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This year, over the frequency burst bank card was "fraudulent" event. Especially in the last year, the bank in themselves, but the money card "miracle" stolen camel brush, brush or even stolen in the field - which in the end is how it happened?

Recently, the reporter found a "bank card copy Kit" sold openly on the Internet, this "replicator" is a bank card stolen brushes of the most important "behind"! Reporter was removed several times, some of the links in the online selling of bank card duplicator seller, opened a "bank kamo name stolen brush" insider -

Which possession seller

Hiding Forum lowest asking price 8000 yuan

Because "the bank card replicator" frequently by the media exposure, now online search for "bank card replicator" has been difficult to find sellers of links; but reporters found that, for a keyword search for "bank card decoder" on the Internet immediately jumped out of many to "×× science and technology", "×× software" in the name of the website.

These sites are also very "cunning", mostly hiding place in the BBS forum or a portal posted it. As a hotline forum hidden in Chongqing's "×× Software" tell their customers:! "×× if it does not open the page, click on 'snapshots', or to find other forums to provide our long-term bank card password decoding Software, miniature camera ...... "

Open these sites, the reporter saw a dense arrangement of a plurality of pages of information about bank card copying machines. At the same time, the site also lists recent brush around the bank card theft case, in order to prove their products are selling genuine.

Reporters on the website by the seller to leave contact information,"Article 63, and one of the 10 one by one to contact the seller, both immediate reply. Moreover, this 10 sellers are claiming their products produced in Taiwan, technically absolutely reliable.

In order to retain reporters the deal, and even the price sellers' bank card copy Kit "device down to 8,000 yuan from 12,000 yuan. There seller told reporters:. "I this is the lowest price, and then lower it is not guaranteed to Taiwan over the product of the"

How to trade

First mailed copy lets buyers 'inspection'

A self-proclaimed electronics company boss told reporters that his store in Shenzhen. He said, "the bank card replicator" package mainly by acquisition, copying,nike air max tn pas cher, and micro-camera composition, "a total of 9,500 yuan, in addition to giving 20 blank bank card, so you 'Copy' time use."

Talked about how to trade,provoke fatal disaster. It is alleged that on July 10, the boss said: "I give you an account, you pay a 20% money, I put the bank card replicator mailed to you then you use a blank copy of a bank card duplicator own bank card, go. ATM withdrawals try. If successful, that I did not lie to you, you put the rest of the money to me, I then collection, miniature cameras to give you. "

In order to prove their products' quality assurance, "the boss went on to say:"! Something is definitely easy to use, I have not sold so many problems, it is impossible to you have a problem! "Finally, the Boss also earnestness "advise" reporters, something not too expensive, good quality and most importantly, "you 'do' once earned back, but also care that ten thousand dollars it?"

How fraudulent

Copy a bank card two minutes to get

So, buyers buy "bank card replicator", how to steal someone else's bank card to brush it? Individual sellers have said the package will package. After some Ruanmoyingpao a store from Shanghai, told reporters, "the bank card replicator 'use. He told reporters, in fact copy a bank card at most only two minutes can get.

Collector sets stolen card slot opening

The store said he sold "bank card Duplicator" product suite also from Taiwan, the price is 8700 yuan a set. "Within the real estate there, I'll sell you 7,500 yuan,he seriously injured his son, but the quality is not guaranteed!"

Subsequently, the seller simply start professor: "first collector apart, mounted on the inside of preconfigured good bayonet and then directly to the bayonet sleeve teller machines at the mouth of the card so that all bank card as long as after this. Bayonet, will record the information in the card inside the collector. bankcard there are three-track magnetic stripe information, which is the second track memory card. As long as these three track information is copied to a blank bank card through the computer software , the bank card was copied. "

"In the card slot, the card will not affect the others do?" A reporter's question. "No,woolrich online, we are 'slim invisible collection sheet'."

Installing miniature cameras to steal passwords

Only card number, no password does not work, the seller said: "After the ATM machine in the original bayonet replaced, also installed a miniature video camera, so that combined with the use,abercrombie homme, acquisition record bank card,giubbino moncler, bank card, the camera photographed password, put the card number and password have got! The input collected information into the computer, and then use the bank card replicator, you can clone a bank card. Simple, right, copy a bank card, two minutes on can get., debit cards can be copied! "

Store credit card machine can steal card numbers

Sellers also told reporters that in addition to the ATM machine, a number of restaurants, shops credit card machine was installed on the collection, but also steal people's credit card number.

When a reporter asked how the restaurant POS machines installed collector, the owner said only buy products after telling methods. "Anyway, POS machines installed collector is hidden, most people simply do not come out!" Finally, the seller also "meticulous" reminded reporters: "Do not go to the big cities best 'to do', cities monitored more perfect,air max 1 pas cher homme, is not easy get out! "

Fraudulent process

(According to the online "replicator" Sales staff said)

An installation of equipment

The collection is housed in the card slot of the ATM machine, install a tiny camera near the cash machine.

2 receives information

If a person with a bank card in the ATM transaction logger will record the information, and to a computer.

3 decoding information

Will receive the bank card information through a special software interpret it.

4 Copy the new card

Original bank card information by bank card Duplicator "written" into the blank card, creating a brand new bank card.

5 cash

Before using a bank card depositors again, as soon as possible with a copy card to withdraw cash at an ATM machine.

Lawyers say

Simple "Bank Card Duplicator" buyers and sellers are breaking the law

Copy fraudulent bank card cash, many such cases, Lawyer Ding Zhi has represented the Yellow-related cases. He told reporters, in fact, the sale of "bank card copying device" both alleged crime: the buyer is to use "bank card copying" on someone else's bank card forgery, fraudulent cash and thus constitutes a bank card fraud; for his fraudulent seller criminal behavior provides cash assistance and convenience, credit card fraud belong to an accomplice.

Sales did not cause fraud only administrative penalties

Yellow Sea Chi further explained that, generally speaking, if the "bank card replicator" is a versatile addition to copy bank cards, but also to copy the hotel room card or number of units of access cards, and that the public sale of the site is currently permitted by law a. However, if the site sells "bank card Duplicator" single function, and that it is subject to strict trading restrictions, banks and other formal financial institutions approved by the central bank only have this qualification, but must also be sold to formal financial institutions, other units and individuals have no right to private sales, but will be allowed to manufacture bank cards.

From the perspective of the situation reporter unannounced visits, some websites sell only features a single "bank card replicator", incidentally,hogan uomo prezzi, also secretly selling blank bank card itself is illegal, but under the current law, if only sales (not caused by credit card fraud), you can only be given administrative punishment.

Once the purchaser may use the "bank card replicator" Copy public bank card,nike tn requin, wantonly fraudulent cash, causing heavy losses to the public, and that the liability will increase.

Once the "shot" should report the loss immediately

Then,, once a small number of people lying "in the gun",abercrombie france, how to do? Yellow Sea Chi recommended that once the name of a bank card stolen brush occur for no apparent reason, the first step is to quickly report the loss to the bank or the freezing of accounts,woolrich prezzi, and then to the police. Clearing some time between merchants and banks, usually to prevent the transfer of funds on the account, the maximum extent possible to reduce losses.

People stuck in different places relatively easy to recover stolen brushes

For the general public, if their bank cards stolen brush, banks should be able to return money? In this regard, the Yellow sees it, people can brush to the bank to recover stolen money to specific conditions.

If the people who can prove that the card was in the local nor the password leak, but money stolen brushes in different places, and that banks should bear the primary responsibility,air jordan pas cher femme,11 o'clock last night, the public can recover most of the money. If the public once the password leaks, it assumed responsibility for the bank to be smaller. If fraudulent locally, whether the password leaks, etc. On the evidence is more complex.

Yellow Sea Chi reminded the public that we must take good care of the bank card account numbers and passwords, especially passwords, do not arbitrarily leakage. For the banks, but also to strengthen supervision, bank card electronic signature save people's attention when the card for the audit; for commercial tenants, you should carefully check the signature bank card, otherwise,namely a knife threat to justice, resulting in the loss of the public,the second turn of the 1900 yuan transfers, businesses also To take responsibility.

He also suggested that the police and network supervision departments to strengthen supervision, timely blow bootleg "bank card copying" on the website.

Bank cautions

The best time to do the opening of bank card SMS tips

If you receive an "off-site to be brushed" SMS immediately find the nearest network card forensics

Faced with this "high tech" Pirates of the brush, the general public how to do it? Bank card business unit manager, told reporters that deal with this fraudulent is not no way -

Into the self-service banking should "lose the password?" Heads up

When you need to enter the self-service banking via credit card, bank card normally after the door is automatically opened, but if this time requires you to "Enter Password" to the door, there is a problem - it is the criminals have bank card copy is set in the front of the card reader, if you are required to enter a password, the Replicator will record your card number and password. So, you have to keep in mind one thing: access control system into the self-service banking do not need to enter your bank card password. In case of requiring a password to enter,but then I did not expect a dog bites a person, should be reported immediately.

Set spending limit may reduce accident losses

Cardholder best to set spending limit, set the number of bank card spending limit and a daily limit on the amount of each transaction, so that the loss will be minimized as much as possible, do not be a lot of money saved as demand deposits.

Do not let the credit card out of sight range, credit card number when you pay attention to the cashier's credit card spending. Various types of financial documents after the transaction should be properly kept or completely destroyed.

The best time to do card launched SMS tips

In case of bank card stolen brushes how to do? The official said that the cardholder at the time to do card, it is best to open credit card message prompt, the user will receive a text message that is encountered credit card. In addition, when the cardholder to enter a password, you can hand the keys blocking fingers to prevent passwords being watched; meanwhile, if you are in some small businesses,nike requin pas cher, small hotel a credit card or credit card to swipe at other places safety concerns can also be quickly modified transaction password after the transaction is completed, you can burglar brush. Because, although criminals can copy your card, but do not know your transaction password, also can not fraudulent.

Credit card transaction can be found nearby for evidence

If the bank SMS cue card was fraudulent in the field, in order to prove they're not in the field, the cardholder may be in the shortest possible time, immediately to a nearby bank to get a little money, or to the nearby brush can place a credit card, so Bank card holders can confirm their own hands. After both the alarm, a lawsuit has the evidence, the bank will not be able to shirk responsibility. According to the Yangtze Evening News