Yesterday morning

Beijing News (Reporter Zhang school) staff head and hands and even gambling on "Wire", stood in front of gambling,Originally, after power, his muscles excitement of gambling are immediately displayed on the screen. "Qualified!" Inmates say next.

Yesterday,Zhang as cannon tremor can not write, the Xin'an Forced Labor Camp open the city's first "gambling ban", after "biofeedback tester",louboutin femme, "I was a puppet player", "meditation music" and other ways to treat the 13 members said that although the "treatment" very " suffering,nike tn pas cher, "but they all had a sense of disgust for gambling.

Biofeedback meter test excitement

Yesterday morning, the psychotherapy room on the second floor of Xin'an Forced Labor Camp,hogan uomo, an instrument similar to the DVD player on a shelf near the door of iron,established in 2007 has been ,woolrich sito ufficiale, the body has a few buttons, left and right sides of the screen each about 2 cm, the values shown above. Instrument connected to two wires, one red and one black top two three interfaces on top of the other is an electrical clamp.

"Report!" Shouted the door one inmates. According to the "Gambling Ban" Li Yan police reports, the man is Moumou,moncler donna outlet, because of gambling in a labor camp, he came to accept biofeedback instrument detected in order to grasp the situation of his gambling.

Li Yan, the two red and one black three wires resting on the forehead Moumou, Moumou the other folders on the left middle finger, and then lift the veil on the couch in front of the coffee table, hidden in the following Pai Gow,hogan uomo, mahjong, dice,the demolition is legal. Before the demolition, poker and other gambling all revealed.

Moumou gambling staring ahead. Li Yan Moumou in the next recording physiological data at this time: skin temperature 32 (normal is 30-34), muscle potential 28 (normal is about 30).

"This set of data were within normal range, indicating that he had nothing to gambling excitement." Li Yan said, "when Moumou just testing shows 25 and 80, when he wants to reach out and touch the gambling."

Li Yan introduced a test like this,louboutin homme,3 Department Qu Xia bite., "gambling class" members once every month.

"Puppet player" birth rebellious

After the test, Li Yan Moumou came with a group counseling room. Indoor stood Easy Listening, another seven members of the gambling ban sitting on a chair.

Subsequently, eight people were divided into four groups of two, one for the manipulators, one for puppets. "Manipulators how to manipulate the puppet who would do under the relevant action controller's instruction."

Done after the game, Li Yan and one man play puppet inmates engaged in a dialogue.

"What you feel?" Asked Li Yan. "Awkward." "What do you want to break this situation?" "Want." "In fact,Middle-aged women, this and gambling,nike tn, as there was no thought of not gambling?" "Thought." "Why still gamble?" "Is someone holding my nose. saw my friends are in the gambling,, I will bet. "

Li Yan said, the purpose of this game is to get inmates to be controlled to produce rebellious feeling, let it think of gambling addiction control of their own to make their own awakening.

■ Secret

Gambling Ban scientific principles

"Gambling Ban" was established in 2010, the head of Li Yan, the "gambling ban" the use of a lot of scientific principles, psychological, and biological,peuterey outlet, as well as popular science.

"Inmates through biofeedback cytometry to determine the extent of gambling addiction before entering rehab classes, and then prescribe the right medicine." Li Yan said, once elected, "gambling ban," they must participate in plenty of activities and learning activities There are "I am puppets game", "gambling fraternity", music meditation, psychological suggestion, science demonstrations, behavior modification, and so on. These methods are based on each person's situation, set specific frequency.

■ Gambling nouns

Biofeedback instrument: people in stressful situations, skin temperature and muscle potential change. Objective: To determine the excitement of gambling gambling personnel through data changes.

Let me tell you that gambling is wrong: Gambling duty officers together, and then find a man standing in the middle, the other members told him harm gambling. Objective: To know the dangers of gambling, the more firmly gambling confidence.

I am a puppet players: by playing puppet manipulated by the other person. Objective: implying that he get rid of control, out of control addiction.

Psychological suggestion: shouting "I can,hogan interactive, I can, I'll do," "I must stop gambling." Objective: people will be more firm,tn femme pas cher,Reporter correspondent Wang Q, more positive attitude.

Gambling fraternity: the same as the gambling class members under the supervision of counselors, mutual inspiration,nike tn requin, education and support. Purpose: To enable inmates a sense of belonging and confidence.