do not take the sidewalk pedestrians

China Jiangsu Network July 27 hearing college students cross the street lights do not look at the face of police out, "God replies," claiming that the university never learned traffic common sense. "Non-motorized and pedestrian traffic violations, there has been new illegal way, the offender even think of themselves as a matter of course." Second Battalion of the traffic police official said,hogan outlet, in fact, do not take the pedestrian sidewalk is to be punished. It is reported that, starting today,due to drunkenness, the traffic control department will XinJieKou area non-motor vehicles,giubbotti woolrich, pedestrians illegal concentration and control.

Students break out the red finish, "God replies"

Yesterday afternoon,piumini peuterey outlet, Jianye Road,hogan scarpe, Zhongshan Road junction,"No matter how difficult, traffic police brigade police on the non-motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic offense remediation. Four o'clock in the afternoon,50 on the 15th, Jianye Road intersection lights are red from south to north, the majority of cyclists are in the intersection outside signals. At this point, a woman wear a cycling and other signals from the crowd, going straight through the intersection, turn left, was stopped by traffic police.

"Green light, how not to go?" The woman asked police. It turned out that she was something to see the lights,moncler sito ufficiale outlet, did not see the front of the lights.

A few minutes later, police also stopped a left turn to ride the same young man wearing glasses. Police asked: "see you are a college student,"really talented." Junior hig, grew up traffic should be common sense, and how could you not know?" The man saying the police blocking back, "the university never learned!" Cyclists such as the police and the next signal stunned.

Three new types of cyclists running red lights appear

According to the traffic police brigade in charge, from the perspective of the scene to investigate,moncler outlet, cyclists running red lights become "smart", and the emergence of three new types: one is through the intersection do not know the direction in accordance with the instructions traffic lights; the second is detour through a red light. When the red light north-south direction, the individual rider non-motorized vehicles imported to pretend south east from the intersection,scarpe hogan, turn right, then suddenly turned back west from east to west direction of non-motorized vehicles to turn left waiting area, etc. When the left turn signal green light east-west direction, turn left on calmly through the intersection,hogan rebel outlet, so that he would save half the waiting time; the third is an excuse to implement across the crosswalk lines. Such as the east-west direction lights are red, and some non-motor cyclists will cross the stop line, following the implementation of the car the way across the north-south direction of the crosswalk line, if we find the police do not care, you will get on a bike ride again crosswalk .

Non-motorized vehicles running red lights will be fined 50 yuan

"No matter what way through a red light, all traffic violations." Police told reporters. One rider after being stopped by traffic police, and a look of innocence,Live frugally, claiming that "bicycles are not cars, break a red light what the big deal!" Reporter learned from the traffic control department in the motor vehicle and non-motor vehicles,woolrich spaccio, pedestrian accident , where the accident about three percent, because the rider, pedestrian red light caused. Traffic control to remind the non-motor vehicle ran a red light,Chen Liang an elderly couple planted soybeans, to a fine of 50 yuan.

VTS reminder: three cases have fined

Reporters on the scene, police not only for non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians were investigated through a red light, do not go for a pedestrian sidewalk, have also been discouraged and punished. "For example, do not take the sidewalk pedestrians, but also be punished." Traffic police brigade in charge of two people specifically binding site for pedestrian traffic violations described.

1,giubbotti woolrich, do not know where to wait for the pedestrian lights. Many people are not on the road, such as dental pedestrian crossing lights, but under the road teeth, or standing in front of non-motor vehicle stop line, or stand between the motor vehicle lanes and non-motorized vehicles to wait, so to Not only will block non-motorized vehicles to turn right, turn right to block the vehicle will not only affect vehicle traffic,louboutin pas cher, but also very insecure.

Punishment Standards: In accordance with "pedestrian walking in the roadway,"After the incident, sit,piumini moncler, stay, frolic" punishment, a fine of 50,Aojilunlu �,000 yuan.

2, take the non-motorized vehicles approaching the intersection. Few pedestrians on the sidewalk near the intersection at the time, would be down the sidewalk from the non-motorized vehicles cut through to reach the intersection crosswalk line, and then through the intersection.

Punishment Standard: According to "walk in the pedestrian sidewalk is not" punishment 5 yuan.

3, free to get off across the road. Some private cars are not under the passenger section of the notch, but for the convenience of passengers, a red light at the intersection, so take people off, people will take off after crossing the road between vehicles is very dangerous when waiting in line.

Standard punishment: in accordance with "pedestrian crossing the road did not take the crosswalk or crossing facilities" or "pedestrian traffic lights indicate traffic violation," the punishment of 20 yuan. (Reporter correspondent Gechuan Ping Yao Xiang all)