and a woman lying on the ground

(Reporter Yang Ming), who just turned 18-year-old Zhang was driving a motorcycle without a license without a license modification, after the north door, and found that the traffic police brigade under investigation LianHu car, in the case can not bypass the traffic police He even stepped on the gas collision over the 23-year-old Police Association Zhuangfei spot several meters high,woolrich uomo, motorcycle also fell to the ground, ready to flee again when Zhang was caught onlookers.

Everyone who condemned the motorcycle "death-defying"

"This is where motorcycle ah,tn requin pas cher, is entirely in your life, so do not put the lives of others in the eye!" Yesterday morning,hollister, Wang witnessed the matter said angrily. Have the same feelings as well as more than a dozen witnesses to the public,but also not to return to the, and everyone thought: "! This guy is really arrogant, we must take to punish him."

Incident occurred at the north gate slow lane off Main Street North,chaussures tn, Wang said, 10:30, a young man riding a motorcycle without a license orange coming from north to south,hollister soldes, north through the door when the overpass When the traffic police brigade LianHu North off seven or eight squadrons of police motorcycles and tricycles are here to check the illegal operation, the electric car when the police gesture to let him stop.

While we think this guy should stop, unexpected scene appeared, the young man suddenly stepped on the gas to 40 kilometers per hour above the speed approaching,woolrich outlet, the Police Association Nan abruptly Zhuangfei several meters,Jiang Jianjun Tu Yu Zhang Ling's husband died after a car accident, cycling Together with the motorcycle guy also fell to the ground, just as the guy ready to get up and fled on a motorcycle when he was surrounded by angry crowds catch up, after being taken away by police Lianhu.

Subsequently, the reporter saw in Xi'an Central Hospital, the injured Li Nan, he was diagnosed with left leg tibia fibula fractures,Yesterday morning, elective surgery, his family came from Shangluo. It is understood that this year's 23-year-old Li Nan job only six months, usually serious and responsible work. When asked if regretted the move, said they did not regret Nan shook his head, "I just follow the people's police asked to do a thing to do!"

"I want to hit the traffic police to say sorry,toward the western end of the."

12 o'clock noon yesterday, the reporter in the North off the traffic police brigade squadron LianHu office saw the perpetrators Zhang. He just turned 18 years old, born in 1994, is a real 90, is currently operating in Luomashi an Apple mobile phone shop. Reporter: Motorcycle come from?

Zhang: This is a friend to spend ten thousand dollars just bought a motorcycle, because of curiosity, to think of riding two days, am just going to ride home from the northern suburb of mobile phone shop work, did not expect such a big disaster ancestry . Reporter: Do you have a motorcycle license it?

Zhang: no driver's license, but I will ride a motorcycle.

Reporter: see the traffic police indicate parking, why collision over?

Zhang :( head bowed,nike tn, silent) Oh! Still have chances, always wanted to rush on the right ...... Reporter: Do you now what you want to say? Zhang: I think for him (the Association of Police Nan) to say sorry, I hope he can forgive me, I will cooperate with the police investigation, to deal with the aftermath.

The investigation, Zhang driving the motorcycle was modified motorcycle, did not apply for a license, according to the "Road Traffic Safety Law" and the relevant provisions of Xi'an Jin Mo Zhang will receive driving without a license and other penalties. Given the suspicion of obstructing and intentional injury, the next step Lianhu police handed the case to the public security organs, Zhang could face criminal liability.

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Motorcycle fled after retrograde knocked Granny

(Reporter paragraph Xiaoning) yesterday morning, Deng master and his wife are walking along the street,Wei Liming also called on friends Lumou. During the dinner, a motorcycle coming from behind knocked his wife,woolrich prezzi, and then quickly leave. Around people constantly shouting "Stop,basket tn pas cher, stop," but motorcycle accident was gone.

10 o'clock yesterday morning, the Agricultural Bank of Han Guang Road entrance on the west side, and a woman lying on the ground,the small town of Cheng Wen m, eyes closed in pain right brow bleeding. Deng master stood, helpless, daughter Tang has anxiously dialed the phone, tell the exact location is being rushed to the emergency vehicle. Deng said the master, what happened a few minutes ago. "She suddenly fell to the ground, and then he said the pain, can not move." Deng said the master, after motorcycle hit man did not stop, but speed up to leave.

One witness said a man riding a motorcycle,hogan outlet, fat, after the car also with a woman,and the driver of the car beh, when he ran to chase, but did not catch up. Motorcycle too fast,suddenly felt his trouser mov, all the way north to go retrograde, Posts and Telecommunications of the road to the north east side of the alley. "This man is too much, hit the old lady even reason to ignore, and ran away." Mr. Zhang said angrily onlookers, thanks to the Agricultural Bank and Han Guang door has a secondary camera should be able to shoot the perpetrators.

Subsequently, 120 ambulance arrived the woman to the hospital. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter on the telephone contact Ms Tang old lady's daughter, she reluctantly said, upon inspection, the mother seriously injured his right leg, right arm and right side there are fractures of the hip bone, as well as several ribs broken, moving are moving No,hogan scarpe, is preparing for surgery. She said the family had been reported,moncler uomo, and hope witnesses can provide more information. If you see Miss Deng family can help, you can call our hotline 88880000.