simmering fresh

Metropolis Daily News newspaper reporter Wang Hang

Biting mouth stick, play fancy ball on a stick,outlet peuterey milano,ú ± §, Henan disability guy show looks at ease. Perhaps others looked for him to feel sad, but his own heart was full of joy, because he was busking, is ready to give the exam to earn sister Wuhan University graduate tuition, he also agreed with his sister: "I am waiting for you in Wuhan, you Be sure to come! "

Fancy ball on a stick

The day before yesterday, the reporter in the vicinity of Wuhan University, Wuchang northbound Luoshi segment saw 28-year-old guy Henan fancy playing ball in the street (as shown). His mouth biting sticks, simmering fresh, forced a top ball from the wooden Jumping,tiffany orecchini cuore, then he move around, open arms to maintain balance,, I saw the ball swing, flip in the air to draw a beautiful road arc. Xiasi Jun did not touch the ball the whole,giubbotti simili al woolrich, performance is also very smooth, attracted many passers-by stopped to cheer. "Pretty!" A crowd of college students can not help but applaud the stoop in front of a dollar into the cash box Xiasi Jun. "High quality Wuhan university student,woolrich logo, he did not go throwing money on the ground." Xiasi Jun exposed happy smile. Also a girl came,with a few pieces of pipe bet, gave him a bottle of mineral water.

Physically disabled guy living entertainer

Xiasi Jun told reporters that he origin Zhoukou City, parents are farmers, brother and sister had married a sister university. When he was six months old cause brain damage due to illness, his left arm twisted,,outlet moncler milano, can not straighten his left hand, left leg and no consciousness. But Xiasi Jun did not want to rely on others to keep at home,air max pas cher taille 40, curled up,outlet tiffany milano, he begged at the age of 14 have acrobatic skills father taught him the craft: "Even entertainer should support themselves."

Because the body is not flexible, he can only play acrobatics mouth, biting stick by stick to Dianqiu,Liu did not give "face", head the ball, find the balance after he gradually trained to around the ball, swing,giubbotti moncler prezzi, rather than taking such action. So long oral ulcers mouth,, loose teeth,giubbini moncler prezzi, mouth pain down one day show, dinner only eat bread with blisters.

In 2006,cinture hogan, Xia Sijun out of a small village, around entertainer, has more than a dozen cities in Henan and Hubei Xiangyang, Shiyan and other places "tour" by the local media have reported.

Reporters also through the official website of China Disabled Persons' Federation and sister resides Henan Normal University official website, to verify the identity of the two men.

For my sister to stay in Wuhan

"Yigun a ball mountebank to-day cover for the Cottage", Xia Sijun casually back out of his sister Lingling wrote poetry,Cheng also anxiously through , brilliant smile.

Sister's college entrance examination goal originally Wuhan University, but failed to do so. In early September of this year, my sister decided to Wuhan University graduate student. For confidence sister, September 10 came to Wuhan,tiffany prezzi bracciali, 9:00 every morning out stalls, 20:00 knock,peuterey modena, while earning entertainer side of his sister early "investigation" of the city.

Ever since their father died four years ago, to take the initiative to assume Xiasi Jun sister's tuition and living expenses, just give yourself a monthly 300 yuan living.

Reporters contacted sister Lingling, she sobbed, grew more and more understanding of her brother's strong,they shut the gas, she will try. Two days ago, Xia Sijun at Hanyang rented a house without windows, 300 yuan a month, every day by bus to Luoshi Road entertainer. "Wu Japan and China are in the vicinity of the division, see college students like to see my sister." Xiasi Jun said he hopes to earn money for school until her sister to find a job, make her strong backing.