the suspect Zhang XingJu.

(Reporter correspondent LU Xiao Yue Xiao Enke) September 7 morning, a lady who lives in the village of sweat and drunk West River Township Zhang solid area go the same way on the way home, was raped and killed Zhang,when the law enforcement team,nike tn pas cher, West solid police only with five hours to break the case.

The evening of September 7,but was sentenced to a six-ye,moncler online outlet, West Village solid sweat River Township police received a report of villagers Mr. Zhang,"After the jump into the sea, said after his wife into a lady on the evening of September 6 to village, the villagers did not return home to play mahjong missing. After receiving the report,The morning of July 5,nike tn pas cher france, police station immediately investigate the estuary,might take him extradited to ,hogan 2014, with the help of villagers looking for the next sweat,but also dismay, sweat in the village after the trough found dead a long time as President.

Ms. find a corpse, West solid Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation sent three squadrons and technical squadron investigators quickly rushed to the scene to start investigation. After investigation, and Ms. Zhang to the same village,give her a book, a major suspect. Criminal investigators after three squadrons five hours of review, September 8 morning,giubbotti woolrich, Zhang finally confessed the crime. According to Zhang explained, September 7 zero o'clock, Zhang sneaked into a neighbor after drinking,air jordan femme pas cher, playing mahjong is a lady who has seen four Zhang drunk,chaussure tn pas cher, also decided to go home. Ms. Zhang to be going the same way, when one went to the alley,abercrombie outlet, Zhang has offered to have sex with a lady,abbigliamento peuterey uomo, but refused to Ms. Zhang then easily picked up a brick from the ground and smashed into Ms. head. Ms. ran forward into the fall after about 25 meters,air jordan france pas cher, and then grab a Ms. Zhang implementation of the rape. Later,nike air max pas cher, Ms. Zhang saw a face, body, hands full of blood, regardless of a woman's mercy drag near the ditch after the killing of corpses covered with corn stalks will be home. The next morning at 7 am, Zhang to the street to buy fritters, see on a woman's shoes and pants still alley street, they put the clothes hidden in a hollow tree after the trough of the village sweat. When Ms. husband as to the whereabouts of his wife asked him to play,louboutin pas cher,If so reported Express News r, he also pretended to actively help find people in an attempt to muddle the police's attention.

At present, the suspect Zhang XingJu.