Lin Lu Yi

Southern Rural News reported September 7: Lin Lu Yi did not think that he would pay such a heavy price for the petition. More than a year,basket nike pas cher, he not only suffer the loss of left leg pain body, as reflected by the delay did not solve the problem,woolrich outlet, leaving him doubly inner torment.

September 2, located in the East China Sea town of Lufeng City, Guangdong Yan Chau Wai Loon month group home, Lin Lu Yi told the Southern Rural News reporter: "I have no escape route, be sure to get justice." Then he carefully lifted the pants legs, the left leg and right leg prosthetic half two long needle marks exposed.

Petitioners attacked on his way home

That lucky accident occurred in May 28, 2009 (hereinafter referred to as "5? 28 massacre"). 11:00 that night, on his way home Lu Yi Lin drove into the town of Lufeng Jianshe Road East, a man and a woman carrying a motorcycle suddenly stopped in front of his car. After the emergency brake, Lin Lu Yi get ready to see what happens. At this point, there behind a van followed and to. 6,peuterey prezzi,7 The man jumped from the car, hand knife,nike tn,two farmers working in the fi, pipe,is a heavy-duty tractor-trailer driver, shotguns, etc. rushed over towards him. Lin Lu Yi feeling bad started to run, but was soon caught up. A group of people will cut him up, after playing, and sped away.

Down in a pool of blood Lin Lu Yi was then taken to a local hospital,as you put ideas into picture books with a brush, then transferred to a result of his injuries Guangzhou Naval Hospital. Lufeng Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a "notice of expert conclusions" show, Lin Lu Yi 'lower limbs see multiple sharp injuries with blood vessels, tendons, nerves and left fibula fracture open fracture, left leg after surgery after infection and tissue necrosis. "

June 17, 2009,hollister outlet, Lin Lu Yi left leg was amputated, constitute six disability.

May 16, 2010, "5? 28 massacre" after nearly a year, the detective work has made a major breakthrough. The main suspect was arrested Lufeng Municipal Public Security Bureau. Subsequently, investigators notify Lin Lu Yi, after a preliminary hearing, Lin Ruize has confessed that he and several other people on that day by month Chau Wai Lin team employed by the United States to spend boil, boil for Lin Mei "lessons" Lin Lu Yi,in fact, etc. Report villagers whose land bootleg.

Pocketed private sale of land

Lin Lu Yi and Lin Mei boil resentment began in March 2008. At that time, because of the group suspected of month Chau Wai Lin Mei Cuan private sale of collective land, Lin Lu Yi and others began to appeal to authorities.

"Lin Mei boil a dozen years as a team leader, used his position, the village collective land many are privately sold, most of the money will flow into his own pockets." September 2, the villagers Linbao deep to Southern Rural News reporter, in the month Chau Wai team, Lin Mei boil "very forces." He recalls that when the 1999 election, Lin Mei boil begins outside the village called dozens of "brothers" to help out.

"Many villagers dare not vote for him." September 2, the villagers told the forest land with the Southern Rural News reporter, by virtue of this approach, Lin Mei boil team leader in the next three elections were successfully re-elected. In the April 2008 general election,I first discovered, Lin Mei Yan Lung boil again elected as committee members.

March 2008, Lin Lu Yi Lin Mei, who is suspected of bootleg boil collective land to the East China Sea town of discipline problems began, the land department report. According to the villagers grasp of figures, from 2001 to 2008, Lin Mei boil privately reselling village collective land totaling 8, a total area of ​​over 2000 square meters, more land was bought for the village, the villagers homestead, and their land has not included village group's collective income.

Repeated accidents sustained petition

After the petition materials submitted four months, the East China Sea town authorities did not give any reply to the villagers, the villagers did not reflect the problems the investigation. July 15,00 on October 14th 2008, 2008, the opportunity to use the mayor's reception day, Lin Lu Yi, who filed the petition directly to the Lufeng municipal government material. Four days later, the East China Sea town sent a work team to investigate month Chau Wai Lin Mei boil alleged illegal sale of land issues.

However, the working group did not find out what the problem is in the month Chau Wai. According to the villagers say, the town's people, "Charles went away for a day."

Four days after the completion of the investigation, together with Lin Lu Yi Lin brother petition residential land use has been shot.

July 22, 2008 morning, the forest land was awakened by a man asleep "bang" bang. After getting the lights, forest land scattered with shards of glass found in the windows of rooms, has been deformed aluminum window frames. Through the broken windows, he saw Lane close to home, the two shadows are moving rapidly into the distance. According to the window frame damage, forest land use to judge someone with gunpowder gun shot towards his window. Subsequently, the Lufeng Municipal Public Security Bureau in this shooting incident investigation, but the case has not yet been solved.

"It must be because I'm going to petition was revenge." September 2, forest land use told the Southern Rural News reporter,woolrich outlet, in addition, he has never,give your seat,hogan, and enemies.

Working Group of the town because of dissatisfaction with the investigation, Lin Lu Yi, who once again petition to the Shanwei city departments. Soon, accidents from happening again in the petitioners Lin Lu Yi's body.

February 22, 2009, to get money back from the bank Lin Lu Yi, Dong Lu Hotel in passing suddenly being thrown around from behind. Then, a few people came up to beat him. He had just taken out of twenty thousand yuan in cash was looted.

Lin Lu Yi believes that this case there is a causal relationship with his petition activities. Angry in the end he decided to report, so he and a few people will report material to Guangdong provincial committee. Subsequently, the "nightmare" come again to his head. May 28, 2009, Lin Lu Yi was chopped on his way home, and lead left leg amputated.

Interview with disability due to fear

Since Lu Yi after the accident, forest land use to put down the work at hand,woolrich outlet, will take care of all concentrate on the urging of his brother and the detection of cases. May 31, 2010, Lu Lin Wai Chau Village with the month of illegal land sales murder case and his brother suffered real name to report to the Complaints Bureau of Guangdong Province through the network.

Happened that morning,hogan outlet, a provincial leaders came Provincial Complaints Bureau liberating online. On XinFangJian forest land use,peuterey outlet, the provincial leaders immediately given instructions: "Please turn Shanwei City Complaints Bureau assigned to the Lufeng municipal government, these grassroots organizations issue letters of very targeted, should pay attention."

Lufeng, deputy secretary Li Xili September 4 told the Southern Rural News reporter on the phone,, Lin Lu Yi was chopped case, Lufeng City Public Security Bureau has set up an ad hoc group, is stepping up to the investigation and arrest of other suspects. For the month Chau Wai Lin Mei Cuan group bootleg land issues, Lufeng City Commission for Discipline Inspection and the East China Sea town also has sent a working group to investigate again. "There has not identified any problems,nike tn pas cher, but also to check."

Yan Lung party secretary Linbao close September 4 told the Southern Rural News reporter, the East China Sea town government has proposed the removal of Lin Mei boil the village committee office, but because of the removal process is very cumbersome, but necessary general next year, dismissed the matter will be shelved . He said that in recent months the village meeting, Lin Mei Cuan has not participated, "We do not know what he was doing."

According to villagers, Lin Ruize arrested in the same day, Lin Mei boil then disappeared. Li Xili said that as the main suspect, month Chau Wai Lin Mei Cuan group has been classified as an object police online pursuit.

Awaiting the findings of Lin Lu Yi told the Southern Rural News reporter, though he had lost half a leg, but does not regret to report Lin Mei boil.

However, the "5? 28 massacre" but also to Lin Lu Yi's heart was overshadowed. "After this thing resolved, I will not be easily petition." He told the Southern Rural News reporter,woolrich outlet, some local rural evil rampage, most of the villagers have chosen to swallow, only a few people to "tough." This is often not only can not bring down the other side, but in exchange for revenge and madness of their pain. "Not worth a little bit." Lin Lu Yi said. (Source: Southern Rural News)