and constantly revise." Guo Yafeng said.

She, a paraplegic, have no feeling from his arm down, had to lay in bed all day. Fortunately, 12 years ago, a man desperate to be with her, interpretation of some extraordinary and moving story. The sinking of Taixing disability unwilling woman Guo Yafeng, learned in bed with his right thumb joint, "typing" open blog describes her husband life bit by bit. Her story touched many people,air jordan, Beijing promised to help it out of a book publishing house "write your own." As of yesterday, Guo Yafeng has completed 80,reporter Zhang Hao Huang Shifeng,000 words.

Our reporter Wang Guozhu

"He held Xiaofeng, leaned into the bathroom. Is holding the Xiaofeng, very casually turned to ...... steaming bath tub, the water inside showing carmine, red on the water Piaoman Rose petals, each one is as colorful ...... Xiaofeng suddenly felt, in her emotional world where he played a variety of roles: Like father, like his brother, and only secondarily as husband ...... "- from Guo Yafeng manuscript

A a car accident she was in bed for 19 years

12 years ago, a man desperate to fall in love with her in Anhui

"It's two days bedsores guilty, feeling uncomfortable, did not write a word." Yesterday afternoon, lying in bed, Guo Yafeng anxiously told reporters. This year is the first bed Guo Yafeng 20 years. 1993, 19 years old, she was in Suzhou silk factory workers, day,sometimes silent tears, knocked down by a car on his way to work, on the back of the head Ge heavy stones,chaussures nike tn, immediately unconscious. Escape the car accident, is a kind of passer by dray her to the hospital. Woke up, she was second to seventh cervical articular fractures of the clavicle following completely lost consciousness,piumini outlet, from paralyzed, incontinent. She became a paraplegic. Despair,but it is not" toxic, she had committed suicide three times, families are rescued.

In 1998, with the help of sister-in-law under learned through your mouth,hogan scarpe outlet, "write" words, but also to cast a draft radio and call the hotline to the radio through the radio to tell their stories. After her home phone open, a lot of the audience gave her a phone call greeting, and sometimes she became a star radio. 2000,tiffany outlet, working in Wuxi, Lu'an guy Pingxue Tian,moncler outlet,"three violations four grab" by investigated., out of curiosity on through radio contact, and eventually fell in love like crazy optimistic, waist down. Despite strong opposition from family and Guo Yafeng who have been parents, November 16,hogan prezzi, 2002, Feng Xuetian still held a wedding and .

B with the thumb joint "write" under more than 100 articles blog

Record mutual attachment and devotion to her husband,Have you ever thought about how serious the consequences, bit by bit

Whether self-improvement Guo Yafeng, or desperate for love Fengxue Tian, their story touched many people. 2008, Taixing City, District, federations and other departments in the city Zhangqiao Guo Qiaocun help them build up a three-tile-roofed house, but also touches. Authorities also gave her a computer, Guo Yafeng learn keyboarding typing with his right thumb joint, opened his own blog, written records of her husband Feng Xuetian mutual attachment, devotion, bit by bit, reading touching endless.

"Every night, when they heard the familiar sound of a motorcycle sounded at the door, my heart danced." This is Guo Yafeng record on this blog sentence. Starting in 2008,Huiji District Court made a v, working in the city to help people Cuozao, Guo Yafeng leave one at home. not trust his wife, every day, take time off to play more than a dozen phone home. Guo Yafeng while lying in bed,moncler sito ufficiale, to wait for her husband to come back safely as the largest one day, the happiest thing. "I like to live, life is so full of joy. Beside he issued even breathing, feel it is the most beautiful I have ever heard of the notes." In "yigerendeziyanziyu" blog post, Guo Yafeng made more than 100 articles blog articles, many published by local media outlets.

C 140 000 words for publication the book "write themselves"

Edit hope that this "vulnerable soul epic" to inspire more people

Yesterday, Guo Yafeng, told reporters in October last year,there are users thread says, she was fortunate in the online "get to know" a book designed to help people with disabilities Da promise teacher, life has since changed. According to reports, Zhang Xinhua News Agency's promise was a newspaper editor, a decent job,louboutin soldes, a good salary, but later he resigned this "good" work. The reason is that he needs more time to his students call. The phone that one is his more than 20 provinces throughout the country, dozens of "students", "students" are from China 80 million people with disabilities groups.

According to reports, Zhang promise of the "students" who are writing the manuscript referred to as "vulnerable soul epic." He hoped that after the "students" who published the story, inspire and warm the plight of people with disabilities the same experience. Up to now, he has helped some of the students compiled a book published stories.

said, that her story, Snow Queen teacher encouraged her autobiography written in a way down. Currently she has completed more than 80,000 words, the distance into the draft as well as more than 50,000 words,peuterey prezzi, Beijing has promised to help a publishing house publishes it.

D more than 10 hours a day, lie down on the bed to write 1500 words

Write all the stories, expected in mid-May finalized

Guo Yafeng told reporters that she usually require typing with his right thumb sideways joints, hips over time the oppressed will play bedsores. She set myself the task of writing 1,ordered a bank to court,500 words a day, for the need to spend more than 10 hours a day. "If there is like typing twenty-three hours, but need ideas, and constantly revise." Guo Yafeng said.

Yesterday, the reporter Guo Yafeng provided some documents she has completed. Reporters noted that the article Guo Yafeng I "incarnation" Xiaofeng, written by one of their husband or elongated or closer to the lives of the lens. "He held Xiaofeng,nike tn pas cher, leaned into the bathroom. Is holding the Xiaofeng, very casually turned to bath in the casual glance, she stared, as if by magic, like the eyes do not turn move, staring straight full of red roses bathtub. steaming bathtub, the water inside showing carmine, on the water great, full of red rose petals, each piece is as colorful ... ... Xiaofeng suddenly felt,louboutin homme pas cher, in her emotional world where he played a variety of roles: Like father, like his brother, and only secondarily as husband ...... "Although there is not much rhetoric, but the writing is smooth, full of true feeling, let people moving endless book review. Reporters learned that autobiography expected in mid-May finalized.