one night saw two blind The object

Newspaper correspondent Zhang Weijian

The movie "You Are the One", the actor Ge You and all kinds of women after blind date,, they finally found the true love of people. And in real life,peuterey italia, loving way that marriage has become a lot of young people looking for "other half" means a lot of people on the road back and forth on a blind date, Shaoxing Chen Jian (pseudonym) is one of them.

But Chen Jian Ge You can not have so lucky, he has been pro with more than 120 girls and more than two years time, and still is no beauty around. Chen Jian condition is very good: 80, civil servants, appearance sunshine, his family was not poor,, blind date may be why so many are still no results?

"On the one hand is forced by the pressure of parents want to find the object of marriage, on the one hand they do not want to give up the pursuit of love,peuterey outlet, so Well ......" Chen Jian said with a wry smile.

According to Chen Jian said that his intimate experience began in the summer of 2007. "Because I'm a good working unit,, popularity is also good, so there are a lot of people want to give me introduce object." At a friend's introduction,,air jordan pas cher, Chen Jian went to see the first girl,,basket air jordan, was put on his "long blind road . "

"In the beginning there are points suited, blind frequency is not too high,nike tn requin homme, then more people see, also a little numb, and sometimes see a week 3-5 bar. Busiest time, one night saw two blind The object, "Chen Jian reluctantly said:" A lot of people only met her, did not leave any impression,doudoune moncler pas cher, let alone understand, "Chen Jian also felt so intimate,air jordan pas cher femme,, the probability of success is too small,, though. not stop. "Too much pressure on families, parents are anxious,nike tn homme, nagging ear every day,woolrich parka, I really can not stand,chaussures tn pas cher, always want to hurry to give them an explanation."

Met so many girls, there is no one right? Chen Jian feel, or fate not to. "Always encounter such a situation: like me, I do not like; I see touched upon, people Qiaobu Shang me." Chen Jian said that he had three blind date had a feeling of heart, but in the end did not succeed.

"The first girl like me, but more consideration to the practical problems; second girl because forget the past; while the third is firmly opposed because of her father, so in the end they did not come together. "Chen Jian said that in fact he was very close from happiness,, it not quite fate. Sometimes also want to force himself, but he was always reluctant to give up that feeling of love: the moment echocardiography.

Chen Jian said that the two phases of the 120 girls, body tired,nike air max tn, tired heart,nike tn femme, the key is their sense of feeling numb, sometimes, he found his dear girls feel the same way. Now, he is disgusted mention blind and would like to make myself be quiet.

Chen Jian has repeatedly stressed that his "other half" is not high: not too pretty, not too rich, various conditions in the upper level on the line. "The most critical, or to people a feeling of heart."