but to donate a monument of the Old City

 Feng Jicai recalls rescue Tianjin Street:

[Witnessed] snatch 3600 artifacts from the sledgehammer

This is a tough times, it was a fortunate era, because we are making history. 30 years,http://www.muzykadawna.com/forum/profile.php?id=147781, China's economic and social development of magnificent, with each passing day. Introduction of every major policy, every major economic events occur, have a significant impact on our age and the future. Articles launched special "Living" section, invite participants to major decisions, events witness through their talk,nike requin pas cher, let us return to the important moment when China's economic and social development and the first scene, a deep sense of this big change times every breath.

"China Economic Weekly" reporter Xiao Yi | Photo

Oral: CPPCC Standing Committee, the State Department counselor, a famous Chinese writer Feng Jicai

Wrote: "China Economic Weekly" reporter Zhang Lujing

I have deep feelings folk culture. I have sold several times in order to rescue the word Maihua folk culture, I remember the first time you hold charity art exhibition for rescue Folk Culture in 2004, someone asked me, rely on your power of one person, to do such a huge cultural engineering, is Jingwei do not like? I would say that I appreciate is Jingwei spirit, Jingwei is my idol. But to be honest, when these paintings from his studio to take down, there is indeed a "four walls" feeling. But often does not allow me to consider, it is necessary to put out the fire and save the dead like speed-like spiritual heritage rescue workers from under the hammer.

I often ask some officials: in the end you want to transform the city into what? Answer two: the former is not much thought, first solve the housing problems of the people say; latter is a modern city. But when I asked specifically what kind of a modern city, when their answers on jammed, "I did not think so much."

I'm really scared, and now China's cities are rapidly toward convergence, another 30 years, ancestral mix of urban culture, will be depleted. If China is the land of the plain skyscrapers, neon overwhelming, it would be a dreadful thing.

And changes in different cities of Western society, our city is not a linear, incremental change, but a sudden, sharp turn-style changes, which tend to be extinct in nature, against type. I have seen two ancient China, one in the north of Shandong Dezhou, a southern Zhejiang Jiaxing, I went to these two cities, they can talk about these two cities basically can not find a historic building (like Texas there an ancient ruins). No ancient dwellings, ancient streets is not, history does not seem to happen in these two cities as before. "Thousands of city side" signs are everywhere in China.

Shocked Tianjin Gu Yi Street to be demolished,


Salvage artifacts from the sledgehammer

December 9, 1999 suddenly learned that Tianjin's oldest commercial street - Gu Yi Street is about to be removed. I am shocked, could not believe.

I grew up in this city, passionately devoted to the Old City and the local culture, so I can write a series of novels such a "whip", "mundane Warren", "lotus feet" and so on. When I heard that you want to move the streets, like moving my roots.

Gu Yi Street as a commercial port of Tianjin is the most ancient roots. Street boutiques, and there Qian Xiang Yi, Rui Fu Xiang and other municipal cultural protection units, not to mention Gu Yi Street itself is also a cultural relics protection units, copper protective signs on the wall is fixed Gu Yi Street West mouth. As an important historical and cultural heritage district of Tianjin city, Gu Yi Street, how can dismantle it?

When I read the signature of Hongqiao District, Tianjin headquarters relocation alley on December 8, 1999 release of "Open Letter to the demolition of Hongqiao District residents alley", I did not believe this devastating fact. After the open letter published on the streets again clearly stated in the announcement, "Late refused to move, and the verdict according to the law, until forced evictions."

December 11, 1999, I wrote to the then mayor of Tianjin Li Shenglin, along with 10 Qian Xiang Yi expedited enlarged color photographs, etc., please Mayor attention to this matter.

However, the relocation work has already begun. We want to start from the fast train to rescue the dying Gu Yi Street under very unlikely, but we use the action to leave something for this old street.

December 16, 1999, I called the city of Tianjin interested in conservation volunteers, decided to do four aspects: First, please professional photographers will conduct door to door pickup Gu Yi Street, leaving fresh Gu Yi Street audiovisual historical data. Second, by taking pictures of the method,doudoune femme moncler soldes, the culture of Gu Yi Street careful search in all the valuable cultural details left on the camera negatives. Third, access to Aboriginal Gu Yi Street, with the next tape recorder to record their verbal memory, retain oral history Gu Yi Street. Fourth, to collect relevant artifacts, relics necessary to spend money, retain Gu Yi Street empirical cultural details.

After weeks of effort, Gu Yi Street for effective protection significantly. Those of us volunteers almost from under the workers' sledgehammer to a piece of precious cultural relics salvaged. They keep calling me from the scene, told me each group Zhuanke their newfound, stone, plaque or transfer of ancient Aboriginal life necessities.

School No. 7 in Tianjin Chamber of Commerce site, salvaged brick and stone house eaves care at two lintel carving. Huge stone pieces, stone color Bik, at least 200 pounds, carved patterns for Bogut should heyday of boutique Tianjin brick.

The other one is found in a stone house residents, homeowners have been removed, litter. This monument is this possible possession households,doudoune pas cher moncler, but the stone overweight, relocation inconvenience discarded here. This monument is a pillar of Shanxi between Hall and Jiangxi Hall, stand Xin Mao Qing dynasty (1891),http://www.vfxjournal.net/blog/item/create_form/1, should be changed Boxer (1900) testimony before the Gu Yi Street is booming.

These things should have been done by the relevant local government departments,nike air tn pas cher, but the culture and heritage sector uncommon for people to, not only that, these institutions have not done decades earlier fieldwork. There is no cultural survey before demolition, this place is essentially abandoned important cultural heritage with, yet they hung a "conservation units" sign. This is really a satire, is a tragedy.

"Bad teeth can be repaired, do not change a denture."


Gu Yi Street had not split hopes

December 26, 1999, the manager Qian Xiang Yi Zhao received a demolition notice for the country again. Instructions on the notice, once the demolition had time to water and electricity, refuse disposal of demolition by law and so on, the pressure to threaten again.

On the same day, Mayor Li Shenglin to Gu Yi Street, into the old Qian Xiang Yi inspections. Since December 29,air max tn pas cher, Vice Mayor Wang Dehui and Planning Secretary also visited Gu Yi Street. Vice Mayor always supported and respected my opinions about the city cultural preservation. So I feel that the light of hope gleaming again now.

Since then, a lot of folklore saying there is not wrong to say as demolition; leaders have said spoke, Feng Jicai say protection,soldes air max, called him money; has said Qian Xiang Yi, such as several Ruifuxiang not split, the rest demolished; there said the plan changed, Gu Yi Street no more. At this point of the day, Gu Yi Street survival of news, good day suddenly suddenly bad, like August weather,chaussure requin, when overcast sunny.

At this point almost late,nike air max tn pas cher, demolition workers and more home for the holiday, demolition temporarily suspended. According to plan,http://www.gameinatrix.com/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=7293, the public housing (ie street lined with shops building) should be February 20, 2000 the relocation. I feel I must pay close attention to the Spring Festival this short period of time, and then make a final effort.

February 7 (flood the temple), I and Gu Yi Street area - then Party Secretary Hongqiao District Caoxiu Rong meet. said: "Now the Construction Committee plans have changed, I heard Qian Xiang Yi Gu Yi not removed the other buildings on the street according to the original style, floor reconstruction we do not want to dismantle, but we must listen Construction Committee.."

This is the first time I heard the official news from the competent authorities Gu Yi Street. I said: "Qian Xiang Yi not dismantle good, of course it should be, but some other historic buildings must maintain the status quo, do not fall rebuild bad teeth can be mended, not-for-bite dentures.."

Subsequently, on February 10 (the sixth month), February 19th (fifteenth), edited by my set of five pieces of postcard Gu Yi Street in Gu Yi Street signings, intended to arouse the people to Gu Yi Street feelings, the fact that people are very enthusiastic. Remember fifteenth signings, the first one to reach the line by 5:00. A total of 2,000 sets of postcards prepared twice sold out. When I signed the mind like an oven, passion, but after signing a burst of cold, sparse inner emptiness, nothing to fall back on.

"Taking advantage of Feng Jicai not quickly split":


Zhou Enlai site activities did not keep

After nearly a month, Gu Yi Street is not much movement.

I'm in the same year (2000) two of the country's "Comrade Li arts CPPCC members and discussion" in a speech entitled "Saving urban culture without delay," the statement. By the two Fanjin soon, March 16 Municipal Bureau notification Vice Mayor Wang Dehui hosted on Gu Yi Street area experts will transform the program. When I heard the name of this program is "Gu Yi Street area of ​​protective transformation plan" will be assured by half. "Protective transformation" and "constructive destruction" is diametrically opposed to the two statements.

It was suggested that the street ready to Gu Yi several important buildings (probably six buildings),http://friend.chinatmf.com/site/?action-viewcomment-itemid-22, preserved intact. At that time, government officials said at the meeting, the developers did well this time, in order to protect Gu Yi Street, developers earn less 60 million. However, I do not agree with this statement, I said that if you want to Tiananmen removed, but Tiananmen let you split it, is enough to say that earn less than 100 million it? Heritage simply can not split, nor should split. Of course I support the Government protective development point of view, I said, "conservation-oriented development," the word was a new word to protect in the first place, all development had to be under the protection of the premise, if there is no protection on the development, so treat an ancient street is not acceptable.

At that time I thought it seemed to Paul Gu Yi Street down the street width unchanged, six important buildings are also unchanged. Then, I went to France to lecture the safely. However, to Paris after a sudden my room facsimile transmission over a thing, told me that someone said Tianjin, Feng Jicai not rush to take advantage of the demolition,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php, I did not believe it would have demolished six buildings, but, etc. I came back later, in fact, five buildings have been demolished, leaving only a plaque Gu Yi Street, the whole street is a mess, just like Dawan Zhang same.

I am most sad is the Gu Yi Street Tianjin Chamber of Commerce also to the demolition site. It is the seat of a very beautiful wooden structure, it is China as the world's only authentic ruins of the May Fourth Movement, it should be a national heritage. I stood on the ruins, really crying. My assistant has been with me for so many years, I have never seen such a cry. Really a pity! Here is where Zhou Enlai year activities. Student leaders during the May Fourth Movement Ma, is here to head skittle, trying to Take a shot way to arouse the public's consciousness, so that they strike to support students. Finally, we only salvaged Ma then hit two pillars, from the hands of the workers, bought a 100 dollars.

China's first museum built in a donation:


The whole thing is over 3600 people to donate

I do not recognize the streets to rescue failed, so I found a responsible leadership urban construction.

I told him Tianjin spent 600 years in the old town cohesion and create a unique culture, you can not call it loose. Now, public, private,http://www.lvbody.com/site/?action-viewcomment-itemid-155, antique dealers in disarray start, reach the Old City Cultural divided over this point. Should build a museum, these things move in! As long as he gave me a place where I have to think of a way of cultural relics. Finally, the government will in the Old City of East Gate Avenue Xu Courtyard as a museum located.

I want to be China's first donation the museum. I first spent tens of thousands of pieces, buy something from the hands of traffickers artifacts, like wood, stone, donated to the museum. Then gave the museum wrote the sign "Tianjin Old City Museum", listing the time, called for people to donate things.

People moved out, but to donate a monument of the Old City, so who put things in the museum, who would love to stay in this place, so to deepen the links between land and people. Not long, filled the whole museum, the whole thing is the people who donated, no one is buying anything.

Now all kinds of artifacts inside the Old City Old Town Museum has more than 3,600 pieces, including Tianjin Qing said the food with water transport dock "official weights," mahogany "light box", Jiangsu Hall pillar, the Republic of China "refrigerator" , as well as recording Tianjin folk bindings, old records,woolrich sito ufficiale, wooden pot sets, wooden guise, as well as collection of century-old brass bed, clock, hand-cranked record player, radio.

In two sessions installment of "urban renewal"


Li: "You have such cultural awareness is good."

From protecting Tianjin Old City began,air jordan enfant pas cher, I wrote a lot of articles criticizing "urban renewal." I especially hate that word.

I had specifically criticized the CPPCC National Committee meeting this slogan. At that time the Politburo Standing Committee, Comrade Li listened a moment, ask why. I said that China has a saying old not new does not come, the New Year is called "the old and welcome," the old bad thing. If we call the transformation of the ancient city of transformation or Old Town, Old Town, at least you know there are some things that you have to look a little attention. Called Old Town, is a reasonable means to get rid of. Moreover, the transformation of the bad things are for, if called Old Town or Old Town building repairs, alterations Old Town, than "urban renewal" Well, the destructive power of the word to China is very large.

This so-called "urban renewal" process did not go into the culture of this factor is often functionally transform the city, is to consider its practicality, without considering the cultural spirit, memory and personality.

In recent decades, almost all of the cities in China have been transformed, in fact, is recycling. This recycling, I think in the history of mankind is not seen no country in the world, his own mix of cities all bulldozed, re-made,http://gospogroove.com/activity/p/686588/,air jordan 3 pas cher, and this process is basically done by the real estate business, according to business needs to build a house, All the buildings are commercial buildings, full of commercialization, pseudo-luxury, nouveau-style aesthetic.

At that time, Li said: "The word (Note: refers to the" Old City ") is my invention, then we do not have your consciousness now, at that time the Chinese people, in the old town which is really life is too difficult, I was eager to change China's life, so I used the word, but for now, you have such cultural consciousness is good, "I was even told Li opened a joke, I said:.". offended "Everybody laughed a.

Some people asked me: Feng Jicai old house you live in or live units? Unable to break yourself how the house? This is not bickering thing. But the problem is that now some places should be removed, we did not split; split some places great value Quefei not, why? Because there expensive land, demolished to build the developer can make big money. Some people live in the house it was broken,basket air jordan pas cher, you can cover the new building they can not afford, it did not completely solve their housing problems. This in the end is who got the benefits?

Feng Jicai

Born in 1942 in Tianjin. Chinese contemporary writers and painters. The current CPPCC Standing Committee, deputy director of the National Committee of the CPPCC and learning History, State Department Counselor, National Intangible Cultural Heritage Assessment Work Leading Group,http://www.isofans.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, deputy head of the Committee of Experts, director, vice chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

Over the past decade, as a contemporary cultural scholar Feng Jicai participate in the city's historic and cultural preservation and folk culture rescue, advocacy and chaired Chinese folk cultural heritage rescue project.

(Original title: Feng Jicai who have questioned the benefits of urban renewal: people who can not afford the new building)