Dengfeng City zoo wildlife decade

According to the Zhengzhou Evening News reported on the 3rd morning, someone told reporters reflect a black bear in Dengfeng City killed a zoo keeper,is very hard to put on old vases and other small accessories, the reporter went to Dengfeng City Zoo found that the zoo closed the door, shouting for a long time no one answered, the big door close "because of security risks zoo park opened temporarily rectify" notice.

Subsequently,chaussures nike pas cher, the reporter learned that the parties concerned in Dengfeng,but like so much of the theft ring formation, was killed by a black bear keeper called Xie Jian, 50 years old, Nanyang Tanghe people. At 16:30 on the 2nd Xu, Xie Jian breeder to bears feeding at around 18:00, Xie Xie Jian Jian's family to find the bear has not been back to the office after feeding, to find a place to see black bears in captivity,spaccio woolrich,Last night, Xie Jian actually lie on the ground,abercrombie pas cher, beside a lot of blood, but the bear was calmly in bite Xie Jian. Shocked the family rushed the police, after the police,peuterey outlet, fire brigade, 120 emergency personnel with the crowd after nearly two hours efforts to another captive black bear rushed pool, will Xie Jian rescued after initial diagnosis scene 120 emergency physicians, Xie Built for being black bear bites the neck,basket nike pas cher, head,named Ma to kill his wife, forehead,woolrich prezzi, right after so many lost so much blood, has died.

Breeder usually get along well with the black bear

Lift the black bear killed by zoo keepers occurred regarding the surrounding businesses have expressed very weird, was killed by the breeder very honest,woolrich sito ufficiale, responsible,Wang Hui Chen Zhu boss drunk driving crash, in order to take good care of the animals, he basically does not usually come out at the zoo, feeding black bears have also been two years, and usually he get along very well with the black bear, often touching black bear, black bears also like to get along with Xie Jian, someone saw him making out with black bear "kiss."

After the incident, the bear is still very "relaxed"

3 afternoon, reporters followed the zoo staff arrived at the black bear feeding, in which a black bear breeding pool, shocking blood on the ground, a few colored sticks, two shoes,road construction process, a black bear feeding food barrels and scattered in one place The broken food - could not help but imagine a fierce people "human beast wars" have occurred here. Rescuers have been another black bear breeding pool, but if nothing had happened, squatting on the ground staff dropped casually eating chicken.

According to insiders say,chaussures nike pas cher, the zoo covers an area of ​​about four acres, was originally part of Dengfeng Songyang Park, but 10 years ago,moncler sito ufficiale, contracted to Dengfeng City, a man named Lu Zhen people and turn after contracted out to a man called Liu exhibition. The zoo animals reared mainly for visitors to charge admission fee-based, but because fewer tourists usually visit the zoo, and even a $ 5 admission tickets only rarely sell,peuterey outlet, and often no income, the zoo is maintained has been very difficult.

Black bears are shipped Zhengzhou Zoo withheld

2 pm, after more than three hours of efforts related to animal experts and staff from Zhengzhou, the black bear and other animals into the zoo lion cages. They said that the decision of the parties concerned, from security considerations, they will have two animals transported hazardous being the first zoo in Zhengzhou City, keeping custody.

According to experts at the scene found that the animal is clearly insufficient nutrition within the zoo. Police and staff Forestry preliminary analysis of the site, at the time of feeding bears Xiemou not send food to the mouth of the gates closed, resulting in acute hungry bears drilled from the gates,total compensation for families of the deceased 5 122.9 million, which killed. Black bear and black bear may suddenly bite hunger-related,'North Tyrant', but we do not have any other special circumstances, may lead to black bear mad.

The museum is illegal wildlife feeding

Dengfeng City Zoo ordered to stop

After the incident,peuterey prezzi, Dengfeng City Public Security Bureau has started an investigation, the authorities have been ordered to suspend business for rectification of Dengfeng City Zoo, and ordered the contractor to do the accident Zhang Dongyang rapid rehabilitation work. According to the survey,louboutin femme, Dengfeng City zoo wildlife decade, according to the regulations, each wild animal breeding permit is required every year examined, and the park for decades had never examined any documents belonging to illegal feeding.