these temples are many

Flower Yao Lan Zhou Jingjing Li Song

Claiming to be a monk ordained monk, to understand Buddhism, but cruel claimed two lives, and murder of an innocent young girl during the escape. December 9, the Ministry Class B Dubu fugitive,,basket nike requin, Wuhan City's most wanted man, claiming to be criminal genius "fake monks" Lian-Wei was arrested in Wuhan City Procuratorate.

July arrest absconding final

March 6, 2011,abercrombie soldes, Wuhan police received a report of two female corpse was found in a district, department and two sisters LIN Fen Lin (they were all a pseudonym), her sister's boyfriend,this time, Lian-Wei Lin exist major crime suspects. After that,a 17-year-old girl jumped int, Lian-Wei is listed as a Class B Dubu fugitive Ministry of Public Security,woolrich prezzi, Wuhan police offering a reward of 50,000 yuan public wanted. At this point, Lian-Wei positive status to a monk hiding in Shaoshan City, Hunan Province, Yang Lin Xiangyun source of the village temple. October 28,

Lian-Wei and the temple abbot soup because of a trivial dispute should be red, disgruntled, and others are afraid of red soup should report their fugitive status, after a 13-year-old granddaughter evening soup Little Man (pseudonym) killed fleeing. November 1 am, hid Lian-Wei Changsha City Ningxiang County Baiyun Si was arrested inside.

40-year-old Lian-Wei meters tall, sturdy figure, Hunan Lixian people in the community around a living wage. 10 years ago, he did not know where the ring made from a temple dispatch, claiming "Monk", from the temple wander around the country, living,, mixed with food mixed drink.

Love to hate

The summer of 2005, Lian-Wei Lin awareness through online chat, the two started dating. April 2010, Lin proposed marriage,mixed with a little water and, Lian-Wei is very happy, but the requirements of Liu Lin family to buy a house in Wuhan. Liu is proposed to rent a facade to do business, to Lin business, make money and then buy a house. However, Lian-Wei believes that Lin did not make good business, but also took the money and sister business travel everywhere, and they often quarreled.

November 2010, Lin pregnant, Liu extremely pleased to 18,000 yuan Lin child support. As a result, Lin puts children destroyed. To this end, the two sisters Liu heart hatred that Lin selfish,hogan donna, depriving their own people and wealth that he and Lin LIN Fen hinder communication,peuterey uomo, instigated Lin abortion.

After some time, Lian-Wei went to Shenzhen, he had contact with Lin, but the other evasive attitude deeply irritate him. After he went to the casino lost 40,000 yuan, the two sisters started to plan revenge. March 5, 2011 in the morning, he came to the door waiting for the two sisters,modelli hogan, while LIN Fen burglary forced open the door of the machine killed two sisters. After committing the crime, he cleaned off the blood and put on a set of robes to flee Wuhan.

Hiding in the temple and then hurt innocent

Lian-Wei decided to return home to Hunan "refuge." March 17,, 2011,moncler sito ufficiale, he came to Shao

Hill City, Yang Lin Xiangyun source of the village temple. 62-year-old female monastery abbot Tang Ying Lian-Wei received a red soup Liu found some knowledge of Buddhism, promised shelter,spaccio moncler, but requires Lian-Wei help approach things. One day in April,piumini moncler, is tentatively red soup should really take him if he would commit a crime to tell the soup thing. Unexpectedly soup hear but said nothing to comfort him, to reassure him to live in the temple. But it seems Lian Wei, Tang Ying Hung did it want to take control of his crime that he asked him to help make money.

October 28, 2011 morning, Lian-Wei because of a trivial quarrel with the abbot, disgruntled, abbot suspected to be denounced him, and decided to kill 13-year-old granddaughter soup small text. That night, after the cruel Lian-Wei small text start to escape. He hid in a nearby hill for three days, and fled to Ningxiang Baiyun Si continue hiding until they were arrested.

Consider themselves smart,air max 1 pas cher femme, but in reality the extreme

Reporters learned that the temple abbot soup soup should be red and lay groups on suspicion of harboring Chicago,kindergarten staff was Yangch, concealing the murder had been Jingfangxingju Shaoshan.

The night of the killing of small text, Lian-Wei had left a two-page letter in the temple offerings table. He commented in his letter that he is "extremely strong and smart" people,moncler pas cher, think Lin sisters and soup should be red are "ridiculous and stupid people", so to "pay for his stupidity."

"His character is very extreme, strong self-esteem, but some inferiority." Investigators analysts say.

For the case,moncler pas cher, the prosecutor handling the case that the temple was not hiding Lian-Wei formal temple, but a temple, that is Zuxian Li family temple. In China, especially in rural areas, these temples are many, but the lack of management, as some criminals to defraud money and hiding place. I hope the relevant departments to strengthen supervision and management of such temples, perfect for religious identity authentication and registration system to avoid criminals posing as religious personnel.
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