the Tigers took the children to the mother

Sichuan Online news (Sichuan Online reporter Zhang Rui) 13-year-old Tigers and children of different age, when classrooms around the sound grows louder, he would fall into the "fever" status,nike jordan pas cher, the highest temperature rose to 41 ℃, followed by dizziness,jordan air pas cher, uncomfortable. However, with quiet surroundings, the Tigers will "automatically" cool, back to normal. Later, the teacher's footsteps, the class bell will let Tigers involuntary "burn up",nike air pas cher, the longest lasting two weeks.

What is the reason tigers "school" on the fever? 22, the reporter learned from the Second People's Hospital of Chengdu Rui Miao counselors learned after the initial diagnosis of the Tigers after two suspected of suffering from psychological counseling treatment of its noise phobia, the need for systematic desensitization and behavior modification therapy.

Story ""


Part1 certain times of fever greater noise impact left by the psychological shadow

Tigers home in a rural Sichuan Province, Grandpa is a "soil doctor." This year an unexpected fever, so the Tigers family is very worried. Confused, the Tigers only hear the noise around constantly, but also unwittingly let this loud deep deep in the heart.

"According to the children and parents to communicate with us,, should be in accordance with his grandfather earth approach to Tigers fever. Was very noisy environment, voice is also a great grandfather. Finally, the Tigers while getting better, but it planted a 'noise bomb' in my heart . "Second People's Hospital of Chengdu Rui Miao counselors described to reporters.

After that, the Tigers sometimes accidents happen "body temperature", appear ordinary fever situation. But the difference is that in addition to the temperature rise Tigers fever, dizziness, no other symptoms.

This allows family members are wondering, the Tigers in the end got what strange? Subsequently, the Tigers took the children to the mother, the Second People's Hospital of Chengdu psychological services department visits, talking about the Tigers' school fever "strange.

Part2 teacher footsteps on the bell also fear "school" on the fever

Since August this year, the situation tigers significant changes. His voice for the improvement of the degree of sensitivity, even the normal school, classes can not be completed properly. According to Rui seedlings introduced counselors, counseling twice exchanges found Tigers footsteps for school teachers,requin tn pas cher, the class bell have a greater fear,, will become the cause of a fever.

According Tigers family introduced Tigers in school performance is not bad, and sometimes in order to complete their assignments,, often suffer dizziness and high temperature above 38 ℃ been to school. "His family said the fever ten times in the classroom,, there are five forbearance to school." Rui Miao said the Tigers should thus be seen that the problem is not because of fever arising weariness.

Meanwhile, in order to alleviate the "fever" of the situation, the Tigers will usually go to a quiet place corridors, staircases and other corners during class "self-cooling." In the "fever" History Tigers, he highest burn 41 ℃, longest fever lasted two weeks,jordan homme pas cher, but in addition to dizziness, the body did not show significant abnormalities.

Also, the family gradually realized, Tigers fever this situation does not occur because the drug significantly improved, but because the Tigers emotions "gradual cooling."

Experts voice ""


Suspected noise phobia school emission and noise resulting in the formation of a fever

After two exchanges of psychological counseling,, the Second People's Hospital of Chengdu counselors and Rui Zhang Yan Miao preliminary diagnosis of suspected Tigers suffered noise phobia.

Miao Rui counselors told reporters Judging from the current situation Tigers, Tigers "school fever" is not simply fear to go to school. First of all, a time when the Tigers fever because of the noise or the sound of a larger, leaving a psychological shadow, leading the Tigers fear of certain sounds.

Since the Tigers was a student, takes a long time to stay in school, so the sound schools often appear larger and produce a similar fear, leading the Tigers to school, school, learning, and the noise generated association, forming a reflective, eventually leading to fever.

Currently, the Tigers and their families in addition to the need to maintain communication with the counselors, but also the need for systematic desensitization, behavior modification and other specialized treatments. "For example,, we need to let him adapt slowly progressive footsteps, footsteps and other teachers, step by step, graded to overcome the fear for the sound." Rui Miao explained.

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Chengdu boys who started because of "small rise early" stress "the then forced me to read I would die."

22, the reporter learned from the Second People's Hospital of Chengdu psychological services department learned that since September the school, clinic received counseling room because of antipathy to school,tn requin nike, study after enrollment pressure, increasing the number of students and other patient interpersonal psychological problems.

"In the past week or two weeks will have to go to school because of a recently almost a week there will be five or six, sometimes an afternoon will receive two, significantly increasing the number." Second People's Hospital of Chengdu psychological services department Staff told reporters.

Chengdu, a guy who started Hsiao Chiu, due to "small rise early," unable to adapt to live on campus life and academic pressure, began to weary. Because their parents can not understand the beginning, Hsiao Chiu began pique, do not speak, angry for no reason,, and claimed "re forced me to study, I would die." In desperation, Hsiao Chiu mother took the children to professional counselors for treatment. Since August, after three times of psychological counseling, Hsiao Chiu initiative to communicate with his family, hope through regular home "commuting" and other ways to ease the emotional weariness.

According to psychologists, counselors Rui Miao, the recent closing of students attending a patient in need of psychological counseling, the main problem concentrated into five categories. Include their own learning pressure,chaussures air max pas cher, do not want to go to school, refusing to face the school; small rise early,abercrombie soldes, rising higher environmental changes, academic pressure, appeared weary; holidays too playful, school grades appear unable to adapt or fall; new semester interpersonal inappropriate; students puppy love is found, the formation pressure.

Faced with 12-year-old, 13-year-old child, if there is no reason not to speak of its beginning, sleep disorders,tn requin noir, angry for no reason,nike air max en soldes, etc.,air jordan soldes, should pay attention to. "Could not simply treason,air jordan pas cher, should consult the professional counselors, according to the situation to see whether further treatment is needed." Rui Miao reminder.

Popular Science "" "

Sound phobia: Sound phobia phobia as a new type of more and more people's attention. The so-called sound phobia that would produce a particular sound fear of the disease.

Systematic desensitization therapy: mainly induced by Qiu Zhizhe slowly expose cause anxiety neurosis, fear of situations, and by relaxing the state to combat the psychological anxiety, so as to achieve the purpose of eliminating anxiety or fear. For example, a stimulus caused by anxiety or a state of terror in the Qiu Zhizhe can bear range, after repeatedly presented, Qiu Zhizhe will no longer be the stimulation of anxiety and terror, the treatment goal is achieved.

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