head of the man was wounded

Yanzhao Metropolis Daily reporter Guo Xiaofeng

At 22:00 on January 26 more victories in Shijiazhuang City, South Street, Coal City Road intersection with a site,louboutin pas cher,their actions constitute intentional injury crime, the two men tussle occurred, the result was the other man waving a stick and killed,nike tn pas cher, police rushed to the scene after the capital of the east has learned that the two men was actually a pair of good friends that evening,shoving Tiemenguan, two drink together after the dead hand patted each other's head,two years ago, the result of this there is no malicious act, causing the other side of discontent,,peuterey uomo outlet, leading to two people dispute eventually led to the tragedy.

On the 26th night, Donghua Road east Public Security Bureau of Interpol squadron after receiving the alarm, rushed to victory in South Street, located in City Road intersection with the coal to the scene, the police found in the northeast corner of the intersection at the construction site of an outdoor sofa on, there is a man prone,louboutin chaussures femme, head of the man was wounded,, after "120" died,hogan 2014, died on the spot.

In what field, the suspect Zhou was on the spot control, police learned that the investigation,moncler outlet milano, nicknamed "Brother" (the specific identity unknown) victims, working together with Zhou on the site of the incident,woolrich outlet online, Zhou,piumini woolrich, 37, Sichuan, has been working in the capital, because of its odd jobs acquainted with the victim, and then call each other brothers, two on the night of the incident spread out and drink a lot of wine, on the way back to the residence, the "brother" shot Zhou's head a bit, because in Zhou's home,how can this be good, the racket head is a less polite behavior, so Zhou was very angry,air jordan pas cher, back to the residence after weeks on the matter with the "brother" theory, the "brother "He stood up and slapped two ears,peuterey 2014, said:." After you listen to me, "angry Zhou picked up a stick and" Brother "blows up, the results of" brother "was wounded in the head,there is a certain show repen, pour in open-air site on the couch.

Eastbound Police remind the public case for the current Spring Festival approaching,woolrich outlet italia, the party between friends and family also increased, in the exchanges, pay attention to propriety, to pay attention to local customs. Especially in the drink,criminal damage., pay attention to his words and deeds,piumini moncler, do not because of the daily life of a little thing, a little trick excesses occur, irreparable loss and impact.