And for the students

College classroom, a white-haired old man is seriously lectures,regardless of whether the flagpole or banner flags, the audience was only three students. The classroom,boutique louboutin paris, over seven years late teacher, said: "Thank you for holding my three games ......"

Yesterday, a group of skipping pictures online heat transfer,christian louboutin homme, so users popular touch. Tens of thousands of users to spread this message and spread the Weibo and Renren: students must go to school next week,abercrombie france, remember ah!

When these things Tianfuzaobao told reporters the party teacher, he said: first encountered this kind of thing, you can not blame the students, he had to review, to reflect on.

The teacher is eligible netizens praised alone

"Worthy of respect."

"On such a serious teacher after college you met it? Over 6-year-old, only three people face classroom blackboard to write full ...... he bent back,h6S2A9C4Ia, struggling to want to sit in the back of the Students listen carefully to every word ...... "

Yesterday, the news was spread to network users, are equipped with four pictures,"a card into the original bri, you can clearly see a gray-haired old professor of physics course in the pulpit, on the blackboard full of blackboard. Under the podium was empty, I saw a picture of a student. "Under the class, he said: Thank you for holding my three games Wednesday III, Liao large liberal arts 125, electrical technology, go to class!!"

In this microblogging behind high users of the teacher evaluation: "a respected teacher," as a teacher, a serious lecture is his insistence.

And for the students,during pregnancy, but only three serious lessons in perseverance. Netizens have called for: quickly go to class,nike pas cher pour homme, do not waste time.

7 late physics teachers do not blame the students

"I want to review."

Yesterday afternoon,scarpe hogan donna, the reporter from the Liaoning big Tianfuzaobao informed online information basically true, the teacher is the school physics teacher Kay party. Fang has retired,due to cold weather, and now is rehired to school lectures.

Subsequently, the reporter was removed in touch with the parties Tianfuzaobao teacher Kay party.

This year more than 70-year-old Fang, has been working for 50 years on the job,lancel pas cher, this is the first time encounter. He said that after the end of that class, his mood is very low, do not know where the problem of course, how it should be improved.

He took the initiative to find the students to understand the situation,chaussures louboutin hommes, the student told him,chaussures louboutin hommes, probably because just after a long summer vacation,relevant information, students are not to win their hearts, have forgotten this course.

Fang said he would self-examination, to find their own problems,louboutin femme pas cher, and also welcomes students to communicate with their own.

Initiative to send postcards to the teacher

No longer scared

Yesterday, the release of these pictures are friends, "Hu Dazhong," announced the identity of the parties teacher: Fang Kai physics teacher at a university in Shenyang. "Wu Dazhong,Chen Kelin feebly Biji Street office stood at the gate," said the purpose is to send pictures to call the students to class, I did not expect such a big response. He also announced the mailing address of the teacher, the teacher want users to send postcards, inscribed write "your students," so he has a sense of students everywhere. "Let him not because of a large number of students absent class and feel scared."

This proposal was supported by many users. And I heard that there are users going to give him a postcard, Fang said that if we really receive friends send greetings postcards that he certainly would be very grateful, but it would not have said that, because they are older, does not deal with energy.

Tianfuzaobao reporter Yang Huali

Intern reporter Liu Tong

News Links

Students founder of "skipping Network"

This month,woolrich donna, 'skipping net "has become popular vocabulary. The site was founded by several juniors, open skipping network, you will see this slogan: "93 percent of the students skip school, is skipping, not absenteeism, truancy network to join,boutique louboutin paris, feel fresh and interesting college life! "

Site founder said at first they just skip class network as part of their business practice, but did not expect overnight explosion of red: "Initially, we just skipping the network as part of their business practice, and really did not expect to cause such a big impact, we do not mean to challenge authority, if for our site to make education administrative departments set up university courses to reflect,air max pas cher, have a positive influence and role, we would be honored. "

Recently, however, have already skipping network Renren to sensitive information,and quickly contact his friend. Master Lu immediately called, and being shielded.

Tactics to attract students in class

Class sitting three rows, plus once a star, filled with four stars turn into the moon, the moon becomes the sun after four, two sun can usually score was 90 points. Recently in Hankou University section of public elective teachers implement Jianghai Quan homemade "QQ hierarchical" class rules, to attract students to sit in the front row. Introduction professor in the school of basic principles of Marxism.