Han's home one hour computer are gone

Thief "skilled are bold,when the sight of it,spaccio woolrich cadriano orari," breath climbing PVC pipe on the 5th floor,woolrich blizzard, the waist is not sour, back hurt, nor leg cramps. If it replaced the old Man Yao Shuang brother, let alone climb, it is estimated to see a Du Yun Cai. More cattle X is yet to come, after the arrest of the thief still leisurely, actually proposed using 50,000 "bribe" in exchange freelance policeman ...... Gangju classic shot of wood with ah!

Cool brother most puzzled that so gifted excellent quality,a self-proclaimed middle-aged Mei Fu Ho Ping's fashionable to buy cosmetics on the grounds, if the fire brigade save into the fire, when special police chase chase fugitives, maybe early every day hanging flower when the technology elite ...... This is why you do teenagers!

A hand carry monitor, a hand carry the main chassis plus a bag of tobacco, 18-year-old Wei Yan (a pseudonym) is very calm and out of the cell door,is a Canadian citizen. It is alleged that in May 2008 to July, the face of surveillance cameras also easily change his hands,hogan interactive uomo, as if he is disguising the owners. This "coquettish" figure, has become the main evidence the police cracked the case. Most people speechless yes, Wei Yan was arrested after the police actually very calm and talk conditions:. "Give you 50,000 yuan, let me go, anyway, I do not say that you do nothing with me."

Han's home one hour computer are gone

Who lives in a district of Guandu town Otto very depressed. At 15:00 on November 6, he went out to pick up their kids, one hour after coming home, he was startled by the house scene: All drawers are opened, throw the clothes in one place. Not come and count the missing items, Otto called the police,moncler lans, saying that he might have 300,woolrich online shop,000 of stolen property.

Guandu police station a little shock to hear this figure, the Criminal Investigation Brigade police then conducted a technical survey on the scene. Otto after an inventory, fortunately found gold and silver valuables like jewelry Modiu, and a cell phone,prezzo woolrich lungo, an Apple iTouch, a desktop computer and 17-pack of purple clouds are gone, the loss of about 15,000 yuan. The police find it strange to hear, the larger the volume of desktop computers,moncler prezzo, the thief is how to move out of? Recall monitoring a look at the day 15:59, a young man from the Otto family unit door to come out, hand carrying a desktop computer, plus a bag,Yesterday the trial, looked calm and composed.

Very familiar with the nearby community police immediately recognized the man called Wei Yan, is Zhaotong people living in the village. Police immediately dispatched evening 20:00 in the rental house will WeiYan captured. However, Otto missing something or did not find.

50,hogan nere,000 yuan for-freedom? Little brother you kidding me

The other side, Wei Yan was arrested after the remains rock solid,the brutal nature, but the "threat" from the police come - he said he gave the police 50,woolrich outlet padova,increasing turnover revenue,000 yuan, so the police let him go. "Anyway, I know, they do not say that you simply do nothing with me." Police emboldened own mind, decisive ignored. Assault trial of two hours, Wei Yan confessed reluctantly sold the stolen goods is a mobile phone shop, police then took him to go, then the owner of the house are carrying a computer Otto came down from upstairs.

Under caught red-handed,woolrich cadriano, Wei Yan had confessed the whole story,and later apologized in the mailbox, it turned out that 18-year-old boy is a recidivist, theft last year into the detention center for one year,woolrich outlet serravalle, this year, in May began a line of work. The 3rd to the 6th of this month, he was twice in this district burglary. The first stole 1,000 yuan, also took the victim's car keys at home, but found that the car had no money, no car stolen.

Police suspect there are other fron the case, but because of the video captured by only two cases, the police had to continue to collect clues for a breakthrough. At present,a district of Nanjing Road, Wei Yan has been arrested.

■ "technology flow"

PVC pipe along the fifth floor and then climbed away from the main entrance

Police reports, the main form of theft WeiYan climb PVC pipe is used between the cell floor, due to the slender figure, the average person will be a two-step climb and broke the pipe has become his "green channel." Because depression in the pipeline walls, residents difficult to find,collana perle tiffany, so when the action is always WeiYan dawn. Confirm the owner before leaving home, he climbed into the PVC pipes are located by the 4th and 5th floor of an indoor bathroom, after implementation of the theft and then walked out from the main entrance.

"This child is a habitual offender, psychological and counter-reconnaissance capabilities are strong." Guandu police station in charge of the case to police reports, he said Wei Yan's mother also Kunming to work, but usually do not discipline their children.

Wei Wenqing