the girls eligible for bail. Two days ago

 ,hogan italia
Recently, this exclusive disclosure of Houjie indecent video girls bail after the news. Yesterday, reporters learned that the name of a minor girl who just turned 17 years old, "inciting debauchery" Two days ago has been hearing the case in Dongguan City Second People's Court. Because of privacy involving minors,parajumpers jakke, the case is no public hearing.

Dongguan Guofeng Law Firm Wang Xiaodong is this girls defense lawyer. "Promiscuous mob crime in the law already controversial, based on facts and the law,, I do pleaded not guilty to the parties." He said. But a relative of the girls said that consultation with the legal profession,they go hand in hand with each other, trial results are not optimistic.

Text / Chart reporter Wang Wanli


"Inciting debauchery" girls court case to trial

Yesterday morning, reporters once again came houjie professional and technical schools. Deep indecent video event, in May this year to at least 17 years of age, Li Jie (a pseudonym), will not be returning to this school. How was she now? Only her family could come into contact with her.

And Li Jie's father is not willing to say more. "Two days ago the case in Chang'an, Dongguan City Second People's Court, the trial process is also very simple, just say a little something through." Li Jie went to court that day to be with their parents.

After the incident and daughter have been under enormous psychological pressure father expecting "My daughter should be fine." While the other relatives are worried that the consultation had a lot of lawyers, the trial results are not optimistic.

"It is our initiative to go to the police, the first time a relationship or was drugged, we are victims. If the victim but to be sentenced, the girls encounter this kind of thing in the future,,parajumpers salg, who would dare to take the initiative to the police?" This relatives said.

This relatives said, prosecutors said in the indictment in the book, Li Jie boys repeatedly and over a relationship, is inciting debauchery. Li Jie and two other boys the same charges are prosecuted.

March 12,moncler outlet ufficiale, an interview with reporters,tn nike pas cher,After discussion and analysis of police investigators, the girls involved parents also wanted to quell another place to live after the incident. Unexpectedly, the development of events beyond the parents' expectations.

Defense counsel:

For the girls involved do innocence

Wang Xiaodong, Dongguan Guofeng Law Firm, he was a defense lawyer Li Jie. He Li Jie do is innocence. Yesterday afternoon, the face of a reporter,hogan italia, he was always hesitant, "the case is too sensitive, not yet sentenced, a lot of things we can not say." He told reporters stressed that he was delegated to do legal aid center defense, "to talk about the case must go through the unit and assistance centers."

He can reveal is that he pleaded not guilty to Li Jie was "based on facts and laws." He proposed "facts" yes, Li Jie, "every time out,piumini moncler outlet,, and a few boys to play sex games,moncler outlet, not proactive." And before the police said that "there are several proactive about boys and girls to play."

"Promiscuous mob crime in the law already controversial." Wang Xiaodong said he paused several times,covered with swollen, refused to talk with.

About "inciting sexual immorality,I'm older."

Mob adultery refers to defy national law and public morality, men and women gather people collectively adulterous behavior. L6 years of age and who have attained the age of criminal responsibility of natural persons can constitute the crime (see "Criminal Law," Chapter VI "crime of obstruction of management of social order" on page 301).

May 20 ,jordan homme pas cher,, Ma Yao Hai and other 22 people with promiscuous gathering held criminally responsible for the crime, became the first in 20 years because of "inciting sexual immorality" by the real punishment of people. (According BEIJING)

Indecent video event

After the Spring Festival, Houjie technical school students of heat transfer period indecent video of a girl and three boys playing sex games.


March 1,these 8 people, Houjie technical school girls school to find parents,nike requin pas cher, to say the incident suggested the girls change schools or drop out.

The whole story

March 9, the girls parents bring her to Houjie Public Security Bureau police, record lasted 16 hours, until the early morning of March 10.

March 15, the girls parents interviewed by the media. Shortly after the media exposure, police filed to criminal detention mob promiscuous girls. 25 days later,air jordan pas cher, the girls eligible for bail. Two days ago, Dongguan City Second People's Court hearing the case.

Involved girls:

Age: 17 years old

School: Houjie technical school

Readme case:

The first was being drugged,air max tn pas cher, after being threatened.