the man most likely not the real driver

Small Yangzi Evening News (Reporter correspondent Jiao Zhe Jiang Gongxuan) man Zhang is the boss in a small open Jiangning crane to do the project, two days before the hired driver leave something Zhang, Zhang is no money actually got a driver's license nephew Crane opened. Unexpectedly,,piumini woolrich,found "Pan Jie" perennial "dw, Zhang on the road all the way to people accidentally killed. In order to evade responsibility,woolrich 2014,, Zhang also looking for someone to give his nephew,hogan 2014, "staged." Currently, Jiangning police cracked the case,moncler outlet, she was both jingfangxingju nephew.

According to the police, Aug. 18 at 6 am, police received a report that happen Jiangning Jiangning square Avenue and East Mong Road junction traffic accident, a large crane will be knocked down a passing man,, the driver abandoned the vehicle and escape has been . Knocked the man was taken to hospital after police after she died. Police investigate the scene learned that the hit and run driver was a 20-year-old boy, so for him to start tracking survey.

May in less than three hours after the incident, around 9:00,nike pas cher france, a man came to the Jiangning Moling traffic police squadron surrendered,nike tn pas cher 2013,Wedding leave drunk and shout, the man claiming to Wang, is to escape the crane driver. Police found the man Wang and physical characteristics of the accident scene and witnesses reflect inconsistent process for accident also vaguely say. Police analysis,chaussures nike tn pas cher, the man most likely not the real driver,escarpin louboutin pas cher, but to "fucking" in. "I tell you that knocked people have died, the seriousness of the matter that you should want to know!" Listen Police said the man knocked dead,Li Haifen survived,moncler outlet milano, Wang Lian Hu "innocent." He confessed that he was instructed by crane owners Zhang to help people "fucking" in.

It is understood that the original owner of the crane Zhang is a small opening in the Jiangning boss works day leave something Zhang hired driver,air max pas cher,, Zhang is no money actually got a driver's license to open a small crane nephew. Unexpectedly,, Zhang on the road all the way to people accidentally killed. In order to evade responsibility, Zhang and Wang also found to give his nephew, "staged." He concealed the seriousness of the incident and promised to give Wang a certain economic compensation afterwards. Police later arrested the duo Zhang nephew. They also admitted his crimes. Currently,louboutin soldes, Zhang and Wang nephew trio have Jingfangxingju,moncler pas cher, the case is under further investigation.