retirement and other remaining issues.

(Sanya News Network reporter intern Dan Feng Xiao Xiao) Recently, netizens' blessing good guys "in the End of the World forum post called" west of Sanya City police handled fake theft of personal information of citizens without infringing fake ID account correction "article attracted widespread attention, Sanya Police respond posted for the network, the users July 24 to respond to the contents listed for eight questions again, questioned the existence of violations of public security organs and omissions. South China Sea Network reporter to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the matter.

Friends broke the news: Police "misappropriation" of information handled fake accounts

July 16,requin pas cher, netizen "blessing good" posts at the End of the World Forum, said that he named Xue Zhongmin, west of Sanya City police station to report "stolen personal information of citizens apply fake account fake ID infringement is not correction." Because so far can not confirm the identity, resulting in a lot of trouble in the process of experiencing unemployment insurance, banking and retirement procedures and other personal business aspects ......

ID No. personnel Sanya heavy public Xue Zhong Li Mouming people and moving in from other provinces. Reporters learned that Department in April 1992 transferred from Xingtai City, Hebei Province,, Sanya City Industrial Development Bureau under the Textile Industry Development Corporation, along with the account moved to Sanya City. April 3, 1992 police staff during the resident population register, for prepared a new first-generation citizens of Sanya City ID number: 460 200 540 402 * 27.

July 16, 2014, netizen "blessing good" online posting said "police station west of Sanya City, theft of personal information of citizens apply fake account fake ID infringement is not correction." Sanya police presented the case without the informed, will ID number is changed from the original 46020019540402 * 278 (second-generation ID card) is 46020019540402 * 315,chaussure nike tn pas cher, and questioned the identity heavy number of Sanya city police department relevant staff illegal "misappropriation "Xue Zhongmin personal account information from Hebei moved to Sanya Li Mouming for" fake ID "and" false household. "

The paste is also the attitude of the public security organs to respond to a number of departments were sharply criticized, and the police took tobacco Gift door "intercede" motive were questioned and respect the public security organs require Xue Zhongmin change ID number violation, there shield "rich and powerful" is suspect 's. In addition, the post also states: No problems due to heavy card, causing the parties Xue Zhongmin become identity is not clear, "black", its unemployment insurance,nike air max tn requin, banking business and personal retirement formalities, etc., causing a lot of inconvenience.

Findings: No violations of law

In the resulting citizen ID number is repeated and re-number the error correction process,air max fille pas cher, Sanya police related staff in the end whether the existence of illegal and other circumstances, particularly whether the illegal misappropriation of public security organs to handle public information false account of this issue, the South China Sea Network reporter specialized interviewed the person in charge of the public security organs in Sanya.

Sanya City Public Security Bureau, responsible person details the ins and outs of ID numbers appear heavy situation. Originally, in April 1992 account changes in their work, moved from Xingtai City, Hebei Province,air max requin pas cher, Sanya City, the Ministry of Public Security was not due to the introduction of relevant regulations retain the original identity card numbers, police officers act in accordance with the relevant time customary practices, for re-allocation of a local ID number Sanya. 1996 years ago,tn requin pas cher, has not been implemented Sanya household management computer networking management, all card information is then filled out by hand,air max tn, because the staff did not carefully check the census data, resulting in a Limou Ming Xue Zhongmin coded identity card number and repeat.

Until 2006, the Ministry of Public Security organs in the correct organization of national identity card number heavy number of citizens working and informed citizen ID number list Sanya heavy number, Sanya police found ID number and heavy numbers.

Sanya police said,air max requin, causing and ID number is repeated, handling personnel department 20 years ago was not caused by a strong sense of responsibility. To correct this error, the police will re-number the first time to inform the parties, and due to errors in the work to bring the parties expressed their regret the inconvenience.

The responsible person, serious investigation and verification by the police, leading to the identity card number in heavy numbers throughout the process, the public security organs not found relevant personnel to accept if asked,, accepting the benefits and steal other people's accounts and other false information to handle the situation, but will then go through the Account There are errors in the work of staff in accordance with regulations accountable.

Sanya Police: full response to Internet users questioned

For Posts User "good blessing" Other questions July 24 police responded to the proposed eight rebuttal, and users keep abreast of proposed Sanya City Public Security Bureau, responsible people were answered.

Question one: According to friends,, "Blessing good" shots,, why photo Xue Zhongmin household information is ?

Sanya police said, the public security department of population information database divided city (county), provincial and ministerial level three, provincial and ministerial-level demographic information data update, mainly through the packed city (county) level population change data information for maintenance. Changes in the population information and data maintenance, sub-portrait and other basic information about information. Portrait of information which is the second generation ID card-level public security organs to upload portraits information obtained through the city (county), in order to identify the ID number for identifying demographic information is automatically updated and compared to overwrite the original portrait. Create photo Xue Zhongmin demographic information on the cause of is: after 2006 first bid for the second generation ID card, the system automatically loads its own head, but in 2008 the second generation ID card bid, due to the two card No. same Limou Ming Xue Zhongmin photos automatically replace the original picture, making Xue Zhongmin, Li Mouming demographic data repositories are Limou Ming's head. Though according to the relevant provisions of the identity card number has been changed, but the staff just changed the numbers without replacing the head, resulting in a photo household registration information is case 's.

Question two: Li Mouming in Sanya re-register a new ID number, will not cause its own "dual domicile"?

Sanya police explained, after Li Mouming account moved to Sanya, Hebei its original household no longer exists. ID number simply, it is the citizens account code, ID number would be gone before Li Mouming use. So, Sanya identity information is Limou Min sole legitimate identity information, the situation will not lead to Li Mouming have "double household."

Question three: Repeat after ID number, and why the police have asked Xue Zhongmin modify ID number, rather than Li Mouming?

Sanya police that according to Ministry of Public Security, "carried out the correct citizenship certificate on interprovincial heavy number of work notice" (public governance [2006] No. 369), the Hainan Provincial Public Security Bureau, "earnestly solve civic citizenship heavy weight card number is correct account Work opinions "and" On the good population information management system construction and door (F) licensing preparation work notice "(Joan public biography [2006] No. 2002) of the regulations,, the implementation of corrective work citizens heavy card number" Who coding, who responsible, who is wrong,, who is correct "and" the use of numbers less easy to dispose of the party renumbered "principle. After investigation, police found identity cards have been using this economic contracts signed copies, more engaged in social economic activities, while now retiring, engaged in fewer social activities. Taking these circumstances, Sanya police decided according to the law Xuemou Min ID number to make changes (new card number: 46020019540402 * 315).

Question four: Police ID number changes Xue Zhongmin have to fulfill this obligation?

Police told reporters, January 14, 2014, west of Sanya City Public Security Bureau police station to correct the problem to be told to re-number and produced to inform transcripts, Xue Zhongmin has covered handprint and signature confirmation. Interview,air jordan soldes, the reporter saw police from Sanya told Xue Zhongmin change the ID number of the original issues of this book.

Question five: why the police with tobacco Gift door "intercede",

Sanya police said, people-oriented, law enforcement people are the target values ​​and the value of the public security organs of law enforcement activities. Police staff due to omissions caused by heavy public identity card numbers, especially the number of decisions to make inconvenience caused to the party after the change, we feel guilt and anxiety,doudoune moncler femme solde, so the special police officers sent home visits and brought gifts, and to promise: he is willing to send someone to deal with the problems caused by changes to the legacy of the identity card number, but was refused, and was part of the netizens misunderstanding became "Matrimony" and "appeasement."

Question six: Xue Zhongmin because of "identity could not be confirmed," lead to receiving unemployment money for retirement and health insurance rebate is true?

Police said the discovery Xue Zhongmin profile information changed three times in the survey work. In its work over the Sanya City frozen aquatic plant recruitment files,,woolrich milano, Xue Zhong Min was born in July 1956, while the employee contract approval form displays date of birth as April 20, 1955, and its household registration information (that is, its insist on not changing the ID number) to display the age of birth April 20, 1954. Therefore, it can not successfully lead the main reason for retirement formalities, because of its age birth on account of the recruitment files and information on inconsistent year, but police are still willing to send someone to go through the entire process with the bank Xue Zhongmin ID number changes caused by the ,jordan femme pas cher, insurance, retirement and other remaining issues.