but doctors say can offer 200 yuan

Yinshan incident Dongguang Town, outpatient department of public health monitoring group said it would thoroughly investigate

Text / reporter Wang Wanli, Dong Zhe

Two nights ago, and her boyfriend Zhang Lei Wu Zhaotong group angrily out of the Qing Town Yinshan clinic. October 14 afternoon, Wu Zhaotong group do abortions, originally say good 460 yuan, but three minutes on the operating table has risen to 7,700 yuan. Just out of work they really have no money, the results WU Zhao group lying on the operating table three hours continuous drop of blood, until her boyfriend willing to pay 4400 yuan as the final cost of the operation was able to continue.

In this regard,http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/kumo_s/ykt/hanya/yybbs.cgi, the person in charge excuse Yinshan clinic doctors think only poor attitudes and communication problems. Yesterday, Qingxi public health surveillance team leader said it would conduct a thorough investigation of the problems YINSHAN clinic.

Patients readme




Two surgical procedures to the asking price 460 yuan?

Wu Zhaotong group of 18-year-old, her boyfriend Zhang Lei also only 21 years old. Two days ago, they had just come from Guizhou Zunyi Dongguang. "I heard Yinshan clinic abortions done well,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, and very cheap." Wu Zhaotong group said. October 14 at 1 pm, WU Zhao and Zhang Lei group went to Silver Hill clinic.

"The doctor said after checking my girlfriend is cervical erosion, cervical polyps is well cervical cysts, if to do abortions, we must put in front of the three surgery done first." Zhang Lei recalls.

But they really have no money, after consideration,http://www.portdover.ca/member-services/forum?func=view&catid=2&id=291665#291665,nike pas cher femme, WU Zhao group decided only cervical polyps and abortions. "Flow 280 yuan, 380 yuan cervical polyp surgery,requin pas chere, but doctors say can offer 200 yuan, so a total of 460 yuan." Zhang Lei said he was also felt that the doctor who is really good.



Surgery three hours talking about five times the price

Surgery began at about 14:00,http://kbitarchive.altervista.org/index.php?site=forum_topic&topic=1959, Zhang Lei waiting outside the operating room. Just make surgery less than five minutes,chaussures nike requin, the operating room came the sound of Wu Zhaotong group called pain. Zhang Lei immediately called into the operating room. "You're very serious girlfriend, sore, just like a fountain of blood." The doctor said to Zhang Lei.

Doctors suggested that if you do minimally invasive surgery as long as 7700 yuan. But Zhang Lei is money, thought the doctor told him before the process had surgery only 10 minutes, holding his girlfriend's hand and told her to endure what pain.

Operation continues, but less than two minutes later, the doctor called Zhang Lei in, or talk about money. But with only 1000 yuan Zhang Lei, he had then told his girlfriend "tolerance about pain." If so repeatedly out of five, operation lasted more than two hours is not yet complete. Approaching 17:00, and it refused to spend more money to see Zhang Lei, doctors simply do not do to stop.

One side is lying on the operating table for nearly three small Shihai girlfriend in the blood, while the doctor again and again words onslaught, Zhang Lei teeth agree that surgery price set at 4400 yuan. Zhang Lei to find a friend borrowed 1,500 yuan,chaussures tn pas cher, to scrape together 2,300 yuan to the hospital. Less than five minutes after the surgery is over.

Zhang Lei told reporters yesterday morning he accompanied his girlfriend to go to the hospital for examination stream,nike jordan pas cher, "the doctor said my girlfriend did not have cervical polyps, cervical erosion, cervical cysts, uterine also torn."

Outpatient Department:


But midway plus money plus have justified

For Wu Zhaotong group to reflect on the way surgery was only asks for money experience, Yinshan outpatient department responsible Chen said that surgery does have a price change, but "surgery is personal,nike requin pas cher, not a person can control; like you buy clothes,doudoune moncler solde femme, clothes before you see this price, but found that when the bill is another price, it's you wrong,http://www.zhongwangpz.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2222042,prix nike air max, this is possible. "

Initially the patient requires only 280 yuan, said people do, but eventually charged 3480 yuan made abortion and so-called cervical polyp surgery, is this fraud? In this regard, Chen argued, "more than 3000 yuan to do so two surgery,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, you go to private medical institutions in Dongguan ask, not expensive."

Chen believes that patients now have opinions, but the doctors attitude is poor, there is a problem of communication between doctors and patients only. "In the past also read 'surgery to add money to do half of the doctors' reports, that is not the same with us." He said.

Reporters Survey:


Outpatient department clinics range without "flow"

In Wu Zhaotong group of medical records, the reporter did not see the word "abortion" is. Chen said that abortion is indeed done the.

But reporters found that in Yinshan clinic was approved by health department clinics subjects,http://www.jch-gy.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=9239, there is no "abortion" a.

Andrology is the word illegal conduct prohibited by the health sector,tn requin pas cher, but still Yinshan clinic advertising banner male subjects; in Dongguan City Health Bureau's website, the reporter found,jordan pas cher, Yinshan outpatient department of medical subjects does not exist,http://cgi.www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~kznr/gomi/dream/yybbs/yybbs.cgi?mode=past, "male" . In addition, the Yinshan clinics registered just one clinic, but hung at the gate, "Silver Hill Hospital,spaccio peuterey, a new era," the big signs, a misnomer.

Qingxi public health surveillance team commissioned by the Dongguan Municipal Public Health Bureau, responsible for private health stations within their jurisdictions, clinic supervision, inspection, yesterday, the reporter to the understanding of the situation they were reflected.

Qingxi public health surveillance team said, if true,peuterey donna, Yinshan clinic is very bad behavior, they will investigate the clear facts, and then give harsh treatment, even directly revoke its "medical institution."

(Original title: abortion suddenly want to add money)