Police fired warning shots three suspects caught

Violations across the street was hit on the train whistle →

The most aggressive passers

To arrest the police patrol found pushing containment →

Last night, Dalang, a group of men across the road dissatisfaction bus driver whistle, the car hit the driver with a pipe caused his coma. Later more accomplices containment obstruct police arrests, police firing into the air to deter and control the three suspects.

Passengers are not allowed to hit the driver also threatened alarm

Between the incident was last night 10:10 Xu,chaussures tn, 336 bus drivers who drive buses transported flat into the big waves just South triple village site, there are several men at this roadside suddenly cross the street, had to slam the brakes and then shipped flat a few speakers,scarpe hogan uomo, such an act for himself unexpectedly attracted trouble.

Taking advantage of the moment to open the door,moncler outlet ufficiale,http://www.foss.lk/comment/profile.php?uid=71, several men surrounded them and began pulling and beating had shipped flat. Chaos, had shipped flat just remember rained fists and feet to beat him,air max 1 pas cher homme, he bowed to avoid Moqi an attempt to pry tire steel self-defense. Unexpectedly soon be snatched and beat to yourself, several assailants took the pipe hit him in the head, then he fainted and lost consciousness.

At that time three or four ten passengers on the bus from the driver closer Wong memories,http://www.hoshoo.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4362&fromuid=3164, these men started beating the driver got on before without any verbal communication. "He was pressing play completely, there is no capacity for resistance." Was nearly midnight,http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~kiza/heijima/custombbs.cgi/闅革椒銛將銍?鍚╋澆錚伴?э拷鎝藉ぇ鎹╋拷鎝兼偀鎝ゅ;鎝革姜銍匡蔣鑾夛漸閫曪建楱炬?滄嵎瓔岸喍/wOvgJDrtUkjosz/, the frightened passengers screaming and rushing to the rear of the car, but did not open the back door because the car could not get off, someone shouted alarm .

In this case,nike tn requin pas cher, a man armed with a steel pipe man pointing to the threat of passengers,outlet hogan, said: "? Dares Alarm" Wong remember we do not dare say anything,hogan uomo outlet, several men continued to beat up the driver a few years, until the driver limp and weak, they did not leave. A Mingde Bang logistics company had beaten passing vehicles will be shipped flat rushed to hospital.

Wake up, 38-year-old had been lying flat on transportation Shenzhen People's Hospital, Longhua Branch beds, steel head is broken sewing needle 14, "On the bus four or five years,http://www.phileweb.com, had never encountered such a situation . "He was lying on the bed of the South have told reporters yesterday.

Police fired warning shots three suspects caught

The assailant had just left,http://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/auctionsearch.cgi, the road patrol police after the incident happened. At the instant of the bus after a police car, police Ye Xiaojian found wrong: "The car drove emergency lights,http://teerj.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=183846, the passenger does not look normal, very flustered." He and two parking wardens asked the crew told him there seven or eight individuals latte Just stick beating the driver.

3 people immediately began to hunt down these people escape direction, while on patrol near the police call support. In the distance triple village incident at about 100 meters diagonally opposite the small intersection,http://technoresto.org/cgi-bin/forum/dcboard.cgi, he saw the man got into the roadside 6-7 two taxis, just closed ready to leave, dressed in police uniforms flashed documents , ask for help to get off the investigation.

Then three suspects suddenly get off in different directions to escape, but were soon catch up three police and wardens and overwhelm the ground. At this time,http://90v-birds.com/tl-r/cgi/aska-in/aska.cgi, several suspects and associates reentry shoving police, demanding the release of containment suspects were controlled. At this point, a coordinators took pepper sprayed this gang men patrolling officers also rushed to the scene to assist, chaos suddenly break one of the suspects fled, after repeated warnings, police Ye Xiaojian decisively overturned fired warning shots, running scared in He Mouyan squatting on the ground. Alleged beating of three suspects were brought back to the police station.



The assailant falsely accuse police said police beat

What is the reason for this group of people to impose heavy innocent drivers hand? Southern reporter yesterday asked the police station in Dragon hit the driver's main suspect , relaxed 29-year-old expression,tn nike requin, claiming to be the driver hit himself. But his body did not find any scars.

Investigators introduced alleged beating of three suspects bite once said the driver hit her, but the police investigation of several witnesses to the trouble spot, none saw back when the driver was hit.

Leaving police investigators surprise: He Mouyan actually the first in the post-alarm called police beat. Longhua police,scarpe hogan interactive donna, at 22:50 on June 26, the branch received a report that the suspect alarm: its friction with the bus driver, police officer Ye Xiaojian requires its squat, it has squatted in accordance with the requirements District door, but police beating people, also shot, now calls the police complaint, if not addressed will provide the province, central complaints. To 23:35, He Mouyan another caller said it was a misunderstanding,hogan uomo, to cancel the alarm.

The police investigation, said the suspects (male,air jordan pas cher, aged 29), Zhou Moucan (male, 37 years old),air max pas cher, Shen Mouhua (male, 26 years old) who are in Yongzhou, after trial, three bus drivers for assault confessed to the crime. Written: Southern Reporter Li Xiaomin Photography: Southern Reporter Xu Court