wounds sharp triangular shape

Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court trial Thai businessman murder case, the truth is confusing as making blockbusters

About October 3, 2012, a Chinese businessman suffered homicide in Thailand. Police investigators believe that Chinese men Averroes major crime suspects. Or because of their own a female friend had been entangled wealthy bully,jordan pas cher femme, he conspired with the woman outside the kill. More than a year later, the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court hearing the case,http://www.bgwbd.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=11687&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=153154, male defendants retracted mouthful deny murder, female defendant repeatedly stressed never to be hurt. Defense lawyers pointed out that the evidence shady. This is the truth of the case from the outside of the murderer becomes confusing, exactly who the real murderer?

■ Express reporter Guo Haiyan

Mystery businessman died in Thailand,http://wswms.com/discuzx31/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=229968&fromuid=46418, who are charged with 32 stab wounds

October 3, 2012 in the evening, a hotel waiter in Bangkok, Thailand found the body of a man lying on the ground rooms. The autopsy report revealed that the deceased had 32 stab wounds,basket air jordan pas cher, wounds sharp triangular shape,nike requin tn, the cause of death was chest stab lead to heart tear.

Thai police investigation quickly, identity of the deceased was identified as China Yunnan businessman Jiang Ming (pseudonym), whose family was well off, divorced, with a son, now an adult.

Qinxiong number of witnesses that the suspect is a Chinese Thai man

After investigation, Jiang Ming's last phone call with Chinese man Averroes (a pseudonym) conducted. Hotels monitor display, the incident that day at 2 pm, Jiang Ming into the room along with a man, the man wearing a black hat, dressed in white, black shoulder bag, the man at around 6:00 in the morning to leave.

Witnessed the man's staff to identify, monitor the man is his firm, flustered during the day to leave, so he wants to escape the room rate mistaken, deliberately up with conversation.

Statistics show that investment in his firm in his early thirties, Guangzhou, high school culture. Was found guilty of intentional assault was sentenced to four years, 2007 to regain freedom. Averroes identified a Thai driver after the incident occurred in Thailand,tn pas cher, and stay another hotel, which also asked to be in the process of how car hire killer. Passport information is displayed,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1,chaussures tn requin, the incident at 8:00 am, and Averroes flying leave Thailand.

There are a Thai massage parlors clerk identified, Averroes had with the victim went massage. In addition, there was a Thai tour guide said that his firm had told him that he had been harassed, attacked harassment to hire him to help people.

So far, his firm is locked for murder suspects. The same month on the 17th, the Thai police to apply for an arrest warrant,chaussures tn pas cher, Averroes charged with murder. February 2013,jordan pas cher, Averroes was arrested in Yunnan.

Abnormal white Formica deceased love, there are millions of financial transactions

If the murderer as Averroes, what his motives are? Police did not find out what Averroes in direct contradiction with the river. However, after the intervention of Guangzhou public security investigation,http://cgi.www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~ayame/bbs/light.cgi?res=1550, another clue surfaced: Averroes before and after the incident, and the woman is nice (not his real name) calls have been frequent, and clear relationship with Jiang Ming seems unusual.

Data show clear as Guangzhou, whose family was once very rich, prominent,http://www.hxyysw.com/?action-viewcomment-itemid-191,air max pas cher, she has a university education,http://www.xmxyktx.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=125568,chaussures air max pas cher, aged over thirty, divorced single. Just the day of the incident, she was a lawyer issued quickly to resolve their housing Jiang Ming trade dispute.

Meanwhile, a number of relatives and bank financial manager Jiang Ming are confirmed, Jiang Ming for the purchase of a property had to pay fine over two million yuan,tn requin femme, while also lent nearly 800 million fine for early completion of another house also loan.

Even more critical is that the police investigation,air jordan magasin,http://bbs.qingwaquan.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=118406, this is a fine companion Jiang Mingtai country trip, it may be the only master Jiang Ming specific whereabouts of people. However, she canceled a trip to Thailand Jiang Ming alone. Death, sunny slightly lower house prices will resell to others.

Jiang Ming acquaintances expressed understanding sunny, sunny praised Jiang Ming always competent, such as "ready to mobilize to the loan company tens of millions", the two ambiguous relationship may exist between men and women friends. But there are also economic exchanges acquaintance after the two men heard that "clear relationship is more complex,abercrombie france, to pay attention," he says homicide, the sunny "major problem."

Testimony, Sunny's father also appeared. He expressed understanding Jiang Ming, the dinner, sunny introduce this person to do contracting, you can help her through the financial crisis. Sunny known for years and friends say, sunny and others fail to do business partner, financial problems may arise, to sell turnover. Jiang Ming as the buyer, with representations.

The boyfriend claimed genuine sunny,http://www.tuanxiu.net/luntan/home.php?mod=space&uid=50899&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=1451410, sunny buy a man who brought a fat man opened Cayenne, also mention a man named "Devil," the man bothering her.

(Original title: girlfriends for white male in his early Thai Phu kill businessman?)