"China Network thing" correspondent Zhao Renwei

Trapped tens of millions to engage in "development",spaccio woolrich, only to send 380 villagers month

- Network transmission Licheng District, Jinan, Shandong Tin Village "Most villagers trapped land compensation" survey

April 20 Xinhua Jinan Power ("China Network thing" correspondent Zhao Renwei, Zhang Qin) recently exposed users Shandong Jinan City Port ditch Tin Village neighborhood offices with trapped villagers land compensation and construction of buildings, and engage in "development" video and other related information on the Internet led to a strong concern. Net posts to reflect, party secretary Yang Jijun, etc. Most of the village cadres trapped villagers land compensation, not only to build an area of 1000 square meters per capita exceeded the office,Wang Junjie began using large dollar and euro bonds to investment projects in the name of others, and. Xinhua News Agency, "China Network thing" correspondent on the 19th went to Tin Village, eleven were verified.

Verify one: whether the rejection of farmers land compensation,air max requin?

Net posts to reflect the years, Tian Yang Jijun village Party branch secretary and other trapped villagers land compensation of 30 million yuan to cover luxury kindergarten,woolrich bambini, primary school to "rent." Qilu community friends, "aristocracy", said: Chang from Tin Village after, I heard luxury nursery and primary schools in order to rent out the year 150,000 have fallen into the pockets of the village cadres.

"China is" an interview with reporters at the Tin Village really found the net posts reflect the "office" and kindergarten,woolrich sito ufficiale, school construction is true.

acknowledged in the "Network in China," Reporters interview with the villagers in the village is indeed carry out his village land compensation of these construction. But he said,when he went out, "did not spend 30 million yuan," spent about 7.5 million yuan kindergarten, primary school spent about 14 million yuan, the money is "the village collective funds, that is,parajumpers paris,borrowed from Yip at 2.42 mil, land compensation," and not directly to the people was "considering the villagers The long-term livelihood security and long-term development,piumini moncler, "and after two committee members, representatives of the General Assembly and the villagers decided collectively responsible for the operation of the village's land compensation.

Yang Jijun also acknowledged that the new school did subcontracted to a private business, income does have 150,000 yuan a year, mainly for village affairs spending.

"Network in China,doudoune moncler homme," Reporters learned that the investigation in the village, the village of 2,300 people, more than 90 party representatives,she always focussed on the wo, representatives of villagers more than 50 people, most of the villagers expressed no knowledge that they were "on behalf of" the.

A villager said: "The school was built luxury, not only can the limelight, the key is to engage in such a large project, which can be fishing for 'water'."

Yang Jijun responded that the village had only three kindergarten rooms of dozens meters, more than 150 children crowded in there is very small,woolrich outlet, even tables and chairs are not. Due to the low-lying, a rain of mud on irrigation to the classroom, for example, in July 2007 in Jinan, a heavy rain, the classroom silt accumulation of more than 20 cm, were closed for a week. Build a new elementary school is because, according to the planning of Jinan City will have a 65-meter-wide road to pass through the old school, is a matter of relocation.

However,a more irritable mood that he, the villagers but then "Network in China," Reporters reflect good old school, why should build a luxurious new school? ! Said to be building roads to the demolition of the old school, but so many years have not split ah!

Verify II: Villagers living conditions in the end how?

Many users said that investment in education in order to blame,Lee found a room to rent usually with no lock, but the rejection of farmers land compensation to cover luxury school too unreasonable,moncler outlet, and used to cover the building more wicked. Tianya netizens "xingfulai2011" says, luxury building, while the old farmer's house, "the villagers rely on to eat, no money from land sales to farmers, but to cover the luxury floor. Too much!" 56 net a Internet users,giubbotti moncler, said: "With the people's money was the sale of land, and how the people living in the future?"

Villagers to "China is" reporters reflect the villagers can receive 380 yuan per month in addition to the cost of living, but never received any compensation. An old folks party, said party meeting to discuss the village really build kindergartens and schools to do,placed above the gauze box, but did not disclose the amount of money. "Newly built primary school classrooms are empty lot, too wasteful." He said.

The net posts appear in large old house, it is these villagers to live it now. "Network in China," Reporters found that because there is no source of income, the villagers live mostly working against the suburbs, life is very difficult.

Verification of three: the village cadres per capita is 1,000 square meters of office space?

Net posts reflect Tin Village built three office buildings, office area of 20,000 square meters,, the village cadres more than 1000 square meters of office space per capita. Netizens "yanyanlai", said: "1000 square meters per capita, this is not a problem of excessive and should thoroughly investigate thorough investigation."

"China is" the reporter saw three buildings net posts mentioned in the area were more than 300 square meters, more than 300 square meters and more than 1000 square meters.

In this regard, Yang Jijun explained, the village a total of seven village cadres, more than 300 square meters of the old building as a village cadre office space, two floors, there are more than a dozen offices; new buildings over 300 square meters of new residential village " property office, "a total of three dozen rooms, the staff's use of the property, there are also responsible for this village cadres working in this office, but this building is not building models with land acquisition compensation villagers; and third place over 1000 square meters of floor for the village's "cultural compound",moncler outlet, villagers engage in cultural activities, places,woolrich sito ufficiale, buildings are not the village cadres.

Verification of four: three luxury cars in the village where to go?

Net posts to reflect the above-mentioned problems, but also represents the village to buy three luxury cars for the use of village cadres. Phoenix User "yo", said: "party secretary sitting on three luxury cars, How extravagant ah!"

Yang Jijun explained that the village does have three cars before, but the "official car", was engaged in the transformation of old village work, car demand is relatively large. Later, the villagers questioned the village in 2008 to sell two cars, and now only a Buick for the village committee office needs.