high-tech public security and zoo staff together

"I saw in the direction towards Wenjiang Xipu, yak (beltway) above valiant run." Yesterday morning, friends made micro-Bo said,with the owner desperately want, beltway discovered running yak. Originally,not his real name,woolrich outlet, a transport management yak from Aba county truck into the filling speed bumps to slow down the beltway connecting section with which occurred two yak frightened "escape" to escape.

Beltway traffic, high-tech public security and zoo staff together, took more than five hours in which a head flower yak uniform, but after missing the other end of the black yak to escape, the police still Wenjiang, Pi search area.

"Prison Break"

Two Yak "jumping" to escape separately

8 o'clock yesterday morning, Chengdu high-speed toll beltway into the filling station stop ramp, one black and one spent two yak suddenly from a moving truck, "Bump."

Such as premeditated as they "escape" to escape,louboutin homme, run away immediately after landing separately. A high-speed road race along the main road, ran a few steps then parked on the roadside, "wait and see."

Yak owner followed jumped from the car, intends to use the rope around flower yak, yak, but suffered a surprise, another car passing by,giubbotti moncler, jumped over the railing flower yak, jump into the green woods next to the highway.

Yak owner immediately to the police.

8:40, Chengdu Branch of six beltway traffic police brigade police and high-tech alarm Public Security Bureau police rushed to the scene after the 110.

At this point, the other end of the black yak has run down the freeway missing; black and white flower yak hide in the woods, unable to identify the specific location.


5 hours only caught one

"It was a term of less than a yak has run,spaccio woolrich, hiding in the woods inside the other end." Chengdu Branch police six beltway traffic police battalion Wu Liang said, the first arrangement of police at the main road highway patrol black yak trail, on the other side , 110 civilian police and the formulation of flowers yak arrest program.

[Plan] sets a cow

Actors: yak masters "weapon": ropes

Implementation Result: Failure

This is the most primitive way, by the owner of the yak yak uniform jacket with rope cattle skilled technical, tied to a tree. Then, think of ways to transport it away.

This approach without the use of "force", yak can save your life,she was not satisfied with his own A cup chest., but the owner will not be much yak loss, do both.

However, after several attempts yak masters,31hgci5b00, but finally decided to give up, "Yak has a fright, plus full of it wild, difficult to control is maintained." Wu Liang said,hogan, even if set to yak, can not avoid it launched mad to the top of people.

[Program] two shootings

Actors: 110 police "weapons": police revolver

Implementation results: abandon

This is the most direct way, by 110 police with a revolver and killed the yak. Yak's death, does not affect its food value.

Yak after wandering in the woods, from time to time over the railing would like to return to the highway, Wu Liang drive a police vehicle to drive it with the police, will control it in the woods,"I died a miserable husband Yeah, in order to avoid passing vehicle accidents.

Thus several trips, yak always in a state of high tension, allergic reactions to external stimuli, "I feel that it is subject to attack people." Wu Liang said, due to the surrounding geographical environment is more complex,abercrombie pas cher, the collegiate scene police believe the shooting conditions are less than once will not it killed, injured yak easier wounding or main road onto the highway, and finally give up the shooting program.

[Three] anesthesia program

Actors: zoo staff "weapon": a tranquilizer gun

Implementation Results:

Finally brought the best understanding of yak "professionals" to run. 1:00 pm,tiffany milano, two Chengdu Zoo staff carry tranquilizer gun to the site support.

At this point, all non-essential personnel were isolated in a secure area, near the highway implement temporary traffic control, zoo staff into the woods. "First shot did not hit." Wu Liang said,moncler donna, yak ran to the depths of the woods. 5 minutes later,outlet moncler, the staff opened the second shot, hit more than 10 meters from the yak. Anesthesia stylus in the cow's back, yak slowly walked the woods edge,found his identity in question, down the highway at the edge of the gutter in.

Before the police and staff who took cover in the yak rope, it would be towed back to the woods, given to high-tech zones and epidemic prevention station rehabilitation, "due to the injection of the anesthetic, this yak has not eaten."




Searching black yak

After the anesthesia took yak uniforms,spaccio woolrich, police again on the other end of escaped black yak conducted a search, but the black yak never appeared. "Estimates should have left the beltway." Wu Liang then communicate the information to the command center in Chengdu Traffic Management Bureau and notify Wenjiang,woolrich prezzi, Pi territorial police and traffic police brigade, note search black yak trail.

Police advise nearby residents, if found yak trail, please call 110.

Police Department learned from yak owner, truck departure from Aba Li County, transporting 10 yaks to the new capital of Chengdu slaughterhouse. Basically these yak per head are more than 300 pounds, is used as an edible beef. Escaped two yaks worth 8,Yesterday,000 yuan.

Truck driving to the beltway ramp into the filling station high speed through the deceleration zone when pitching more powerful, two of which led to a fright, "Bump."

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I could not take it because the phone is red shell

Yesterday 8:39, friends, "Elizabeth sauce is natural to stay" release micro-Bo said: "beltway Xipu yak in the above paragraph has a run, I hope the relevant beltway traffic police for help, or too easily accident!"

After the "fourth city community" and other official microblogging forward, "yak on the beltway running" caused great concern netizens, netizens various "God" is more joy in response to the extreme.

@ Moon pendant pendant pendant: I only know love the rhino Meng Jinghui, but yak, yak run in what ah?

@ Yi a longbow: Chengdu highway actually have yak on the run, I do not know that it does not take the card, ah, be careful not out of the toll station ah.

@ Panda Jia Fei Cat Cat: morning rush beltway discovered a yak, run very happy and very ferocious! I could not take it, because the phone shell is red.

Tianfuzaobao intern reporter Huang Wei Fang Wang Yue photography

Experts advise & gt,no matter which city to find a little something to do. "; & gt; & gt;

Domesticated yaks generally do not hurt

Jincheng, director of the Research Center of Bell yak Southwest University for Nationalities, said the domesticated yak yak escape character are more docile, under normal circumstances would not attack people make the move. If residents find yak, it is recommended not to place undue stimulus.