Two Women "co" a husband

Wife filed yesterday to bigamy to the Sanshui court proceedings that man how to get a marriage license cited two legal questions

Sanshui newspaper (Reporter Bo photo coverage) 24-year-old woman Su Mouheng Sanshui can not imagine how to get along with their up to 5 years old husband Chen Mouzhong even as early as nine years ago,fedi tiffany, has a wife and children.

Yesterday, already pregnant nine months of Su Mouheng entrust their sister accepted the media interview. Su's a feeling so strange is that in the end how to get married Chen Mouzhong Leping Town, Sanshui District marriage certificate issued by their questioning.

Another party Sanshui court yesterday her husband have traveled to bigamy intervention is directed at Su Mouheng their marriage, claiming that the two men had known at the time for marriage facts Chen Mouzhong marriage. The Sanshui District Civil Affairs Bureau responded that the civil affairs department in accordance with procedures to apply for such a party a false declaration is not responsible for government departments but borne by the parties.

Strange: Two Women "co" a husband

Yesterday morning, the reporter saw Su Mouheng sister Su Mouping. She told reporters that her sister in 2004 to work at a hardware store in Shenzhen to recognize Chenmou Zhong, Chen often due to their store shopping, they become familiar. Four years later, the two established a relationship.

said his sister in Shenzhen, and Chen in Sanshui, they can only see two to three times a month face, but as time increases, the two emotions has also been further developed. October 16,outlet hogan firenze, 2009, they went to the registration of marriage District Leping Town,Xiu Mo servant bully Lianbing agricultural shine, Sanshui thereafter received a birth certificate issued by the health department.

Two months later, Su Mouheng discovered she was pregnant, they immediately near the commercial city of Sanshui rental housing. Since then, Chen told his wife that he received the decoration of work to do during the day and at night to bar work. This day until the 16th of this month, a sudden call will Sumou Heng quiet life disrupted,you alarm it,comprare woolrich online, this time, Su Mouheng have cherished nine months pregnant.

That night, when Chen was a shower, a woman hit Chen's phone. After answer the phone, the person asking who she was. said he was wife, did not expect the other side cried: "! I is his wife."

After his wife -

Five people who had another husband pillow

"This phone his sister scared Mongolia!" Sumou Ping told reporters that night, my sister event in order to clarify the reason, immediately called on Chen Mouzhong with the other woman meet in Sanshui meet. They meet after that, the other named Fan Mouzhen, 37 years old,he bought a few hundred dollars a cheating device, Guangxi. And Su Mouheng as Fanmou Zhen Chen Mouzhong also took out her marriage certificate. At this time,woolrich donna outlet, knew that bad, pretending to slip away after going to the toilet, after the shutdown missing. Su Mouheng knew, along with their 5-year-old husband as early as nine years ago, has a wife and children.

Let dumbfounding is that the marriage farce under the deal, which lasted for many years after that he was not aware of. Two in the conversation that day, said Chen Su Mouheng pick decoration for the living, the actual in Fan Mouzhen home. Chen said on the Fan Mouzhen bar to go to work at night into the early hours,bracciale con cuore tiffany, is actually in Su Mouheng home.

Scam has been so sustained, from 2004 to date has been as long as five years time.

His ex-wife -

"I'm the biggest victim"

16:00 the same day,outlet woolrich bologna cadriano, the reporter in Sanshui District Court filing hall scene saw another female party Fan Mouzhen, which said it would sue her husband Chen Mouzhong bigamy. However, Su Mouheng said everything, Fan Mouzhen categorically denied: " long before they go to the registration of marriage knew I was wife."

Fanmou Zhen told reporters, as early as 2009, when the Spring Festival and in October the same year, Ms on and his mother come to "investigate" themselves, acknowledge yourself in the end is not Chen Mouzhong wife. At that time she made it clear that for them,, their own as early as in 2001 and Chen Mouzhong married and had a son, but they did not believe her, because at that time Chen Mouzhong holding a written "unmarried,all this age," the booklet, so regardless of their own how to say Su Mouheng refused to believe it. June 16 this year, Chen Mouzhong bigamy behavior brought to light.

Fan Mouzhen said that,hogan scarpe outlet, not only to prosecute her husband of bigamy, will continue to ask for compensation for housing and money.

Question: marriage certificate, birth certificate is issued how?

Has allowed and can not want to understand is that since many years ago has a wife, why can also obtain a legal marriage certificate and birth zhunshengzheng member yet?

In provided to the reporter of the marriage certificate and the birth of the first child registration form, the reporter saw the signature of all the places are covered with Leping Town, Sanshui district government and town domicile deep Guangdong Taishan City government official, In these applications the marital status of a column, Chen Mouzhong are filled first marriage. In addition,,moncler jacken, the booklet Chen Mouzhong provided screamed "unmarried" word.

Let Su Mouheng overwhelmed yes, now she was pregnant nine months, while her husband but broke bigamy, the health department decided to withdraw the birth certificate.

Someone M: "Sitting in jail is not my thing,peuterey torino."

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter has repeatedly calling party Chenmou Zhong, Su Mouheng pregnant for nine months and has been a big thing,hogan bergamo, Chenmou Zhong said, "will the child was born."

Why and for the registration of marriage and two women know that this is bigamy, Chen did not answer, except to say whether they want to "go to jail",a pseudonym, that is his business, later. Subsequently, he was at work did not empty the grounds, then contact the reporters late hung up the phone.

Civil Affairs: false information furnished parties at your own risk

Sanshui District Civil Affairs Unit grassroots political power, told reporters, "What is the responsibility of the civil affairs department in this matter does not exist!" He said, as long as the parties to produce their identity cards, residence booklet, statement and other information is available,after 30 hours, the Civil Administration can be registered. Fill both sides of the marriage "to apply for marriage registration statement" on special marked his words, "any false personal liability."

For parties questioned the civil affairs department did not do the verification of the post, Chen explained, Guangdong Province,outlet moncler online italia, from January 2005 the province began networking, married in 2005 after the case can be found,hogan uomo 2014, Chen was married in 2001, the relevant information may no input into the document can not be accessible.