Xiaojuan to beat red and Jeong

Miss Metropolis Times News Zuotai drug money,chaussures nike requin, extortion peers fail, the younger brother of fellow actually incite rape. So she did not think that she bunk Anhui,tn chaussures, due to insufficient funds to pay the fare, another brother was sent back to the police station Daye.

Extortion not instigate the younger sister of rape counterparts

The evening of July 13,chaussures tn pas cher, like drug Xiaojuan (a pseudonym) was invited to seventeen-year-old Pingmou,air max tn pas cher,, Jeong et al., To peer red (a pseudonym) to be introduced into a bath center Zuotai, got 1,000 yuan commissions grounds, the red tape to Qinglongshan park, ask for money to buy drugs. Threat to no avail, the exasperation of Xiaojuan 6 people will be brought to the town red in a hotel. In hotels, Xiaojuan to beat red and Jeong, who also ordered the red were beaten.

The next morning, Xiaojuan see money hopeless search for Jeong,chaussures nike tn, who said:. "The woman handed over to you, anyway, she is a young lady who sent me the money is not yet, then when I ask you to spend money whoring,spaccio hogan milano, and you like how to play on how to play. "Having turned away. To prevent red alarm,hogan, Xiaojuan also forcibly took away the red phone.

Subsequently,the public security organs Song and Lee captured two brothers. September 15,soldes air jordan, Jeong,we will lose the Qinghai Lake. If we continue to ignore the environment, Pingmou, Jo,four were ready to "dry a big vote,abercrombie pas cher," The boy did not say a word., who is not opposition has forced sexual relations with red occurred.

Anhui money to pay the fare to be a missing brother back to the police

Dongfeng Road police station after receiving the alarm, immediately launched an investigation. When the police are preparing to arrest Xiaojuan, Xiaojuan was a taxi to the police station.

Originally, Xiaojuan after leaving the hotel, knowing the police certainly should pay attention to her, he stopped a taxi ready to go to Anhui. Road,The investigation, Xiaojuan also she did tell the driver. Upon arrival,but ran to find Chiang theory, Anhui,air max femme pas cher, Xiaojuan with only tens of dollars, simply can not pay the fare. Finally,basket nike tn pas cher, the taxi driver will Xiaojuan sent to the Dongfeng Road police station.

After that, police also will participate in a cafe rape Jo captured. Awed by the pressure,Won the national blood donation dedication Gold, the other four people have surrendered. October 24, the last one involving suspects Yang gave himself up, police criminal detention.

Currently, previously appearing in court Jeong, Pingmou, Jo, five men were arrested on suspicion of rape,scarpe hogan, as a woman police Xiaojuan also be arrested for rape.

Reporter correspondent Hu Kai million new strong