for example

In recent years, Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province "rule river reclamation" project for the development of the north of Zhejiang coastal painted on the wonderful fortune. And in this government investment 1.4 billion yuan in the project, it was also from doing everything possible to imagine a "gold rush." Generous commitment to the project manager in the next, in order to ultimately obtain huge profits, a pair of iron man power, a contribute, backstage clear division of labor, with the right to profit form the "gold partner."

November 12, 2009 afternoon, the Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province Procuratorate prosecution, made by Jiaxing City Intermediate People's Court of first instance verdict: Guo Yuerong individually or jointly bribes 1699 million yuan, of which 399 million yuan consummated, attempted 12 million yuan, is sentenced to fifteen years deprivation of political rights for five years and confiscation of personal property of 500,000 yuan; whole PYI individually or jointly bribes 1876 million yuan, of which 576 million yuan consummated, attempted 13 million yuan, was sentenced to an indefinite period imprisonment and deprivation of political rights for life and confiscation of all personal property for life. They were not in court to appeal.

Officialdom earthquake two brothers arrested

In Zhejiang, located in the north shore of Hangzhou Bay, Pinghu City location, rich beach resources, since ancient times has a "Golden Pinghu," said. Even the Sun Yat-sen was also in that year, "nation-building strategy" should be made to imagine in Pinghu Zhapu coastal construction "Oriental Chittagong," the grand. July 2001, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Jiaxing Port Management Committee was established, the unified leadership of Jiaxing Port Authority,, Economic Development and zhapu Zhapu town.

Subsequently, some officials originally Zhapu town serving some positions into the port area of ​​the CMC and find another, while others went into business. A new period of development belong to Jiaxing Port has come, Jiaxing Port gradually built into today include Dushan Port, Zhapu harbor and port area of ​​northern Zhejiang Haiyan important to the sea.

However, beginning in August 2008, prosecutors frequently received reports from the public, said Li Zhongjie, deputy director of the CMC Port (huge suspicion of bribery, was to stand trial Nov. 3) a large number of assets from unknown sources.

The clues provided by the masses, Jiaxing City, prosecutors opened an investigation in the port area of ​​the relevant personnel. In the first half of this year, one is called anti-corruption storm "3? 23" action kicked off. was arrested according to law.

was arrested after a large number of relevant personnel have received inquiry handling agencies,, including many leading cadres. Folk have been rumors: Pinghu officialdom will set off a major earthquake. Then Pinghu City Committee Chairman Guo Yuerong and his buddies - Water Resources Secretary whole also feel extremely uneasy PYI. According to bribe people accountable, and soon, the whole PYI was taken away. At this point, Guo Yuerong more inner struggle, full insurance China was discovered, also means their ominous.

In April 12 evening around 9:00,, Guo Yuerong Pinghu Municipal Committee met courage, ready to talk about their own financial irregularities. Unexpectedly,hogan timeactive, the day many people, failed to do so. The next morning, received a phone Jiaxing Municipal Organization Department, one to the Organization Department of the City Commission for Discipline Inspection will see the leadership was there waiting for him. Although a bit sudden, but for him this is not unexpected things. April 23, 2009, on suspicion of accepting bribes Jiaxing City Procuratorate investigation, the same year on May 7, was arrested according to law.

According to investigators,, this port,, Pinghu City scandal, since the founding of the biggest corruption Jiaxing City Chuanan nest, more than 40 government officials sacked. And to whole PYI two together created the "expected return bribery", is a new way of bribery rare.

Backstage tacit

The 1980s, PYI are young and full of township cadres, both the same age, with similar interests, especially for farmers with origin make up between them and no restraint, became buddies ShenDu . Although the two different personalities, Guo Yuerong honest part,hogan olympia donna, full insurance flexible, but fought through the decades in the officialdom, their career is very smooth. from Nibea rose all the way to the town of Pinghu City, Pinghu City deputy mayor and secretary of Politics and Law Committee, Municipal Committee Chairman; whole PYI City Water Conservancy Bureau rose from Zhapu town mayor, held a number of basic units of "number one" .

Since 2001, the rapid development of Jiaxing Port economy has brought new opportunities,basket jordan pas cher, some cadres zhapu originally serving government agencies abandoned politics in business. PYI looked around the whole business of old colleagues, old men live from the luxury villas, opened a luxury sedan, psychology began imbalance. Seeing no clear upward trend in their career, all PYI Ancun: his poor health,, his wife job insecurity, work hard in Hangzhou son married to buy a house, all of the questions focused on the money. Is it so retired? He grew more and more dissatisfied with the decision to make early retirement plans. So he began, and some of the sea's old colleagues frequently linked.

However, he alone face water conservancy of the Secretary, the trust of a lot of things that he can not effectively addressed. At this time, he will always make big brother Guo Yuerong "coming out."

In contrast, Guo Yuerong is Pinghu powerful figure. Back in March 1993, on the Pinghu City People's Congress, when the town mayor Nibea be deputies Nominating candidates for deputy mayor and overwhelmingly elected, then he is all the way up. By the end of 2002, served nearly 10 years he was promoted to deputy mayor Municipal Committee, secretary of Politics and Law Committee, in February 2007, has been elected chairman of the CPPCC City. And Guo Yuerong has served in senior positions in the top party and government organs, in charge of a number of working lines,tiffany gioielli, with relevant staff to say hello, the following people will buy his account.

Right to participate in the same year and their revolutionary work full insurance China, Guo Yuerong very trust. PYI assigned full thing, Guo Yuehua can do is always to help run. Therefore, some businessmen who want to work is always the first to find full-PYI, conveyed by him to . For full protection for trustees to bring China's "a little something" PYI patience through the whole explanation, Guo Yuerong gradually eliminate the psychological barriers and become complacent.

In this way, Guo Yuerong and full PYI a stage, a behind the scenes, a lot of things have been "satisfactorily" resolved. In that circle them,requin tn pas cher, Guo Yuerong called "Guo boss", and then play the whole PYI "pawn" in this important role.

According to prosecutors handling the case, "Guo whole combination" is the first successful case for Pinghu a cork factory owner Lumou tailored plant land case.

Pinghu a cork factory owner Lumou is full PYI old colleagues. By the end of 2003, in order to obtain greater benefits factories in resettlement compensation, he found the whole PYI, please Guo help. After Guo Yuerong leaders of relevant departments immediately please take special care for cork factory. Things are three parties happy. May 2005 to 2008, all PYI repeatedly accepting bribes totaling 1.04 million yuan Lumou, actually gets 810,000 yuan, and entrusted by Lumou from transfer Guo Yuerong 230,000 yuan.

That is, through the cork factory "test the water", Guo, both tasted the sweetness of the whole, the next thing to do from the hands and feet and more relaxed.

Fantasy retirement after money

The first half of 2003, Pinghu Economic Development Zone to develop a large-scale resettlement housing project "Hongjian Garden", ready to open tender. Pinghu determined to win a holding company chairman Zhang, general manager Shen intend to find a man they have the strength to speak.

This is a very strong strength of Pinghu a private enterprise,hogan scontate, was nominated for the top 500 Chinese private enterprises. Pinghu Zhang and Chen Mou are locals, and the whole PYI more familiar with. When they learned that the whole PYI when he was deputy secretary and deputy commander of resettlement and good personal friend, to find full-PYI show intent,hogan scarpe outlet, and hinted that "profit is not one exclusive."

PYI to full report, both a plan, that the profits of the project is a "super big cake", not a good cut a piece, it is a pity! Guo Yuerong zone leaders immediately and prodded and made there The company captured the land in favor of some of the methods and conditions set bidding, for example, to invite tenders to improve underwritten amount. As a result, the company no doubt that in the standard.

Since then, Zhang and Chen Mou to thank the whole Paul Y. and Guo Yuerong, promised to give them points for each 20% of profits. Guo Yuerong and full PYI hear, deeply Zhang, Shen duo is "Gratitude person", very "moving", immediately expressed accept mind.

By the end of 2004, due to financial constraints due to the enterprise zone sum for projects, Zhang and Chen Mou would want to take a piece of land already saw in real estate development, land use money to offset part of the construction cost. So, they once again let the whole PYI do middleman, please Guo Yuerong help solve. In help, the zone will have been starting price of 1.2 million yuan per mu reduced to 1 million yuan, Zhang businesses to only 50,000 yuan per mu higher than the price of the land captured smoothly. To thank, Zhang and Chen Mou promised to them both engineering sub 20% profit,,woolrich spaccio, they readily agreed.

For two pen "income", all privately PYI and been estimated that the company's profits in the two projects is probably about 30 million yuan, according to the CEOs of promise, they can get a total of about 600 million.

In order to deceive the public, Guo Yuerong and full insurance China decided to wait to get their money back down again, for the first time created a "anticipate bribery" This new concept was Zhang, Shen recognized. "In the future there are so money for security, not the right to a still-yourself, himself and his family still had a very cool day." Such a thought, the two even greater courage, also accelerated the pace of making money.

From the government project "Gold Rush"

2004, Pinghu city government dialogue between Sandy Bay outlet "rule river reclamation" project project project. This is the city's "face project" an investment of about 14 billion and a lot of the strength of the companies want to take over this project, Zhang is no exception. When he served as deputy secretary of Guo Yuerong this project deputy commander in charge of the unit is full PYI single-handedly control the WCB.

This gave "Guo whole portfolio" once great "gold rush" opportunity. At a banquet, Zhang Baohua whole insinuations, I hope he persuaded Guo Yuerong help. Under the full PYI lobbying, Guo Yuerong promised to contribute to help undertake the project.

Later, Zhang met with Guo Yuerong dedicated, full-PYI discuss the details involved in reclamation projects. to Zhang introduced the government intends to reclamation projects, and revealed that if the government can invest in the development of proposed requirements. After Zhang get these insider, also proposed to invest if hope can become a full Paul Y. Engineering Office. Guo Yuerong also promised came forward.

In the ensuing Municipal Standing Committee, Guo Yuerong first to speak, introduced Zhang companies do this project many advantages, but also bluntly recommend any office PYI this whole project director.

Although he makes a lot of standing stare Zhefan straightforward,moncler pas cher, but the thought of Guo Yuerong as deputy mayor for many years,, are familiar with the economic situation, eligibility is old, the presence of people did not put forward any objections. Zhang looking for the "interests spokesperson," and again won a major business for the company.

Since then, Guo Yuerong and full insurance China is personally took command, very hard. Guo Yuerong responsible for contacting the relevant government departments, all PYI coordination in the field of relationships.

Zhang, who is also the figure quoted Gratitude. Zhang affiliated real estate company has a 240 m2 store room, the market price of 138 million yuan, to spend 720,000 yuan on behalf of Qi Mei won. In addition, Zhang and Chen Mou decided to enterprises in the "Governance river reclamation" project actually owns 36% stake in 8% of the profits distributed to two.

Zhang and Shen certain estimates: the two together can get 10 million yuan, plus two previously promised to give 600 million, return on amazing. But over the charge of Political Science and Law Committee secretary for many years know, from time to time this huge sum of money could get their own place. He and the whole PYI agreed, until stepping down after two men set up a company, then trying to cover up the money.

"Until then, everything is perfectly justifiable, logical, and Commission for Discipline Inspection, prosecutors will not be found in our heads, even if checked, is not really our bribery!" Guo Yuerong secretly proud of their ideas.

However, retired after take, after all, have to wait several years. In order to avoid dark and dreary, full insurance Chinese thought "borrow" this trick. So, all open to the Zhang Baohua advance the money, first to "borrow" the 350,tn requin,000 yuan in Pinghu Zhapu purchase facade; Qidi car, he "borrowed" $ 200,000; son in Hangzhou buy house demolition, He also proposed "borrow" 450,parajumpers jakke,000 yuan. However, this is not out of 1 million yuan IOU.

Later, his son bought the whole PYI again in Hangzhou, the marriage room,hogan outlet, citing Zhang once again "borrowed" 300 million, and about also ordered a set for her daughter, real estate license are doing in the name of the whole PYI son next.

The money "borrowed" into the hands of the whole PYI feel confident mood, although retired seven years there, he began to sit there straight fingers waiting for retirement. Like him, this year it was 56-year-old Guo Yuerong also waiting for a back seat and enjoy a better "future."

However, a sudden anti-corruption storm two people dream turned into a nightmare ......
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