but should be less concerned about the lottery

Pingxiang a lottery from Xingtai Welfare betting bonus will be included in the Welfare Community Chest

This reporter yesterday visited the related betting, the provincial Welfare Lottery Center staff analyzed the reasons Qijiang

A lottery, 8.43 million yuan prize, this huge pie hit in a rural county in Xingtai City Welfare betting. However, two months later, the winners of the lucky ones but the delay did not show up awarding.

Until last night, the last day of Hebei Welfare Lottery Center staff for two months waiting for the end of this period lottery claims, declaring 8.43 million yuan prize was abandoned collar.

Staff betting has award "good news" close up

Winners may be the man

Yesterday afternoon, civilized way in Xingtai City Rural counties 13,190,315 Welfare betting, if a staff member Zhang still talking about this note more than 800 million jackpot, it excited.

"Yes, this note 8.43 million yuan lottery prize that I sold,woolrich polar parka, and bought this note winning the lottery should be a man." Chang Shang fruit that day is the morning of July 2, the lottery is a 3 Note single-type ticket, which won first prize in a note, a single injection bonus 843.5718 million.

Playing this lottery ticket time is at 8:36:51 on on July 2, serial number is 0001, which means that this lottery is that the betting sold 2,012,077 of the first color ball lottery.

Winning numbers were bought ten times

The color ball winning numbers for the "red ball 02,04,13,woolrich bologna cadriano,18,26,28, blue ball 12." I heard that the winner has yet to awarding, Zhang Shang fruit also is not worried about the lottery winner lost in the betting stood. "Later I flipped through the trash and found a good few have this number on the different phases of the lottery yet." Chang Shang fruit that he found in the trash that period have been abandoned on a dozen sheets are buying lottery The winning numbers "red ball 02,04,moncler lans,13,18,moncler anni 80,26,28, blue ball 12", which should be with a lottery purchase. Obviously, the Lottery in the defensive numbers.

Award winner has not appeared to be abandoned

It is regrettable that, yesterday (August 31) deadline for the final awarding, who won the grand prize winner has yet to 8.43 million yuan in Hebei Welfare center for awarding procedures, Hebei Welfare Centre had under the relevant provisions of the prize do Qijiang processing.

"8.43 million yuan of Qijiang Qijiang be relatively large amounts in the province Lottery history." Hebei Welfare Centre propaganda center staff Mengbao Guo told reporters that from 2000 to date, Hebei Welfare Lottery color ball first prize is a total of two abandoned.

The first prize after generation, awarding the winner late in the future, and colleagues to find ways to try to notify the winning person. "After the lottery will be posted on our Web site announcement,moncler mokacine, carried out propaganda on television and newspapers, we even allow staff to find betting Which day to buy a lottery ticket lottery." said,outlet moncler, but unfortunately, Winners still did not appear.

Meng Baoguo introduction, this large Qijiang will be included in the Welfare Community Chest.


There are three possible reasons Qijiang

Meng Baoguo analysis,http://www.xyshw.cc/home.php?mod=space&uid=58824, the winning lottery ticket was abandoned collar roughly three reasons.

First, people who buy lottery tickets are "novices" do not understand the time and awarding the winning lottery process,vendita moncler online, no longer concerned after buying the winning lottery information. "A lot of people buy lottery tickets in order to get some change or buy a whim,http://demagentoexpert.nl/member/5713, after buying a lottery ticket casually put, no longer concerned about the lottery information." said, "A similar thing happened last year in the province had .2011 9 May 11, color ball 2,woolrich shop,011,106, Chengde City Shuangqiaoshan District Cave Hill 13,140,161 ditch Jingya betting while in the 2 Note first prize, including a note said that because the winning ticket is lost, resulting in 5 million yuan prize Qijiang. "

The second reason is that the Lottery did not keep after buying lottery tickets, the lottery randomly placed, and so found himself winning the lottery but could not find.

The third is yes, Lottery, for various reasons,http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~tigerz/cgi-bin/yybbs77.cgi, such as mistaken the deadline, they did not at the time of awarding the provisions, until remembered only to find time has passed.

"The 8.43 million award winner, should not be an old Lottery old lottery winners usually within a week after the awarding will come." Meng Baoguo analysis, usually old lottery ticket will buy penthouse, but keep an eye lottery information,woolrich originali, although this name winners purchased the same number several consecutive period,giacchetto woolrich, but should be less concerned about the lottery, resulting in no timely access to information or winning the lottery lost.


Take good care of concern lottery lottery information

To prevent the re-emergence of winners Qijiang, Meng Baoguo remind Lottery note the following.

Be sure to buy a lottery ticket lottery check whether winning, do not have a low probability of winning, it is impossible winning idea. Attention must be timely awarding lottery time and location and other information in the purchase of lottery tickets. "Welfare's official website or from television, newspapers and other formal channels to verify the information on the lottery to confirm."

"There are a lottery ticket buying directly into a purse or folder to the book, it is easy to be lost or damaged." He reminded, be sure to keep the lottery lottery, lottery information and timely view.

Article 25 "Lottery Regulations": daily lottery lottery winners shall, within 60 calendar days, holding awarding winning tickets to the designated location. Qijiang considered overdue Duijiang. Some Lottery will receive a bonus when "do not show up until the last moment",http://social1.net46.net/user/l9ry4g6s4e6/blogs, but some choose to receive lottery winnings night. In this regard, Mengbao Guo said, as long as the awarding of time will be awarding,saldi moncler online, if it is to night, night duty officer will notify the relevant authorities,woolrich parka bambina,http://poose.net/forum/profile.php?id=15756, after the lottery,woolrich bambini, the winning identity verification information is correct, a check by the finance department.

Text / reporter intern reporter Zhang Minghao Zhao Race

Photo / reporter Cui Jing

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2,010,069, a note fell 10 million first prize, Kunshan, Suzhou. As of August 16, 2010, not yet appear Lord appeared, and ultimately into the Qijiang.

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