she would call for help

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Lying in bed, 16-year-old girl Cai bloodshot eyes. Recall was thrown into a dry well six days without food or drink, a day also suffered bites rat gnawing experience, Cai became emotional.

May 16, due to emotional problems, "jealousy", four minors will promote the concept of the nearby town of Cai Zhouzhi County Building a 30-meter-deep dry well, six days after the incident,barberino outlet woolrich,plastic sheeting and other items., one of the suspects Kwak feel "done evil ", will inform the family and surrendered. The day before yesterday, after more than 30 people fighting 10 hours, Cai eventually rescued.


Hand into the eyes, stick to poke back, brick hit his arm

Yesterday, Cai has been transferred to the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, ICU intensive care unit, the doctor said, Cai is currently not yet out of danger. Cai's parents slept in custody outside aisle seat,tiffany ciondoli, daily more than 2700 yuan in medical expenses make them a headache.

Cai's parents who work, live together with his brother when . "Her brother found her two days did not go home, so give me a call ......" Cai's mother said.

Cai said the incident happened, she was lying to the side of a monk,, came to the wilderness of villages near a dry well, they were three women and a man beaten. "I do not know why I fight." Cai said she only knew his mother Gong is a work canteen boss's son,, and the remaining three girls she was unfamiliar.

Cai had his mother said,hogan prezzi bassi,, four minors cruel beating her finger inserted eyes, stick to poke back,piumini woolrich, brick hit his arm. "My daughter said she was thrown into the well in front, arms and waist can not move." Beat her four minors, some start with the most ruthless Gong.

Cai's father said he only enough for subsistence farming, by doing odd jobs to feed the family home in the village poor condition. And beat his daughter's four minors, his family than his family well.

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Multiple fractures lie wells, was gnawing rodents and insects

Cai said,outlet hogan milano, was to promote the dry well after she fainted, waking up after trying to cry, hoping someone to save her. Dry well around the barren, few people passing by,giacconi peuterey uomo, so nobody found Cai.

Underground dry, six days without food or drink she often unconscious, can not distinguish between day and night,, the sun shines into the well as the size of a coin. Have the strength,peuterey verona, she would call for help, no effort, then coma, after waking up, and continued shouting. Rescue workers said that when rescued Cai, she has been unable to speak.

Because six days did not drink, when Cai was taken to hospital, many dry mouth and throat. Cai said she suffered multiple fractures, lying inside a dry well, unable to move, underground rodents and insects to make her feel fear. Each talked about here, Cai they kept saying: "I'm so scared, so scared." Rat chewing on her, biting insects kept her moving about her struggling body, rodents, insects do not bite, and can be had for a while,, they went back to bite her.

Interpol analysis

Still alive six days without eating and precipitation-related

Last night,giubbotto peuterey, an insider revealed that, after a preliminary understanding, four suspects per capita for the fourteen-year-old, three high school students, a junior middle school students.

Kwak and Cai dispute the reason may be that Cai wearing clothes, models and be good boys and Kwak exactly the same clothes, Kwak thought lovers, and then on the Cai heart envy. When examined,orecchini tiffany, only one person spoke with emotion about the other three were called knowledge.

Trapped inside a dry well 30 meters deep six days,spaccio woolrich padova, Cai eat or drink, actually still alive. Last night Zhouzhi County Interpol gives a theoretical analysis: This may have been related with the six days of precipitation, a good field of ventilation, to ensure there is enough oxygen the bottom.

Experts advise

Parents should pay attention to a child's psychological changes

For this tragedy, a telephone interview with reporters last night, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University Professor of Mental Health Center, Court. High Court to consider, because the kids ideology weak legal concept is not strong,hogan outlet torino, it is often caused by extreme and irrational behavior. Coupled with the parents do not say this case,, the children also formed naturally rebellious, avoid thoughts,, and parents do not want to communicate. Like the above story Kwak, is feeling after the "wrong thing", before telling the parents.

High Court to advise parents, puppy love for children and thought patterns thus appear to be generated to guide and help children through this period. The reporter Jia Chen Yang Xiaogang