there is not so much power do not know

Sneeze played too fast, sometimes accidents happen. Yesterday, the media reported that there was a 52-year-old Wuhan Liu, often pour overtime,tn requin pas cher, although back pain, do not complain. Can Recently, when he played after a sneeze, waist pain, unable to move, after the hospital for a check, actually acute lumbar disc herniation. Report said, but do not underestimate the sneezing, its power is equivalent to 15 typhoons.

Yesterday, the Modern Express reporter interviewed a number of hospitals in Nanjing, sneezing cause unexpected discovery because patients every year dozens of cases.

Interns take Yi Xuan

Modern Express reporter Liu Jun

90 guy sneezes


Flash back

Yesterday, the Modern Express reporter in Nanjing Hospital of acupuncture, came across a young man of 90 to do physical therapy, he is a bad thing because a sneeze.

Kobayashi, 22, 9, 1 meter tall and weighing nearly 200 pounds, looks strong and healthy. He did text planning company in Nanjing, usually one day a computer often reach 10 hours. Beginning last year, his cervical spine, lumbar spine has been uncomfortable. The early one morning, he shoved called "Thundercracker" sneeze, lumbar pain suddenly are not straight up, flash. Fortunately, this part of the acute sprains, bone no problem.

50-year-old aunt sneezes


Three cracked ribs

50-year-old Xu aunt is not so lucky, the first is a cold, cough constantly. Last week, a cold going well, looked good weather outside, put all the clothes out to the sun. I do not know what to choke nose, itching, exhausted body strength she hit a sneeze. Suddenly, you feel so wrong, thoracic and abdominal ache, back pain. To the Second Hospital of Jiangsu Province, test results are unexpected, three cracked ribs, lumbar disc also highlighted.

Provincial Second Hospital orthopedic practitioners Baohua Zhu Director said that such fractures were very common.

Nanjing Tongren Hospital of Otolaryngology Head and Neck surgeon Jia Jun said that in addition to fractures,"she died in five 23-room floor of a water, sneezing also likely to cause a variety of accidents, such as abortion, nose bleeding, intracranial hemorrhage, pleural hemorrhage, otitis media, and so on.

According to the Modern Express reporter, sneezing induced accidents every year since,air max femme pas cher, there are several dozen cases in Nanjing.

Sneeze power


Instantaneous wind speed equivalent to 15 jet typhoon?

Jia Jun said that sneezing is a reflex behavior,Gansu Daily Network - Lanzhou,peuterey sito ufficiale, when the nasal mucosa by external stimuli, above this will stimulate the nerve endings to the brain communicate. Brain issued instructions directing the face and chest cavity muscle contraction, in order to make a series of actions. For example, by cold stimuli, nasal swelling will then enter a "warm-up" state, through the respiratory tract after the "signal", after conducting a series of brain, a sneeze was born.

ENT Hospital of Nanjing Peng Zheng Jian, chief physician, said sneezing is the natural reflex behavior, no harm to the human body itself. But improper posture waist For people with underlying diseases that may cause disease.

Such a statement circulated on the Internet, instant air flow measuring sneezing,will arrive Juye coalfield Ho, about 41.7 m / s, equivalent to 15 wind typhoon center. People blink when sneezing, if you really can be opened, I am afraid that the eye would fall off.

Jia Jun said with a smile, there is not so much power do not know, but it does with great force. Sneezing when airflow from the lungs to the mouth and then the nose, along the neck, face, forehead sudden severe muscle contractions, plus join forces together, and all done in an instant, so the time to reach peak speed, Large forces.

Provincial Second Hospital orthopedic practitioners Baohua Zhu, director, sneezing moment, muscles are stretched to the limit, the elderly osteoporosis,. Lost due to fewer people, ribs, lumbar most fragile, easily injured.

Sneezing is a technology live

Prepare and maintain the best posture, indeed avoid injuries

Why do some earth-shattering sneeze, some very quiet?

Many people wonder why some people sneeze sounds great, earth-shattering,hogan interactive, but it is very small and some people sneeze sound of it?

Jia Jun said that the size and strength of the airflow of a great relationship. Intensity generated during muscle contraction different abdominal cavity, lungs and air flow rate of gas flow is different when exhaled, causing sneezing sound size differences. In general, the more developed muscles abdominal cavity, sneezing sound greater.

Why do people sneeze a dozen is a long list? Experts say that some people are particularly sensitive to the nasal mucosa or the nervous system, when subjected to external stimuli, sneezing will be more.

Simmering not fight,Zhangguo Bing will offer Rong, it will not cause the tympanic membrane?

There are a lot of female friends do not want to sneeze in public, abruptly stuck in the mouth and nose and sneezing. There is talk that, after this break out a cover, often in temporary tinnitus, because of low pressure air from the Eustachian tube in the eardrum into the room, sneeze pressure acting on the tympanic membrane of the ear canal, tympanic membrane will cause severe.

Peng Zheng Jian said, this situation is relatively small.

Jia Jun believes tympanic membrane is unlikely, because the eardrum,woolrich donna, although thin, very resilient, external pressure not sneeze caused simmering,peuterey outlet, not enough to cause perforation.

Wants to play, but not playing, how do?

Not easy to want to play, how to do?

To sneeze but not playing, how do? One theory is the most widely circulated look dazzling light. It is said that people's eyes and nose intuition subject to the same trigeminal nerve domination. Therefore, a strong defensive reaction to stimulate easily confused with, that the eyes from bright sunlight to enter the nasal mistaken for their stimulation, it is in the form of sneezing expel the foreign body.

However,Car fled to Wuhan, Jia Jun said that this argument is not mainstream. No authoritative view is that the nose can have a "delusion" to induce sneezing. Principle sneeze or something due to external stimuli, such as cold air, foreign bodies, leading to nasal emergency response.

There are kinds of argument that you can have the desire to sneeze before, by pushing people, lift the front of the tongue against the hard palate (the top row of teeth behind) the desire to relieve sneezing. Experts said that this is also more reliable. Currently suspected reflex control of a relationship, the specific mechanism is not clear. In particular, some pregnant women and patients after surgery, and inconvenient when sneezing, doctors often teach them this trick.

How to avoid injuries sneeze?

Due to sneeze with a certain degree of risk, so in order to avoid damage,woolrich outlet, there is no best position?

Some experts have suggested that sneezing best anti hips back straight. Some experts pointed nose itch to prepare better sitting than standing. Sneezing when standing, hands should hold the support,woolrich sito ufficiale, while the contraction of the neck and lower back muscles to control the body, good fight when sneezing impact ready, do not deliberately dumped the body.

Orthopedics Hospital of Nanjing Yin Wang, MD, director explained that this number has some truth,town government sent by Mr. W, life would back hurt a lot of little tricks, the rational use of the waist, can reduce the chance of injury, such as coughing, sneezing, hands clasped live waist, avoid Lumbar Spinal and bowed.

Accidents caused by sneezing


Is not to make you very unexpected

● car killed the elderly

Sneezing accident occurred because the driver is not uncommon.

March 12, 2009 morning, Shimou drove back to Shanghai from Zhejiang, the way he suddenly itchy nose, sneezed. He felt the car shaking a bit, as if hit something, did not find anything down and looked under, they drove off. A few hours later, Shimou was arrested after he finished the sneezing, the car killed one person.

Use a lot of power when you sneeze expelled gas, neck, face, forehead muscles are tighter,woolrich parka, eyes closed, then dominated orbicularis muscle contraction will be, people will not help to close your eyes.

Since not escape, then drove to sneeze at, how to deal with it? Traffic police said the first deceleration,woolrich outlet, promising direction and protect the steering wheel, this can reduce the probability of accidents. Also, try not to drive when cold.

● crashing retina

Second Hospital of Zhejiang Medical Fang Xiaoyun an ophthalmologist, said she had female patients,louboutin pas cher, was a teacher, 35 years old, high myopia. Spring, she took his son to go hiking, Maozhao Yao called big sneeze when his son take pictures, look at the results of the right eye becomes hazy, see, a check is a detached retina.

High myopia, retinal disease patients, the retina is thin, or have holes, sneezing, a sudden increase in intraocular pressure, retinal fell off.

● burst cerebrovascular

Zhejiang Medical School a brain surgeon, said there was a more than 60-year-old uncle, Hangzhou, suffering from high blood pressure. Family watching television, uncle played three sneeze,he would no longer recognize them,spaccio woolrich, especially the third ring, suddenly stiff left hand in the air, rolling his eyes, his brain aneurysm on a small broken blood vessels caused by cerebral hemorrhage.

Clinic frequently encountered on the toilet when the elderly hard bowel movement cerebrovascular things explode, but also too much force, and sneezing "similar."

● threatened abortion

Zhejiang FuBao doctor encountered several patients due to sneezing and threatened abortion. Sneezing make abdominal pressure, stimulate the uterus, resulting in signs of miscarriage in pregnant women. In addition, hospital outpatient in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women because of severe coughing let rip, emergency production examples.

● bursting lungs

Second Hospital of Zhejiang Medical Respiratory Medicine a doctor said there was a patient had pneumothorax, he said before he punched a very enjoyable sneeze. Doctors suspected that the lung bursting sneezing, and foreign literature there are such cases, sneezing played pneumothorax. According to City Express