he has worn the five gloves

& Gt; & gt; origin

An old man

Once fell fracture

November 5 in the afternoon, this reporter went to Greenfields Sifang Huayuan district, the district in the southeast corner of the iron door,women do not forget the "pull,peuterey outlet milano, is one of about 20 meters and a width of one meter of road, cul-de-leading Northridge Forest Park, uphill section with a plain but heavy stones and cement neatly ascent of 30 steps. While the first one in the world had a heavy rain,in December 2008, but the slope of the stone road is very clean and smooth.

This is Dong Zihai own stone road repair. This year 55-year-old after retirement in the district operates a milk station, because there are elderly people often see the mountains fall,piumino moncler, he sprouted the idea of ​​his own road. "Come with me to live in the same building of an old man once fell fracture over." He said the road is mainly for the convenience of residents down the mountain.

Reporters saw this path,the suspect Qu Dong, though not long, but it is within the district residents only way uphill workout. At the same time, this path is leading to Pingxiang Road residents within the district, a convenient way Yiyang Road market.

& Gt; & gt; Action

Find stone masonry stairs

Bruised finger

"This year, two days before the start of the Chung Yeung Festival road." said roads with stones in the mountains to find relatively large,the police online comparison and found the alleged murder together, flat stones, in order to move these rocks,peuterey outlet milano, indeed, he suffered a lot . "Every day can only repair fifty-six order,spaccio woolrich, and then find a stone,piumino moncler, a stone." Dongzi Hai said that five of the world,When the morning of June 8, he has worn the five gloves, a day on average, scarred fingers are worn.

"These stones are quite sturdy, paved with cement block after a puzzle, is not easy to loose." said, in order to keep down the mountain every day to knock down old child stumble,hollister pas cher, he continuous rush five days, and finally completed the project. In order to meet deadlines, the Chung Yeung Festival day, Dong Zihai failed to take time out to visit more than 90-year-old grandmother.

"Lord on the day, the middle stop,peuterey outlet,wheat heroes and Chan Wai-man, one is afraid of stones hinder people down the mountain,abercrombie soldes, on the other hand tools are also relatively heavy, moving back and forth quite time-consuming." Dongzi Hai said. Intermediate days,tn pas cher, he did not attend to even eat lunch, was the daughter said several times. "In addition worried that I do not eat lunch,★ Recommended reason,scarpe hogan,police received a clue, my daughter is still very supportive of me." Lao Dong said,peuterey prezzi, smiling.

& Gt; & gt; sound

"Down the mountain

Then fell afraid "

"This road repair too convenient, after falling down the mountain no longer have to be afraid of." The district Miss Jia Building 4 happily said.

"Thanks to the master director, or do not know when to have a strong road strip it." Are an old man down from the mountain, said she and her husband have to go twice a day from here,woolrich roma, down the mountain to be frightened ago Now not only is good to go, down the mountain and more save time.

Listen to praise the district residents, Dong Zihai seemed more shy. "Road when there are a lot of people to help me do." said there was an old man in the community every day to help him put two buckets of water, and his neighbor Mr. Huang also help him in the mountains to find the right stones. "Just like the old man down the mountain convenient." Dongzi Hai said with a smile.

(Original title: Xiu a glove worn five on the mountain)