the role of the judge is even greater.

"Every time I see you in court as older children,woolrich sito ufficiale,Zhang some were injured., sat in the dock, we were deeply saddened and sorry; your behavior undermines the social order, but also deeply hurt your parents and family, we must have done something wrong to assume corresponding responsibility; but we hope that this error is a bifurcation in your life,In verdict, not your life on the road. "

- Qiu Ying wrote a gang of criminals Message

"Because of your impulse to others body caused great harm and suffering, but also to their own life brought irreparable consequences, you will bear the responsibility for their actions legal. Not regret medicine in the world, something wrong must bear the consequences, but rectifies can improve the hell, you're still young,woolrich donna, there is still a long way to go, this time things are in your life can not erase the memories, but it will not be in your life. of all,Somin Yong, I hope you take this as a warning,abercrombie outlet italia, in time to do anything, we must think twice, do not let a moment of anger cloud your mind, hurt others, also hurt yourself. "

"According to the provisions of Article 234 of the Criminal Law, intentional injury causing serious injury, and more than three years in prison, because you are a minor, you have made us for a lighter punishment, life for everyone only once How to get through this limited time, need to rely on their own choice, and we believe that you will reflect on their behavior in later life, respect for the law, cherish life. "

Above, is the message to the full text of Judge Qiu Ying gang intentional injury report on a case of post-judgment. Offenders are also under a 18-year-old boy, Qiu Ying gang still remember the case of the boy's mother crying after the verdict.

"I am also a mother, I also believe that every child onto the dock, are not born bad." Qiu Ying gang from 2005 to 2006 served as the juvenile court's presiding judge, her analysis, these misguided children to steal, rob the main forms of crime, fights more.

"In the survey, I found that their working and living environment have a great relationship." Qiu Ying gang, said after the verdict issued so,and later admitted the same d, attach a message to the judge, "Over the years, I was sent into the (prison ) a lot of kids, good news is that all is reformed. "

Evacuation message to encourage the offender probation verdict

In less than a year, Qiu Ying gang will retire. And to talk about her experience, familiar with her would say, "That is the legend."

In 1972, 16-year-old high school English Qiu partner, coincided educated city youth, so Qiu Ying gang has taken up the hoe, became an authentic farmer, this is a full three-year stay.

Three years later, Qiu Ying gang was sent to GWS technical schools affiliated to the school.

"I was a student of a professional fitter." Qiu Ying gang memories, cherish their own hard-won opportunity to study, not yet out of school, is a very good fitter up.

After graduation,knowing that the village dug a tomb, Qiu Ying gang was assigned to GWS affiliated auto repair shop, did six months transferred Factory Personnel Section, managing more than 6000 workers archives.

September 1980, the British left the gang Qiu GWS,piumino moncler, then transferred to Dongguan County People's Court, "dry or line of work,scarpe hogan, but the management is prisoner files. Then my wife in Dongguan County Armed Forces soldier,woolrich roma, I can say that it is the army came to Dongguan. "

That year,chaussures nike pas cher, the court did not shipyard good treatment, Qiu Ying gang salary dropped from 43 yuan 35 yuan.

Qiu said that in eight years the British partner management file, no less cramming legal knowledge, "because I want to go to trial line."

In 1988, a county in Dongguan City Intermediate People's Court was set up, Qiu Ying gang eventually become a judge tribunals.

20 years,abercrombie outlet, Qiu Ying gang trial cases per year, up to more than 500 cases, at least not less than 100, no one cases there have been errors.

From halfway decent fitter to judge

November 19 afternoon,louboutin homme, the First People's Court Tribunal office. When British judge Qiu gang squat body, open the file cabinet to find information on past judgments, one side says "people's good public servants," the banner slide out from the bottom. Qiu Ying gang embarrassed smile, or two to three to five pennants quickly rolled up,moncler outlet, stuffed into the bottom of the file cabinet again.

54-year-old Qiu Ying gang experienced any punishment 5 5 Dean Tribunal,nike tn pas cher, is the oldest city of the first People's Court judges, including the leadership of young colleagues affectionately called her "the British aunt."

For 20 years, Qiu Ying gang tried numerous cases, when the criminals sent to prison at the same time,China Development Bank and Alipay, she also side with their warmth, a lot of misguided probation, she's "magic" is warm after verdict Message.

Dongguan Times: I heard that you are now the direct leadership of the clerk when you judge the time, former subordinates when his leadership, the psychological will have pimple?

Qiu Ying gang: this how? But rather,choked more than, I will feel very happy, they all respect me, I will be very active with their work, in short, to do their own on the line.

Dongguan Times: read your resume, do archivist when had been assessed as "advanced Archivist", when the judge was rated the "Narcotics advanced individual", how do you see these honors?

Qiu Ying gang: a judge treats honor,reflect and reveal similar scams around., should be calm.

After all these years of my hand, a lot of people who broke the law in jail, but whether the victim or the accused, the verdict is still very satisfactory. Let the victims deserve compensation, so offenders are duly punished, the two sides also no objection, it is more important than any honor.

Dongguan Times: So you secretly put a banner on the bottom?

Qiu Ying gang :( laughs) knew himself on the line, do not show off everywhere.

Look honors

Do not have to put a banner around to show off the bottom

Dongguan Times: hundreds of cases a year, write a message to the judge would not be a superfluous burden?

Qiu Ying gang: It depends on what kind of vision to see, just from the working level, indeed increase the burden; but you have to think to write such a message to the judge, can ignite a criminal life,peuterey prezzi, new hope, then this a burden is very valuable.

Dongguan Times: These are your Message I write this?

Qiu Ying gang: the beginning of the writing are looking for good people, and more are all my own writing. In fact, each message to a judge is different, we will, depending on the merits of the different life experiences, different family backgrounds, targeted to write. Only in this way we use the mind to write, to be able to reach into the depths of his heart, so his probation.

Dongguan Times: Has anyone said you bother?

Qiu Ying gang: This really does not.

I think as a judge handling the case in strict accordance with the law is important, but not the criminals sent to prison to get away, we have to go before him (prison), understand some of the truth, understand that they are not hopeless, do to this point, the role of the judge is even greater.

Write Message

Judges can not be sent to prison for criminals to get away

Name: Qiu Ying gang

Concern: She was originally a school professional fitter, halfway decent judge, 20 years probation many astray, she's "magic" is written after the verdict if the mother-like message to exhort, encourage the offender probation rehabilitation since New.