to prevent what accidents

□ correspondent, chief correspondent Li Zhao Wen Xuan indeed public figure

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June 2, Zhumadian, Xinyang, Nanyang and other places on the streets posted 100,000 copies of "reward 50,000 yuan, apprehend murder suspect Wang India" and "reward notice," began to be quietly shovel to go.

"He killed was a 9-year-old county used pupils." Police investigators said police are searching for him,, did not think this is called "Wang India," the man, but a car accident in Changsha. He was the bus Knocked seriously injured, arrested at the hospital.

Incident: 9-year-old pupils, was killed in the old house

May 17, Saturday. Nearly nine o'clock at night, Zhumadian county used Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade received a report: "When (the family) to go to the old house shouting Xiao Ning (a pseudonym) to eat,nike jordan pas cher, to see him lying on the ground, unconscious, to the hospital after rescue died. "

Xiao Ning, county used either Zhen Huangshan Village people, a man moved into a new house soon, things did not move those old one house. Police quickly arrived at the scene, night visits, the police came out with a rough "looks": Xiao Ning, 9 years old, male,, students. Incident time at 17:00 on the 17th to 8:00 between. At the time, he was home alone the old one room watching TV, the head suddenly attacked by a blunt object, on the left side of the skull smashed collapse ......

Survey: suspect, is the neighboring village solitary man

"The incident that afternoon,, who went to Xiao Ning house old house? No one sees." Police said they put hundreds of police, began to Huangshan Village center to the surrounding investigation.

"After a busy three days and three nights." Police said, the 20th in the afternoon, locked the suspect near the artificial yellow chomchon Wang India. This person 52 years old, male, high school graduate, unmarried, introverted.

. "He fled after committing the crime on the night, dressed in army green gown to escape on time,, wearing a white shirt inside,nike jordan pas cher, wearing dark pants, wearing camouflage shoes" Police investigations show: He's in a couple of days before the crime,jordan 6 pas cher, had to the village people say "go away to children, dry eight or ten years, earn a lot of money to come back."

Police raided the house of Wang India alone, good to see folded and tied quilts, clothing, etc., in a large bag filled with; may not know what the reason, Wang and India did not take up this "pack" is to escape.

Search: Police found Hill play visitors, 100,000 copies of notices posted

20 day and night, the county used police printed 100,000 copies of "reward 50,hollister france,000 yuan, apprehend murder suspect Wang India" and "reward notice." 21, 2009, dozens of police were dispatched to Beijing, Xi'an, Nanyang, Xinyang, Zhumadian and other places, at the station, street posting.

Kilns,air jordan 6 pas cher, construction sites, police searched the nursery garden ...... Wang India had a place to work. More than 40 police play tourists, "swim" over Copper Mountain, just because someone was in the territory of this mountain Biyang seen him. Two days later, all to no avail, Wang fled to India in the end where?

India suspects Wang, who has been to Nanyang Tanghe, Tongbaishan work. Local television since the 24th day, many times broadcast "reward notice." Police also search the Internet, "Wang India", I did not expect to really search, xingsha Times "Changsha", "electronic version, May 23 A03 published a" less avoidance, bus crashed into him, "a text on the 26th A03 published a "self-proclaimed" Wang India ", who in the end he is?" article; these two reports,, there have text map "police investigators said the newspaper published photos of what Wang India.

Escape: Changsha arrived soon after hitting bus

Police drove to Hunan night, the 27th at 6 am to reach Changsha. In Changsha City eight hospital intensive care unit,jordan 4, police saw the injured have been hospitalized one week of Wang India.

See the police, Wang India not surprised, "I know there will be that day." He confessed to abscond process: After the attack on the 17th afternoon, night and fled; 18 am, in Biyang County's Copper Mountain; then ride to the Biyang in Biyang again ride to the city of Nanyang. 19 am,jordan soldes, at the Nanyang long distance bus ride to Guangzhou. "Buy a ticket to Guangzhou,air max femme, ready to flee there to work; getting dark when available, buses in a parking place; see someone get off, I followed the car."

Wang printed off places, is the mayor of Changsha, Hunan Shaxian county. According to the Hunan local newspaper "xingsha Times" reported: 19 evening,spaccio piumini, the 114 bus route along Hunters traveling east to west direction, ready to turn on Xingsha Avenue when a man suddenly rushed out, bus collision avoidance less on on the.

"Wang and India,, on the 19th did not Chiyikoufan; night around 7:30 in the Hunters Road collided with xingsha Avenue intersection and the bus." According to police investigators: afterwards, the local traffic police to the hospital evidence, had not Solution to ask him (Wang India) "is not trying to commit suicide?" Wang printed once said, "is not that going children, I do not want to commit suicide,, I mainly want to run away, cross the road, (over a) how fast a car, suddenly I (knocked down) bruised. "

"Wang India's injury is very serious, multiple fractures of the pelvis, ureter fracture; need three surgeries, had to be in the hospital for at least the first half." June 2 in the afternoon, this reporter connection is Changsha City eight hospital guard The police,basket jordan pas cher, they said: Come up six police, one placement in the ward guarded day and night, to prevent what accidents; second is to give the suspect Wang printed necessary humane care, such as to accompany his daily teeth, timed to give him tea fed.

This bizarre accident that how to divide responsibilities? Local police departments attach great importance is further evidence, investigation. Hospitalization expenses moment, temporarily party paid by the bus company.

Confession: go home rather revenge, the house is only 9 years old child

Why did he kill? Wang printed confession: Years ago,air max pas cher homme, he followed Xiao Ning's parents go to Xi'an to work, is at work on a building site child. "When the code bricks, hand injured in the hospital for more than a day hospital, Xiao Ning's parents afterwards only compensate me 1500 dollars."

. "Hand injured before compensation 1500; later, do not have to marry a wife, a man after so many years all of this, I think parents are rather small single-handedly caused to me," Wang printed confession: This time, He intends to go away to work, after pack up,moncler parka, you want to look at a small revenge rather walk home.

"17 afternoon,, Wang Xiaoning India is home to the old one; go when empty-handed, had nothing clutched hands." Police investigators said that day, just on a Saturday, only a small one person rather watch TV in the house, tragedy happened.

(Original title: the killers fled the field was seriously injured bus Knocked)