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One was the other detained workers, police rescue kidnap

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zheng Cheng Foshan,moncler outlet, correspondent Wen Qingxiang, I should Jubilee reports: the boss for help to recover the debt, a man actually thought of heresy,nike air jordan soldes, and got a number of rivers and lakes punks help chase,tiffany milano, but, did not receive the money Fanzao other detention blackmail,at the same time, also suffered a beating. 16, the reporter learned from the South China Sea, the police, the local police station,nike tn requin, but fortunately rescued promptly main accident, only to avoid a greater tragedy.

"Bam! Bam!" 15 am on the 13th,woolrich parka, along with several more powerful percussion, door instantly Xiqiao a 511 room hotel is broke,, the police immediately rushed into the room, the spot will be four suspected illegal detention of others subdued, successfully rescued the trapped men.

Trapped man surnamed Jiang, is a wage-earners. Not long ago, Jiang inadvertently learned that the owner has a debt owed the long delay in recovery. Jiang said that there are ways to help the boss take the initiative to recover the debt,they usually buy some chicken, called the boss assured. Then, through a friend to find a man named Jiang,basket nike requin homme, "Kennedy brother," the so-called big brother to help chase several rivers and lakes, and promised to give him a commission after the incident. However, the boss did not recover the debt, Jiang himself into trouble.

12 evening, Jiang was "strong man" and so on for about five man out, though the debt is not recovered,louboutin homme pas cher, but the "strong man" still ask for commissions. Jiang failed to ask the commission,your love, the "strong man", who brought a forced Jiang Xiqiao Mountain Road open space, be beaten, and robbed of his possession 500 yuan in cash,"sometimes written late, a car key, a Ministry of Apple phone. Later,parajumpers soldes, Jiang was that five men brought Xiqiao detained in a hotel room 511. 5 suspects threaten Jiang, Jiang want to raise 30,000 yuan ransom to let him go. After Jiang take advantage of the machine to raise ransom wife sent text messages for help.

13,woolrich sito ufficiale, 14 am, his wife Jiang Police. After receiving the report, police quickly developed Xiqiao wife Jiang information provided in accordance with a rescue plan and organized police force decisive attack. Final on the 13th, 15 am successfully rescued Jiang, was arrested four suspects man, another man,could not help but quipped,abercrombie pas cher,, "Kennedy brother" because of the police action not on the scene,the court started the foreign,peuterey outlet, is still at large.

After the trial, four men confessed to the crime. Currently, four people have been Nanhai Police Detention law, the trial and pursuit of the case is still in progress.

(Original title: Foshan an itinerant workers please Gangster dunning Fanzao extortion)