May 15 at 5

A landscape painting stolen before dawn, shook the mountain painting industry, Chongqing Interpol dragnet cast do this overnight.

When employed in the theft of the painting Thief receive 5000 yuan commission, also scoffed: "so willing to bid on a painting 5,000, buyers silly fuss!"

In fact, the "silly hat" that he did not know what --- painting "Three Gorges Landscape",spaccio woolrich, is the city of the late famous painter, Yan Ji Yuan has "life fairy painting," said the artworks, the market to assess the value of 50 million.

■ Chongqing Evening News reporter Zhu Xin Qin

They are thieves

Mounting division eyeing collectors treasures, hire professional thief "point kill" the painting.

They are cattle

Currently they are verified at least 31 cases of crime of burglary, all successful escape.

They are stupid

POA 5000 yuan please think they stole paintings, purely fuss.

"Painting fairy" artworks stolen before dawn

May 15 at 5:00 pm, Yuzhong District police received a report --- ever eldest flexor old informant, the city famous painter, has been 96 years old this year.

"Qu old, something so important, have to rush to report the night?" Alarming staff asked them about.

! "Missing" "My family have just stolen, Yan Ji Yuan old man during his lifetime gift to my ink Dan authentic" Three Gorges Landscape flexor old told police that he and Yan intersection decades old; the painting "Landscape Three Gorges" Yan old is the last century by the 1980s.

"This painting is a witness and master Yan old friendship, three months ago,woolrich donna, Yan old passed away, sadly weeping master; now, if this lost piece of authentic old Yan, master inevitable heartbroken." Flexor old disciple accompanying report Ho,spaccio woolrich, points out another painting of the value of the site.

That night, Mr. Ho also lived in the home bend, the accompanying "Three Gorges Landscape" be stolen, as well as Ho of a mobile phone and 500 yuan in cash.

Thieves targeted implementation of crime

It is reported that Yan authentic old piece, the market valuation of about $ 500,000.

After the case was informed early in the morning, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the main leaders immediately instructions to solve the case quickly. Huang Wei,a more firm belief EMERGENCY IN, deputy director of the pro-Interpol Corps commander, Yuzhong District Branch of the elite police task force composed, rushed to the scene investigation.

The investigation, bent old who lives in the weight attached to a hospital in a small village of the new medical hospital on the ground floor, a small courtyard wall 4 meters high, climbing wall leaving traces, the door has been forced open,chaussures louboutin,the two sides fight, plus the house and stolen 500 yuan in cash a mobile phone, just like ordinary burglaries together.

"Could thieves stealing money mainly with the pilfering the painting?" Police launched an investigation of the case analysis.

After on-site seminars, we are more inclined another opinion: This is a habitual offender committed, together also targeted theft. The reason is: how to hang in the flexor home with two bedrooms and a living room paintings, the thieves did not touch on other paintings touch, without leaving any fingerprints have been in contact,hogan outlet, but went straight to the old Yan stole the painting authentic.

In this regard, Chongqing Interpol investigation to determine the direction of the matter: It is ordered habitual theft crime, buyers are knowledgeable people behind the scenes; cash and mobile phone stolen, the thief is a recidivist nature of the die hard for pilfering.

Crafts mounting start hiring teachers

Subsequently,woolrich roma, Chongqing Interpol soldiers taking action divided into two groups, one group against thieves, responsible for collecting comb technique similar cases; another group of buyers for the behind the scenes, the search to understand the art of tracking suspects.

36 hours later, two Interpol has achieved a major breakthrough:

A group of police found the case with the April 28 occurred in the high-tech zone is very similar burglaries together, then and case investigation,has been a month did not go home, and soon identified the suspect Liang, Lee, Momou and Tang, and locked traces of their activities.

Another group of police was informed through visits in recent years, the old home flexor frequent contact with "outsiders", only framed calligraphy teacher Shi Jianqiang. Shi Jianqiang also studied calligraphy and paintings, he frequented the home bend, Qu home terrain and location well known paintings, Qu Yan old had he introduced old painting "Three Gorges Landscape."

May 16 afternoon, Chongqing Interpol Thunder attack,on the afternoon of October 16, said five people arrested, and seized the "Three Gorges Landscape" from home. Identified by Qu old,Song Liming is an ordinary re, this is his stolen painting. Shi Jianqiang, who pleaded guilty and confessed intermediary Contacts "pig." The next afternoon, "pig" Qu arrested six suspects were under criminal detention.

Which lasted 42 hours,louboutin outlet online, successfully solved the case, Yan Ji Yuan authentic "Three Gorges Landscape" retrieve their full property.

Police reports, the theft of $ 500,000 worth Yan Ji Yuan authentic "Three Gorges Landscape" was not the most expensive home flexor paintings, in addition to a well-known painter Xu Beihong painting is authentic, has been collected in the flexor old's bedroom . Because flexor old has not expose the Xu Beihong's artworks in person, so the painting is not known Shi Jianqiang, therefore escaped.

Thieves also ridiculed: 5000 yuan stolen painting, buyers silly money

Six suspects confessed the theft of context.

Originally,"At that time did not consider the consequences of it, Shi Jianqiang due to frequent home in Biaohua flexor, was informed of the suspension in the living room of the old Qu Yan Ji Yuan authentic "Three Gorges Landscape." Yan old passed away after knowing that the paintings will appreciate, heart or evil, invite friends to find someone to start a flexor. Shi Jianqiang to bend out of a "contract price" is 30,000.

After the take over this business, Qu Momou find ex-convict to 5000 yuan reward Momou let go of its associates recidivist crime, another 25,000 yuan difference is Qu eaten.

After the early Capitol clear terrain, May 15 morning,air max pas cher homme, in getting Shi Jianqiang for the "Three Gorges landscape map" to pinpoint the living room after drinking fountains --- above Momou, Liang and other use homemade ladder to climb walls, breaking and entering straight removed the "Three Gorges Landscape" and pilfering "take along" walked bent old disciple of 500 yuan in cash and mobile phones.

In this regard, Momou, who also confessed the theft during an episode: 1 o'clock midnight, when their first over the wall,peuterey uomo, the watchdog found nearby, while barking, they were forced to retreat. Was always raining, after waiting for three hours, they take advantage of the occasion watchdog asleep again over the wall burglary, theft succeed.

Delivery "Three Gorges Landscape" to Qu, when receiving commissions Momou, who also exhibit this dismissive: "Just for this picture, also specifically asked us to spend 5000 yuan behind you guys start? Buyers really 'silly money', too overkill. "

Qu the "Three Gorges Landscape" Shi Jianqiang delivery. Shi Jianqiang ready to contact the buyer of stolen goods. Unexpectedly, the incident only 42 hours, they were caught.

Police investigators, after investigation, Momou, Liang, four people arrogant theft gang reason is because they use homemade ladder and other tools of crime, is able to steal a master Feiyanzoubi currently verified at least 31 cases of crime of burglary, all successful escape.

Yan Ji Yuan

July 11, 1901 10 February 2011

Male, alias Suzhen elderly, Chi Kung, River Island scattered people, Sichuan within Jiangren Shi, Nagai Chongqing. Chinese Artists Association, honorary president of Chongqing Guohua, a former vice chairman of Chongqing Artists Association, vice president of Chongqing painting and other staff.

Yan Ji Yuan set foot wide,moncler uomo, poetry, books, paintings, India four one, his works landscapes, figures, flowers, animals, fruits, vegetables, calligraphy, re-color, ink, freehand line drawing, double hook, nothing is fine, nothing is long, In our contemporary calligraphers in Huayuan respected, and Chang,hogan sito ufficiale, Zhang Shanzi such as par, they were known as the Art Gallery of Chinese calligraphy "two Zhangyi Yan."

Chairman Mao's 70th birthday,Monitoring uncover husband li, they should be invited Guo, Yan Ji Yuan has been the subject of traditional Chinese painting, "Red Pine Park" to grant, by Chairman Mao's favorite; 1964 exhibition held in Beijing CPPCC auditorium,moncler sito ufficiale, after Chairman Zhu De concept called "Overseas there Chang,two were sentenced, the domestic economy has a Yan Yuan. "

February 10 at 7 pm This year, Yan Ji Yuan due to severe pneumonia, coronary heart disease caused by high blood pressure and respiratory failure, He died in the Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, died at 110 years of age.