on the one hand is the reason of the accident

Driver drunk driving rear-end luxury cars, large trucks died on the spot, the truck driver drove away, insisting that I do not know to be rear-ended,hogan italia, the case is the first instance verdict yesterday

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zheng Cheng, correspondent Lu Zhuping, reports: a boss drunken driving after a rear-end luxury cars,requin tn pas cher,and that before the others smoked halo, big trucks on the highway were killed, was rear-end truck driver has left the scene. Police identified the truck driver's behavior is to escape, should bear the main responsibility for the accident, but the truck driver insisted that he knew nothing on the issue being rear-ended. Public security authorities believe the truck driver has been arrested for traffic crime,http://www.chris-music.fr/, but the prosecution has made the decision not to arrest.

9, the reporter from Foshan City Nanhai District People's Court heard that the hospital made this case of first instance verdict,abercrombie femme, found the truck driver fled after the accident, but the car driver drunk driving is the main cause of this accident.

Liu Ping, when the accident occurred three truck drivers know whether to be rear-ended and escape, no doubt become the focus of controversy in this case the trial.

After hearings, the court held that the focus of controversy in this case is whether or not there after the accident at Three Liu Ping this accident escape behavior. According to the Third Party Mr. Mo inquiry transcripts, indicating that after the incident, Liu Ping,tiffany outlet,so often altercation. As for , three had done a short stay. And serious damage to the car, a huge hit with severe, so I do not know Liu Ping said the three incidents are not consistent with common sense. Liu Ping, the court finds that the presence of three acts after the hit and run.

The court held that in this play A strong drunk driving accident,the students wanted to go,sito ufficiale hogan, the vehicle rear-end collision the defendant, and their behavior is the main cause of this accident,nike air max pas cher, the death of the consequences of their own inescapable responsibility, but Liu Ping three driving reflective logo vehicle does not meet the technical standards on the road, on the one hand is the reason of the accident,numbered lower right side, and three hit and run after Liu Ping unable to identify their driving behavior leads to the existence of the state and other violations. In summary, in terms of civil damages, the court held, the two sides beyond the scope of pay high insurance losses each bear 50%, Liu three required compensation of 46 million yuan.

After the verdicts, as of press time reporter, the parties have not yet appeal to the court.

Case review

February 10 this year, the first month XI,peuterey outlet,on December 31, the hotel owner and his family in A strong After dinner, went to the other room to accompany a friend to continue to eat. Because even the next morning to go out to a meeting, a meeting that evening to decide A strong hotel accommodation. 4:00 the next day, his wife Carole A strong burst of rapid ringing of the phone has been awakened: A strong part in Foshan highway accident.

At 0:50 on February 11 Xu, Foshan, a ring yayao Bridge road, a large truck being loaded slowly traveling from south to north. After a few seconds,nike tn requin, a car also appears in the monitor screen, the soon to visually up to 100 kilometers per hour or more are climbing a big truck hit the tail. A strong field of death, the body exudes strong alcohol, plus the car is no brake marks,moncler sito ufficiale outlet, A strong police believe should be drunk driving. Identified, A strong blood alcohol content 160.3mg / 100ml, more than twice the drunk driving standard.

Mr. Mok police said after the incident he saw a large truck rear-end A strong pull over for a few seconds, but no one to get off, and then they drove off. After investigation,hogan olympia uomo, the police locked a heavy trailer license plate Anhui K. 7 days after the accident, the police seized FANGCUN an accident truck parking. Liu Ping, three truck drivers are February 21 sunrise now a ring road Foshan police brigade.

Three Liu Ping said that he was the night of the incident a car waste paper from Qingyuan FANGCUN to a paper mill, paper mill at work until 8:00 in the morning ready for discharge, he found the rear by a car crash with severe signs,compliance with the law, spare tire was gone. He hit 110, but can not tell the exact location of the accident. After unloaded,under the mediation of the lo, he drove back to Guangzhou,will receive a phone call cus, after no further alarms. The face of police interrogation, Liu said that the way to Guangzhou three Qingyuan not stopped the car,woolrich sito ufficiale, driving process also did not know was rear-ended.

While insisting that I do not know Liu Ping three rear-end, but the police then issued a road traffic accident in reflective markings found him driving the vehicle does not meet the technical standards on the road is one reason causing the accident. (Zheng Cheng)

(Original title: Boss drunk driving a large truck rear-ended the truck driver died on the spot to escape being arrested exemption)