to get some money. Chen said the gun was a fake

After the robbery hair, Chen sold the home to the house fled Shanghai,etc. Green sunny area, went to Guizhou to buy and own looks similar to the "Bright" identity information, renamed the "Bright" and bought a house back in Quzhou, the "Bright" in accounts from Bijie move back Quzhou, thus "bleaching" of his identity. In Shanghai, Chen developed a futures speculation own software, and they are being used a lot of fake ID to open an account in the futures. After nine years of efforts, Chen suddenly become a billionaire.

9 years! Robbery fugitive actually "bleaching" into a billionaire

To repay gambling debts, he planned together "armed" robbery, two accomplices have been arrested after the incident, he did not trace. Nine years later, he has become a billionaire end Lafa Wang,, actually trying to spend 30 million yuan bail.

Recently, Changzhou City,etc. Wages case., Jiangsu Province, the new District Procuratorate robbery defendant Chen prosecution.

For gambling debts, planning "armed" robbery

Chen, after graduating from college in his hometown Quzhou opened a skating rink, also contracted a dance hall, business is good, a lot of money quickly. Once went to Jiangxi tourism, he bought a fake, "54" style fake pistol, home, nothing to show off to friends, because his father worked in the army,woolrich parka, many people believed it.

But Chen hooked on gambling, gambled a few years time possessions, also owed several million gambling debt. In desperation, he found a friend Dongmou help. Dongmou robbery convictions, he suggested that Chen armed robbery,moncler outlet ufficiale, to get some money. Chen said the gun was a fake,outlet piumini, but Dongmou disagree: "? Itself is used to scare people, who really want to shoot ah" Chen immediately reach a consensus with Dongmou then Dongmou and got a blue, three People began to plan a robbery.

October 19, 2002 morning,but I can not., the trio prepared a fake pistol,woolrich giubbotti, ropes, bags and other hedging tools of crime, drove to a villa Changzhou Xinbei District, agreed by Dongmou blue sneak a charge of robbery villas, Chen left lookout in the car. Dongmou, the blue one with the jack on the wall to open the top of the fence, carrying a fake pistol blue crawl first, but is ready to crawl in Dongmou when he was patrolling guard found. Dongmou quickly fled back to the car,vendita hogan, and we drove Chen. Later, the police heard the news rushed to the blue one captured.

2003, Dongmou also arrested. And Chen has been negative case at large, police arrested several times for its implementation were not successful.

Engage in futures trading, the fugitive billionaire change

By the end of May 2011, the Ministry decided to carry out online pursuit of special inspectors "clear network operations", the new North Changzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau has stepped up efforts Chen pursuit.

October 18, 2011, Chen's pursuit team came home in Zhejiang Quzhou work around Chen, Chen's wife Xu Hong (a pseudonym) and their parents visited the residence of a series of activities. A local masses, Chen could do business in Shanghai, "probably made a fortune," Chen home because the conditions changed a lot, but Chen's parents and sister frequently visited Shanghai activities. Pursuit team found that early Chen couple divorced in January 2010,tiffany gioielli, but has been in touch with Chen Tsui sister close.

October 23, the pursuit team rushed to Shanghai,then a little biased if, Xu Hong, initially identified in Shanghai there are many real estate and luxury cars. Moreover, Tsui a hospital in Shanghai has just given birth to a second child soon. Tsui's medical records in the "Family" column,hogan prezzi, "Chen" although the word was crossed out, but legible, replaced by a "Bright." Accordingly,woolrich parka, the pursuit team made "Bright" is Chen's contact information. The evening of October 25, Chen in Shanghai Pudong an underground parking garage was arrested.

According to Chen explained, the year after the robbery incident, he sold the house fled his hometown Shanghai, went to Guizhou to buy and own looks similar to the "Bright" (not the late cancellation of the account) identity information, renamed the "Bright", then back Quzhou bought a house, the "Bright" account from Bijie move back Quzhou, thus "bleaching" of his identity.

In Shanghai,basket nike pas cher,hesitated a few times, Chen developed a futures speculation own software, and they are being used a lot of fake ID to open an account in the futures. After nine years of efforts, Chen suddenly, is a billionaire, with six sets of real estate in Shanghai, three luxury cars,woolrich roma, men more than 20 employees, assets of several hundred million dollars,air max pas cher homme,and the family suspected ther, but the majority of these properties are in their wives or the identity of other relatives handled. In order to facilitate the disposal of jointly owned property, Chen and Xu Hong annual leave in 2010 divorce.

End Lafa Wang, tried to use 30 million yuan for bail

In recent years, Chen has been very uneasy feeling inside. After being arrested, he claimed to be a relief, heart of stone can finally put down.

"I think the original idea is ridiculous to rob." Chen told reporters that he was very sorry, though it was a gambling debt owed a total of more than 60,000 yuan, But his family is had played, but he did not want to let parents know, it took the wrong road. He believes that the main reason he had the wrong friends, young and frivolous, Director impulse.

Chen was escorted back to Changzhou in the road, police said repeatedly, if he is willing to spend 30 million yuan to yourself for bail. During abscond, he has repeatedly asking the Trustee case, also thought of surrender,"Magistrate Huang and his mis,abercrombie outlet italia, surrender can apply for bail after hopes can eventually probation. But I heard his case even surrendered, it must be a real punishment after being sentenced, he hesitated, until finally being arrested.

After Changzhou New District public security organs will transferred to the prosecution case, the new North Procuratorate robbery to Chen prosecution. The case is under further investigation.

Author: Rui Dongsheng