "fought" electricity supp, so go out looking for the family, and finally found her husband near Zhoukoudian,hogan donna, "It was because of heavy rain bridge is broken,giubbotti woolrich, my husband's car fell into the bridge Rescuers found the car first, after seeing my husband in the car. "

Ms. Ren said that she and her husband in January 15, 2010 to get married, the two married without children,Why things are sharpened, the husband after the accident, due to the problem of handling the funeral, she and her mother and some unpleasant,a pseudonym, "I was out of the boom, even the doors locks changed. "Miss Ren think the car is involved in all the husband, now her husband is dead, he is entitled to inherit the car," the car scrapped,basically put it when half th,hogan outlet, I have inherited the license plate. "Miss Ren court shouted.

At this time sitting in the dock has been without a word of Lee retorted:. "Car is my brother and his ex-wife in 2006 to buy, and also his mother out of money, there is no relationship with the plaintiff," the husband's brother, said, "After the death of his brother, I went with a sister-in-law notary,Original title, when she said that the mother will go to inherit the license plate, we gave her 10,000 yuan,moncler sito ufficiale, but later changed their mind, and asked for 15,000 yuan, an angry mother I do not agree with the money,hogan donna, which was referred to the court. "

Plaintiff: old mother could not open the car I am learning this license plate that belongs to me

"Now only one license plate, and out of her lack of respect for my mother, so she does not give the license plate." Lee's voice hardly ever sit on the plaintiff gallery Miss Ren shouted: "You respect me yet,tiffany roma, for the locks do not tell me, kicked me out, I said not to the plate,observed a few days after fee, but now changed my mind, have not. "

Court, Lee told the judge, because the vehicle has been scrapped, he had been to the South Branch of Beijing Vehicle Administration consulted,woolrich donna, Vehicle informed all 7? 21 scrapped vehicles, if the family inheritance, the vehicle can not be traded The plaintiff said that after going to the license plate, buy a new car, the car and the license plate to sell or rent,hogan 2014, this is against the rules.

"You tube I used to do, I just want to fight." Mrs Yam said that he and the mother of the dispute, all because of the husband's brother they want a car, but was immediately denied Lee: "I have the name of the car, and I struggle to have any use. "

"Her mother more than 70 years old, they can not drive, I was 30 years old, is also in this test car, so the license plate that belongs to me." Mrs Yam said.

Because the defendant does not agree to mediation, the trial continues to the 11:00,bracciale tiffany,, the judge adjourned the trial, will be scheduled for sentencing.

Source: Legal Evening News