the letter should be borrowed to hospital

For the recovery of Hong Kong compatriots 690,000 yuan loan,chaussures tn, Maoming City Commission for Discipline Inspection Peng Deji former People's Hospital and the letter should be played for 11 years lawsuit. August 2, 2011, Maoming Intermediate People's Court of Final Appeal ruling Peng Deji lost, Peng believes the court injustice,, submitted an open letter to the court on October 28, said to seek justice for themselves.

Xinyi hospital construction of buildings seeking donations of Hong Kong

is pleasant letter Maoming City, in the 1980s, served as Maoming City Commission for Discipline Inspection. By the end of 1991, adjusted to Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch to work outside.

1995, 1996, Peng Deji has found Hong Kong "Chunyang Cave" and other civil society groups, requesting donations to the home. Xinyi hospital-acquired "Chunyang Cave" pledged three million yuan for the construction of the emergency center building.

Xinyi hospital no foreign currency accounts, the then deputy governor Li Zongrong Xinyi, the county party secretary Huang Fuchun sign an agreement, by the letter should be issued by the county attorney to "Chunyang Cave", commissioned by the Hong Kong Jin Xing Industrial Co., Ltd. Lu was transferred group collecting donations. Lu was the group was stationed in Hong Kong Jin Xing Xinyi manager of the company.

October 18,, 1995, January 12, 1996, the hospital has twice received the letter should "Chunyang Cave" by Lu significant group to help the 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars remitted contributions.

One million revolving loan fee for the province

said that in order to facilitate the exchange,abercrombie homme, August 7,, 1996, he was writing about Hong Kong Jinsong Association, the request will then Shenzhen Mao Bao company that gave one million Hong Kong dollars to the Council, the letter should be borrowed to hospital; later from Jinsong Hospital Association in donations directly back to Hong Kong's.

Peng Deji believes that this letter should not only allow the hospital to get the funds to build the emergency center of the building as quickly as possible, but also to save unnecessary expenses. At that time, Hong Kong was still under British control, remittances from Hong Kong to the mainland, to be charged a 3% fee.

Jinsong Peng Deji Association agreed to the proposal, but asked Peng Deji also responsible for reminders.

August 22, 1996,parajumpers norge, September 27, October 17, when the president of the hospital's Xinyi Xiexiu Bin,,scarpe hogan online, vice president Yang Chongyi three occasions were collected from HK , Mao Bao over 5 37,500 yuan RMB 30 yuan and 199,500 yuan.

310,000 Hong Kong dollars donation directly for repayment

"Later learned that one million lent before, 'Chunyang Cave' of the other two donation total 1,hogan interactive 2013,000,000 (HK) in July 18, 1996 and August 5, the group already has significant land into account; this Lu was the group misappropriated the money, no time transferred to the hospital. "

After "Chunyang Cave" spending two donation, February 26, 1997, when the president of the hospital's Xiexiu Bin Xinyi personally to Hong Kong, and from "Chunyang Cave" fee of $ 200,000.

January 16, 1998, Xinyi hospital longer get 265,000 Hong Kong dollars donation from "pure positive Cave." The money from contact by , directly from the "pure positive Cave" paid to Jinsong Association. "Behind the hospital and also the 45,000 Hong Kong dollars."

Refused to repay the loan is considered donations

"After Xiexiu Bin retirement, the new dean of the borrower does not recognize this." said he secured from Jinsong Association lent one million, left 690,000 gone unfunded. Jinsong Association is a seniors' associations in Hong Kong, "The money is pension money these people." Peng Deji feel for them to recover the money anyway.

Jinsong Association far in Hong Kong, inconvenient arrived Xinyi court. October 12, 1999, will be transferred to Peng Deji loan debt, requested its help for money.

August 7, 2000, will Xinyi hospital to court, saying that the letter should be obtained in addition to the hospital, "Chunyang Cave" 2.965 million Hong Kong dollars donation,air jordan pas cher femme, the other also to Jinsong fraternity borrowed one million Hong Kong dollars, the two together, actually obtained 3.965 million Hong Kong dollars,moncler outlet roma, of which one million Hong Kong dollars belong to unjust enrichment, should come to repay Jinsong Association.

Xinyi hospital claimed that the hospital with no credit and debt Jinsong Association, August 22, 1996, September 27, October 17, hospital-acquired HK three sums, by Peng Deji referred to the "Cave Chunyang "donations.

Refused to accept the final judgment to be handed an open letter

August 2, 2011, Maoming Intermediate People's Court of Final Appeal ruling in that case is the focus of the total contributions received Xinyi hospital is HK $ 2.965 million yuan, or HK $ 3.965 million yuan.

Maoming Intermediate People think that, based on "pure positive Cave" in the amount of contributions and the related letter should be made by the Audit Bureau "Hong Kong" Chunyang Cave "donation to build Xinyi medical emergency center audits of funds", the letter should actually receive contributions hospitals should be 2.965 million Hong Kong dollars, dismissed Peng Deji's appeal.

"I am not satisfied with this decision." October 28, 2011, Peng Deji arrived Maoming Intermediate People's Court, handed an open letter, claiming that the court would like to seek justice.

In the open letter,, Peng Deji said the Court in its judgment in the Xinyi hospital actually received "payment" is HK $ 3.965 million yuan, to paid-up "contributions" 2.965 million yuan, the hospital one million of unjust enrichment faded .

"This is all I have evidence." Peng Deji said he submitted to the court a total of 13 copies of the evidence, "but the court only took one of which half." Peng Deji requested the court on the case for retrial.


One million donors who have been trapped

The key person dies hard to trace

Said one charge of $ 2.965 million, said the other party actually received 3.965 million,woolrich milano, which is in the middle of one million in the end it exists or not, where to go?

August 22,, 1996, September 27, October 17, the letter should get HK $ 1 million from the hospital , Mao Bowes. Previously, July 18, 1996 and August 5, donors "Chunyang Cave" Lu was paid in two groups one million Hong Kong dollars.

Xinyi hospital insisted that the two payments are the same amount. Lu was in the group got the "Chunyang Cave" 1 million donation, the exchange after by Peng Deji transferred to the hospital.

Confirm evidence in court showed significant group of land after obtaining the above-mentioned million donation,prezzo hogan,, once trapped, not the first time remitted to the hospital or to Peng Deji. But Miss significant group has to "Chunyang Cave" out "on behalf of the letter should be received hospital donated hospital," the receipt. After receipt of the letter should cover the hospital in two hospitals seal.

October 21, 2009, Maoming Municipal People's Procuratorate at the group from the land was to obtain a contract with the hospital Xinyi Lu significant between groups. The contract states that the land was once the group will "Chunyang Cave" July 18,hollister france, 1996 and August 5 donation to the hospital Xinyi interception, was the hospital recourse debt and the corresponding interest. Lu was the group has to repay some debt.

October 10, 2009, Maoming Municipal People's Procuratorate issued against Peng Deji "reply letter," said, "the letter should not only receive hospital 'Chunyang Cave' 2.965 million Hong Kong dollars donation, dean Xiexiu Bin, deputy Dean also on August 22,nike air max, 1996, September 27, October 17 Peng were removed from the hands of HK $ 537,500 yuan, 300,000 yuan, 199,parajumpers norge,500 yuan, Xinyi City People's Hospital for overcharging The money was returned, respectively, of the January 9, 1998 and the 12th of HK $ 265,000 yuan and 45,000 yuan. Xinyi Hospital, former president Xiexiu Bin,, vice president HK Peng collected from the hands of 537,500 yuan, 499,500 yuan belongs to another unjust enrichment. "

Lu significant group received 1 million yuan in the end there is no doubt that all of the hospital become, but the land was now the group has died, it is difficult to trace.

Written: Southern Reporter intern SUN Wei - feng Zhou Songbo