Zhang found via GPS locator car parked position

Post reporter Chen Fang,giubbotti woolrich

Correspondent Sun Yi Cao small aircraft

Buick Regal sedan own mortgage loan to someone else after repeated afterwards to find ways to get back to the car, and mortgaged to other victims, Zhang used this trick to cheat the three victims 233,000 yuan.

Court of First Instance sentenced for fraud Zhang sentenced to 5 years imprisonment and fined 5,early in 2012,000 yuan. Zhang appealed. After review of the second branch of the Shanghai Municipal People's Procuratorate that the facts are clear,giubbotti woolrich, the evidence is conclusive, the court rejected the appeal upheld.

October 2010, Zhang Yemou through acquaintances to borrow 165,70-year-old,000 yuan, and promised to pay 8000 yuan Yemou "commission",a person if they are strong enough,moncler donna, while the Buick to Yemou as collateral.

In December, the two sides once again Protocol: Zhang Buick sedan with 250,000 yuan sold to Yemou, and to offset part of the borrower, but the two sides did not apply for the transfer of motor vehicle registration and other related procedures.

January 17, 2011, Zhang Yemou initiative to find excuses to deceive vehicle driving license. That night, Zhang came Yemou residence,moncler sito ufficiale, and got a towing company. He pretended to forget the keys in the car, but it can provide invoices and purchase of vehicles driving license and other documents to prove their identity owners. Towing companies do not suspect fraud,B0zG4f2qQr,moncler milano, according to his request to the car towed away. Although Yemou afterwards the police, but because the car did not handle the transfer registration,peuterey outlet, driving license has also been cheated Zhang,,moncler donna, last only as a general civil disputes.

Since December 2010,spaccio woolrich, Zhang Youyi himself from the car rental company borrowed a Honda sedan and a computer,, two mobile phones as collateral,● Reporter intern Wu Xin Qing Yongfeng alum Huang Lifang, the borrower has to Sohn totaling 86,000 yuan. Meanwhile, he is committed to high interest 3,000 yuan a month in return.

January of this year, again in exchange for his Honda car stolen back from Yemou Buick car and returned to the car rental company. But when the delivery car,hogan interactive, but he lost to spare car keys as an excuse to just give Sohn a car key.

After the March 3, 2011, Zhang found via GPS locator car parked position,louboutin soldes, want to use the spare key to drive away. Sohn relatives found, quickly stopped him and called Sohn. The two sides at loggerheads over the final alarm. But with Yemou same,iAzT937FcI, although Zhang has made the car mortgaged to Sohn's verbal commitment, but the two sides no written contract, but did not apply for any mortgage registration, while the motor vehicle license and registration certificate is also still says Zhang a name. Finally, he will only let the car drove away.

In the same year in May, Zhang old trick, but fraudulently Zengmou 20,000 yuan by the same means. After Zengmou alarm, the police investigation found passed,abercrombie outlet, the owner Zhang has repeatedly adopted this approach,parka woolrich, cheat others after the trust loan, mortgage procedures again incomplete vehicles to steal back a major crime suspects. Subsequently, the police will arrest him for fraud.