subtly perfume

January 20, spring rains, the reporter from Qiannan Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Duyun departure, drove hundreds of kilometers to the village in Pingtang county party vibrator Tongzhou town visiting a couple of birthday. Along the way is winding mountain road,"Male" turned "girlfriends", steep muddy mountain road, difficult to walk more than four hours later, the couple finally seeking to longevity Long - Term Jinji Fen home, with two old birthday together to eat a festive dinner.

"Strap pro" laid down centuries vows

Know there are guests, two elderly people have come out of the room, warmly greeted everyone sitting around the hearth charcoal are busy places, to pull homemade.

Long - Term tall body bone has been very strong, has never won any major illness,went to the bank to report th, even too cold to eat it cold medicine, even sip soju like, until recent years, the elderly eyes and ears began to do so; wife Jinji Fen is very talkative, clearly paying attention, thinking, talking to the fun at the old lady's mouth god teeth fall out, Oh laughed.

I can see from the outside is not the actual age that the elderly from their booklet where you can see: Long - Term born in December 1902, 109 years old this year, Jinji Fen was born in September 1905, it is 106 years old , the sum of the two men reach the age of 215 years old. Long - Term Jinji Fen couple had two sons and four daughters birth,woolrich sito ufficiale, boss early death, the younger son, 61-year-old Yang Xiuli, and serve the elderly live with their parents, the youngest daughter marrying into Hebei, inside and outside the figure, the old couple a total of 14 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren.

Grandson Yang Lin again ( son), aged 38, in high school chemistry teacher when Sun wife at work County Court,tn femme pas cher, to settle in the county, as a result of more busy rarely meet. Yang Lin again this time with three-year-old son back home to visit grandmother great-grandfather, a four generations have a reunion years, Jinji Fen old grandson to see the lovely,woolrich prezzi, very happy. The old lady said,the woman is still living in ,hogan sito ufficiale, children and grandchildren scattered around for decades was a very difficult to gather together, they rarely an old married couple taking a trip, or even rarely leave the village. Speaking last time out, Jinji Fen remember 50 years ago,piumino moncler, the couple went to visit Hebei married daughter, that they have so far only time hiking.

Long - Term and Jinji Fen two marriages can say lasted for centuries. According memories, still in its infancy when it They both parents have been laid down matchmakers "strap pro" (locally called,the panel also found the two , that child marriages), Jinji Fen until the age of 17, according to the contract to marry her to her old The Long - Term two never had intercourse before marriage.

China is now the oldest surviving spouses

It was getting late, Long - Term retain a warm diner, Yang Lin and then brought out a pot of steaming chicken pot farm soil on the hearth, subtly perfume,"because of its special significance, two elderly excellent appetite, Long - Term San Liangxia put Grilled finished a bowl of rice, sitting around watching everyone eat. Jinji Fen pinned chili slowly ate two bowls of rice,parajumpers norge, wife to give her a bowl of chicken soup filled.

A lot of people ask what's this for a couple hundred years longevity, they always answer with a simple language of rural people, such as "To work every day," "a person want and agreeable",giubbotti moncler, "no matter how much difficulty have Relax, "" to be content ", and so on. Long - Term action in recent years some inconvenience, cane still own the road, getting up early in the morning after the Jinji Fen, wash rice pot,hogan outlet, pick vegetables, pigs, sweeping,giubbotti moncler outlet, always busy, "Man alive,peuterey uomo, we must work, not work to live not anymore. "Jinji Fen think so.

Let Yang, Jin couple longevity "secret", in fact, more important is the state of mind: they have experienced each decade since the late Qing dynasties,After a morning inspection, but a lifetime of living in the depths of the mountains, living almost isolated life, whether war or strife Shinianhaojie,air max femme pas cher, two unaffected, always lived seeding, honest and simple life.

Not long ago,when he reached quickly in fr, the World Guinness clan is headquartered in Hong Kong Federation came into the mountains, visit condolences clan Jinji Fen two old birthday. Clan representatives also brought an outside news: January 6 this year, there is a British couple celebrate wedding anniversary 87, 105-year-old husband Kalam, 99-year-old wife Katari, they prepared to "World the survival of the world,requin nike pas cher, the longest married couple "by the Guinness Book of World Records. Long - Term Jinji Fen couple's children and grandchildren and the villagers heard the news, both said they did not convinced. Tang Jun said record: Long - Term Jinji Fen couples older than their foreign couples that want a great age, according to Kim's marriage age old lady said to projections, the two have been married nearly 90 years time, the world is rare.

It is understood that, not long ago,early childhood education expert, China Gerontological Society officially recognized: Long - Term for China is currently the oldest surviving couple hundred.

According to the Yangcheng Evening News