"I think I really should cry a pass

Two year old little ocean,http://www.corelearningunit.nhs.uk/item/create_form/1,scarpe hogan outlet, Hebei Province, was born in an ordinary peasant family. So far, he has gone through six months of suffering leukemia chemotherapy. When pain can cry hoarse voice, pain when restored to a child's innocence.

5 years old this year, small potatoes, is Beijing's high-rise in a "little princess." Her weekly classes to go to an expensive piano,hogan interactive, painting, grandparents, mom and dad's favorite.

Now, families like small potatoes, is changing the fate of the small ocean home.

"Our class is a child without the Internet, I could not say Mom, if I were you, I make a flyer,http://bbs.anjian.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, write clearly above the small ocean of disease, what we need to do. Classmates to get back to them mothers, mothers can understand! "Last month, small potatoes upturned face children, said a mother's words moved.

They donate not change, nor is it large sums of money, is 1000 yuan.

Looking for a small ocean

March 17, volunteer friends "bowstring 007" at their own expense to drive,prezzo hogan, go to Tianjin to visit the "The Passion of the child."

In front of the gray building and Blood Diseases Hospital in Tianjin, a bright red sculpture is very striking.

In the sixth child hematology center section 80,http://www.ucantek.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=167428, he saw a small ocean. This was two years old child, "lying on dark lonely bed." Catheters, long catheters, blood bags down, has been connected to this little body.

"Acute lymphoblastic leukemia chemotherapy,hogan rebel outlet, adults are unbearable, but he is only two years old." Child's blood thin, every blood transfusion needle had tied several times, will be crying. Mom often can not help but secretly weeping at the side, and even the families of sufferers are also "could not stand."

After listening to a small ocean encounter the previous day,hogan donne 2013, "bowstring 007" old nephew decided to give this car a favorite "little brother." By rural customs and speaking, kids wear big kids through the clothes, toys to play with too, can bring good luck.

Small ocean liked cars, but even took the little brother of the toy car, he did not childlike smile.

"Ocean? Aunts and uncles to laugh?" Dad Li Jianfeng managed to laugh, to amuse children.

But no hair little sick eyes wide open, in the end also gave no hint of a smile.

The ordinary rural households have been pressed doubled up. "Every year farming income but two million workers earn about twenty thousand father, together totaling about 40,000 yuan, but also the burden of the elderly and the ocean's aunt still in school. Hometown of houses built over 20 years, but also unable refurbished.

The ocean's disease, is their "bolt from the blue." From last September to February this year,hogan uomo prezzi, the Spring Festival, a small ocean of treatment cost of 10 million yuan. Although there are new rural cooperative medical care in rural areas, but for various reasons,outlet hogan originali,http://herbalstars.eu/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?164469.last, the actual reimbursement of only more than 30,000 yuan. Today, in order to facilitate treatment, lengthy hospital's parents rented a dozen square meters near the hut, no toilets, the monthly rent of 600 yuan.

The 31-year-old rural man uttered his biggest dreams. "I just hope that the ocean can survive, like carrying a bag to go to school like other children."

After the conversation, "bowstring 007" took a lot of medical photos on the Internet. He is not just a trip to visit, but also to verify. "This should be true, you can salvage."

He came from the grassroots NGOs newly established "thousand to help."

"One thousand yuan is not much, but add up to a large sum of N saving money! This is the 'one thousand yuan to help.' Move N individual donors of N $ 1,000 to save a person's life."

"He needs to save 300 1000 yuan, net 300 good man seeking a helping hand!" This is a microblogging real-name help CCTV host Qiu Qiming issued.

From the "small ocean" to "small potatoes."

"The ocean is lovely so I spent three days in life so meaningful,scarpe online hogan." Small potatoes mother said.

She has become a "thousand gang" major volunteer, a member of the voluntary pledges launched in friends.

March 21, she picked up the iphone, to friends bulk of the first "Save the small ocean," the message. "One thousand dollars per person Minato" scenario in just over one hundred words on them, officially kicked off.

This is her charity "first try." When asked why, she laughed, literally a Deng Yanjing: "This is not investment risk, but also hesitant Shaa!" Potato dad started to persuade his wife should think carefully before doing it, which can make potato anxious mother , and "to do everything from naive to mature, but this is a life-saving na! so I think clearly, kids died!"

Tense wait a few minutes, the bell suddenly rang.

"Yes I do? Is a liar, right? Phones stolen, right?" This is the first reaction of many friends.

"Thousand gang" to start running on the first day, she received more than 100 calls, more than 20 friends willing to come up with one thousand yuan a small ocean. Before going to bed for the first time she used the microblogging.

"I think I really should cry a pass, then made my first micro-blog. Really not an easy day! Probably because I sent text messages to friends are not too clear, I finally tasted 'when one hundred thousand Whys' taste it! sincerely hope that friends are willing to help us, give us some magnanimous, with constructive suggestions instead of questioning me? "

"But I really did not feel tired." She recalls, and smiled.

The next day,,hogan olympia, her mother's potato "little battle" began to ferment into a public service ethics discussion.

"This should not be initiated by ordinary citizens,hogan outlet milano, it should be the government to pay attention to so do not solve the fundamental problem, why not launch an attack on the whereabouts of the government towards the introduction of a system?" This phone is the greatest.

Potatoes mother did not think so much, do not want to think that far. "A thousand dollars, said the system so much what is the use ah? Next year also this year after also so Also a great country, too many problems to be solved,http://wiki.bhondehighschool.in/Main_Page, and that you, as a citizen, not any way to change the system time have time to question, not as do whatever thing. "

Came a milk and milk sound air phone: "Auntie, I heard my mother say, why are thousands of children not afford to help, do not help hundred??"

"Hundred help if money was Intuit slow!" She explained with 7-year-old children, "said the aunt say people around a thousand dollars can afford it, does not take into account students and children, and do not know other well-intentioned people,outlet hogan, we can spontaneously donated, lavish already. "

"?? What do you do there are so many people waiting for urgent rescued it," she ironic: "With my daughter's words to answer it: Mom, if I lose, you have another child will do it!"

"You are not to use this thing to your friends classified matter?"

Encounter this problem,woolrich outlet, potatoes mom only honest answer: "This time you donate money, does not necessarily mean you are a good man, but not donate is a miser we can do one at a code to get things to think.? Simple point! "

From evening until 1:00 reply to many, potatoes mother wiped away tears wrote microblogging.

"Today is really tired and want to get sick a centralized Q & A: You are not trying to find out when the savior of this thing, I feel it as a social person, dry everything must have its own starting point is to find if the feeling?. , I'll find a boy the same age and my children, help him medical treatment. healed the sick, and see my heart to meet it! "

Miraculous birthday gift

March 23 is a small ocean's second birthday, he received a life-changing birthday gift.

"My best friend: Today is the ocean we decided to help children two years old birthday, we bless this child every year to tell Hello everyone, today another message:! Only three days have 55 friends to join us in a thousand Yuan help plan! expected fundraising 60,000 yuan! Thank you in such a short time, with your soft heart warm ocean and let him know that in this beautiful world there are so many uncles,outlet hogan, aunts,hogan offerta, brothers and sisters loved him ! hope more friends to join us! "

This is a day of mass potato mom friends text messages. At that time she did not know, a bigger surprise waiting for small ocean.

A stranger investment company CEOs see microblogging,hogan donna prezzi, that the small lengthy illness, a one-time funding decisions 300 one thousand yuan, "the day will be able to transfer."

"Lengthy saved!" Potato mother excitedly stop using exclamation points. "The power of the network is really big, I am very grateful to it."

Today, this method of helping the new birth, is taking steps carefully, looking for a second, third or even more children.

Helping objects that: "seriously ill children,hogan rosa; 60% cure hope; family difficulties; honest as the home for the parents of other students priority.."

Because "thousand gang" is not yet registered with the Foundation, not for money supervision. They commissioned the Angel Mom Foundation established the proprietary account of a small ocean. Money donated in proprietary accounts, money from the account to the hospital to fight.

They do not encourage members to large bailout, cap everyone who sponsored a child in a thousand.

"We want to steady if you would like to donate 5,000 yuan, that you donate five children, while launching more friends to participate." "Bowstring 007," said.

Potatoes Mom feel there are too many people around to treat charitable souls of "Glass Heart",hogan interactive blu, "I want to say that we Chinese people's hearts not so fragile, about charitable discoloration. Even people who have not had to cheat, do not believe, This is not good. "She hopes, thousands of help is a continuous positive energy, in fact, to tell you life is really good.

"Do not think so noble charity, how deep." Potato mom admits.

She does not intend to take their own small potatoes to visit any one of the children receiving aid. "Because people do not need you to see ah. He is weak only need your sympathy, why do you want him as a weak it? Treat people just need the money,http://www.gauravgatha.org/activity/p/303374/, we give money to him like a thing."

Since participating in the "thousand gang" operation, potatoes mother would wish to participate in some social activities, expand the circle and convince more people to join their ranks among. Even when the bank act,moncler sito ufficiale, potatoes mom will seize the opportunity to introduce their activities to the loan manager, ask "Are you willing to participate in it?"

Now, the total pledges friend asked: "?? In the end is not how and when to donate money to donate ah."

"! Last week I launched a 12" potato mother said with a smile,scarpe hogan donna outlet, "and my family potatoes grow to 18 years old, I hope she also joined." Her name such thinking in mind: one week to launch five or six people to join "thousand Gang", so a year to complete 300 goals.

Potatoes mother always referred to "happiness" word. "My life now can be really beautiful ah. Lives more positive aspects and details of the happiness I found no comparisons with others,http://tjcutao.com/discuzx31gbk/home.php?mod=space&uid=7417&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=214392, to focus on his life,outlet scarpe hogan, work and public welfare."

"A person because of your help and change the fate of a person to help you because the rich feel satisfied, is any substance to satisfy both unattainable."

Their current goal is to aid each year from 5 to 8 children.

"I believe that those children were saved a lot of people love a thousand dollars, that would return more love in this society." "Bowstring 007," said.

Beijing, April 12 electric