Liu preservation of going home.

Liu preservation of the train near his eyes, trying to identify with, even though just in front of the dark one,basket air jordan femme pas cher, but Liu preservation of his face was filled with laughter. "With this ticket, you can go home the New Year!" Liu said hoarsely preservation. Express reporter Xia Shi Yan / photo

Liu preservation holding a ticket to go home very mixed feelings, ten years ago, his first home for the holiday from Guangzhou, in order to train for a day at the ticket window ranked team, can now telephone bookings, and to facilitate the a lot of. Express reporter Xia Shi Yan / photo

Back to the hostel, Liu preservation of the Internet at the bedside holding the keyboard, which is a computer designed specifically for the blind. With the sound operation. He said that in addition to working on this every day entertaining. His favorite nephew and equally blind to chat. Express reporter Xia Shi Yan / photo

During the spring, no one would take into account that he is blind people

This year, the Chamber of Commerce of Hubei Express and promised to help him return home

■ Express reporter Liu Zaiyu

And many others, Liu preservation think spring is a silent war, but for him, more brutal, more intense.

He is blind a legal sense.

10 years, he has only been back once home,catalogo woolrich, no sleeping, no seat tickets, the only way home seems to be standing in his home,, in his words, "toilet shit urinated taste, a crowd of people Minato together, body odor, smoke, instant noodles taste, smell ...... site snack "with him in the car seat and the smell of fermentation, waiting for the moment at home.

He said the family was cursed like a general, a beginning blind, and now own,chaussure nike air max pas cher, is sit back and wait for the arrival of a camel waiting for totally blind.

This year, he wanted to catch up before the blind, and then go home again, the corner of oblique light once again feel the home, but he still only buy standing tickets.

He said: "Go home,, for the blind, the bitter."

From colorful to dark gray cross

Liu preservation of life like being under a curse, and he was waiting for a camel sit back and wait, "dark" is coming.

And mother, his brother, as he was 15 years old at the time, darkness quietly struck. Blue skies of summer, he asked a friend standing in front of Catcher:. "Yeah, going to rain, we quickly go home."

After the friend heard, stunned for a moment, then laughed and said:. "Sunny, you say what nonsense it."

Liu preservation of heart thump loud bang,, as if the glass is struck a small hammer, a rift instant expansion, he said:. "Gloomy before, so my world stopped, can not breathe."

This is Liu preservation indelible memories in this life, his life began to gray cross from the colorful two-color world.

He was running all the way, and no two calves crazy world more gray, his running while whistling loudly gasp, "bang" bang, he hit his own wooden doors, door steps also seemed to be a devil with a claw , suddenly caught him one, it was swollen head a package.

He said: "That did not have time, and directly rushed to talk to my mom, mom, my eyes a problem."

Already blind mother felt bad news finally came, a long sigh and told her husband was in the field on his own, walked rapid pace, go to the county.

"At that time the doctor diagnosed that your child that no big thing, is eye diseases, prescription anti-inflammatory drugs like." Liu preserve such memories.

He began to adhere to medication, but he said: "see what the doctor prescribed medication color, just on the mouth, drink water wholeness to swallow."



As if the whole family is under a curse

Liu preservation of eyesight began a sharp decline, and the Northeast, like the weather, just one night, the temperature can drop below 0 ℃.

. "Before the vision is how much ah" Zaoyang City, Hubei Province, People's Hospital ophthalmologist ask parents just to open his mouth, he cut in and said:. "1.5 vision."

"Oh, that's normal,, but you are now decreased vision very quickly, has to 0.09,0.1 up." Liu preservation began to wonder whether the county doctor prescribed drugs expired,, "that ate the drug useless ah." Liu preservation of this tell your doctor. "Oh, you're the disease, I suspect is a hereditary disease, I suggest you go to Wuhan look." Heard these words,woolrich uomo prezzi, Liu preservation feel more terrible, they began regular reciprocated.

. "Wuhan, Jujube, Jujube, Wuhan," ultimately, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,tn requin, Union Hospital, diagnosed as "optic atrophy," the doctor and clearly told:. "This is a familial genetic disease."

Soon, under the age of 10-year-old nephew also began to appear blindness, followed by his brother, two nephews, the family began shrouded in fear, he said:. "Our family seems to be under some kind of curse."

Mother began sitting in front of a day remembered:. "God ah, I did what it was wicked things, you call us home like this."

Tougher and tougher, with the family of another blind person can come down to earth a little more, "only a few thousand dollars a year income,, the house is not covered up." Said Liu preservation.

He felt himself to be out of battles, the most important is that only a promising career in order to treat their eyes.

Into the "blind"

? "You know how many times I fell," he asked, I shook my head, but it seems to think it is wrong, because he could not see, and quickly said:. "Do not know"

He said: "Actually, I do not know how many times the fall, in a strange city, are not familiar with, they will stumble, over 20 years old, fell down and then climb up, tears still in the eye socket round and round. "

Liu preservation said he went to Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Guangzhou and finally the way to his last stay in Guangzhou since 2001 Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen heard optic atrophy can be treated.

"But the doctor saw that I had missed the best treatment time period,, it is impossible restored." Said Liu preservation, when their vision has dropped to 0.04 and 0.03, and "From the legal sense, I officially joined the the ranks of the blind. "

According to medical statistics, once entered optic atrophy state, has no possible cure, but early intervention, you can maintain or slow the extent of decay of vision.

To survive, he began looking for work, but also began to experience all the inconveniences blind.

He said he is afraid to go to the bank, "the bank account must be their signature, fingerprints can not be pressed," Then he took out a piece of paper to the reporters do demonstrations, he will head slowly lower, want to use the corner of oblique light see the handwriting on the paper from the face of the paper is less than 5 cm, and then carefully pen,, twist to write his name: "Liu preservation, Hubei Zaoyang people."

Since then, he found a blind massage parlors, started doing a masseur, pushing, holding, rubbing and other actions to be his addition to eat, walk outside to do the most action.

"Massage can eat,jordans femme pas cher," is his reason to carry on.

Trying to find a ticket window with disabilities


Nobody can help

Liu preservation battles this year out of 10 years, a second home, on a trip home in 2002.

Let him to describe the spring, he said: "difficult, difficult, really particularly difficult." He can still recall the 2002's that home from buying tickets to go home, all the way hard.

At that time he lived in the West entrance of 5:00 to get up, take the bus 6:30 arrival of Spring Festival train ticket Baiyun temporary ticket, "eyes not, a dark silhouette looked everywhere."

Armed police on duty because they can not, he needs to line up in a conventional window line to buy tickets, "If there is armed, I can go to the ticket window with disabilities."

"Comrades, I would like to ask, what is the disabled window." He recalls this year had asked people buying tickets together, "no one answer, no one is willing to take me to go, go, others will jump the queue." He say so.

From 6:30 to 11:30, after waiting several hours, he is still not discharged, "then listen to others, it was more than 12 points before the night went."

He felt that the spring is war, "I can not see, but could hear what a lot of people seem to jump the queue in the fight, with the war-like, you buy the ticket is victory chant,woolrich polar parka, I did not get to noon, in the morning a be losing the battle. "

Back home, my wife hit a phone call to inform their defeat in the ticket army.

He recalls, was with his wife added:. "Mainly people equipped, my eyes well, Meizhe, deficiencies, there is also lost because of"

That evening, Liu preservation with his friends went to a trip ticket, and found an armed police on duty to lead him to the military / Disabled ticket window to buy a ticket.

■ Express reporter Liu Zaiyu

Spring no one will remember that you are blind

"When people ask me, only standing tickets, you do not have no ticket." Liu preservation so that in the end he chose the standing tickets.

Home that day, Liu preservation feel vaguely could see the black sky a few Xubai Guang, southern winter chill encroaching knee pants like a personal damp towel, and he and the station platform carrying a paint bucket,moncler outlet bologna, carrying a few pounds of various People like articles, wore sleepy in such a cold morning breath ran only one purpose, "Go home."

The crowd no end in sight, the staff inside the station constantly blew shrill whistle, whistle and steam train song overlapping response, but fortunately there are volunteers Chanfu his car, but he bought a standing tickets, volunteer who can only say: "You can stand here, you buy standing tickets."

Although they have been helping with the car, but the spring posture or startled him.

He glimpsed the faint light perception seat packed with dark shadows,soldes nike air, "the eyes of a flower, how the air is also a figure? People fly up?" Then he heard, people are standing on the seat, because sitting the accounting of space too, stood, then put the legs where a person can be more stations.

His hand touched the seat, but also people, toilet stuffed with four or five people, the doors are caged.

In this way, the toilet shit urinated taste, a large group of people get together in the body odor, smoke, instant noodles taste, smell ...... site snack on these flavor mixed fermentation in seat compartment.

Way north, farther cold.

Liu preservation seems to be this way home, in the car, he stood straight Leng Leng, stand later, he barely find a piece of waste paper from the bag on the car floor mats, relying on cars Rotary shoulder seat sitting "At that time, nobody would have to take into account that you are blind, and no one will give you a seat." he said.

Blind is sooner or later

Liu has been impossible to preserve eyesight restored, maintaining the existing level of vision is his last hope.

Need to eat every day to repair nervous system drugs, but the doctor told him:. "Your optic wire like charred after the fire, very difficult to fix."

He said the medication in a sense, is a kind of psychological comfort, "Waiting for the arrival of blind that day, like when waiting for eye color,prezzi giubbotti moncler, like losing," At the end, he added, "sit back and wait."

Liu preservation fear most is the silence, "silence is the world's most terrible thing, my mind will continue to think of things, I think before the age of 15 colors, like me the day after."

He said doctors told him blind is sooner or later, must be psychologically prepared, but the drug control will delay the arrival of that day, he felt blind when the time is drag the whole family.

"I am most worried about is my son, the doctor said he was 20 years old not blind, should not be inherited." Liu told reporters preservation, but chased one, "will be atavistic," he felt grandson after the road will be difficult to walk. "You say that I'm all the time what can be done blind to the age when I'm big, that is a burden, and that perhaps I should leave the world of the time."

These words, Liu preservation rarely say, but did not dare say in front of his wife's face,chaussure nike requin, "I said she was sad, so early with me, take care of my life, how can allow me to go first?"

Liu preservation said he had tried to have done a meal, meat Chaojiao, and finally just forced to put the pot fell to the ground, "feels that he is a waste."

"January 31, no seat."

Liu preservation of going home.

He said, to look at a home and then ramp before the blind, even if only black and white, but also want to "Chou Chou look at home."

He said, afraid he would never see anything, "said the mild winter you engage in action, I heard after quickly find someone to help me buy a ticket."

Because now the impact of network ticketing outlets and telephone booking, Liu preservation eventually got only standing tickets for a home, reimbursement, he took out the wallet, anxious to put my face on the wallet, with your eyes wildly look in the end what is the ticket sheets, straining after turning a few times, took out two pieces of paper, one is a piece of paper ticket.

Along the perimeter of the paper, he and Qi index finger, middle finger and ring finger, then touch the size of the paper, and squeezed the thickness of the paper, "This," said he handed the reporter a note saying: "Guangzhou - Zaoyang, 03 cars, no seat "on the ticket.

The nominal price of 79.5 yuan, the reporter gave him the reimbursement money, he said:. "Although I know of you in terms of reimbursement shall not much, but for me, very warm."

Liu preservation, said he did not know what to return to the community, can only use their skills will only help others.

. "To help them massage is also a thanksgiving it" Paralympic Games held in Guangzhou, he will sign up to do volunteer, Liu preservation said he saw one person, one person praised him: "Shen Canzhi no residue."

Finish the sentence,woolrich roma outlet, he smiled. He was waiting for the moment to go home because "home when the heart is particularly warm."

He asked reporters: "You help me see the ticket is written someday go back?"

I read to him: "You buy that Zaoyang the L328 Guangzhou to train, at 15:42 on January 31 to drive, 03 cars, no seat."

After listening, he nodded with satisfaction.

To help him return home

To help blind Liu preservation home, the Express reporter contacted yesterday, Hubei, Guangdong Province Chamber of Commerce and the Guangzhou Railway Group and Express official microblogging, Hubei, Guangdong Province Chamber of Commerce official microblogging, mobile phone Sina official microblogging, solicitation sent him home-intentioned people.

Hubei, Guangdong Province Chamber of Commerce, said it has appealed to members of the New Year back to Hubei, drove him home.

Guangzhou Railway Group also said that if he can only hold the car on the standing tickets will be in accordance with relevant provisions of the special care given to the people with disabilities.